Americans have allowed the insurance companies to dictate their medical needs and the insurance companies have been playing God with our lives ever since. Due to government programs like allowing illegals to have free health care, the health care system in this country is broke. Americans are being blamed and through the new reforms, punished. But it is the government that is to blame. Fat cat politicians taking bribes in the form of contributions, by lobbyist and pharmaceutical companies should carry the bulk of the blame.
Every program taken over by the government sector becomes bloated, and wasteful. It isn't the people who drive up the cost but the over charging by medical professionals through Medicaid, doctors and hospitals over charging those who do have insurance as a way to recoup money lost by those patients who can't pay and politicians who pork out funding bills.
It is like a dog chasing it's tail. People need health care, but they can't afford it. The doctor offices won't take payments so they go to the hospital emergency rooms. They can't pay so the hospital gets stuck with a bill, which is probably inflated to begin with, in an attempt to recoup money lost by others who couldn't pay. Forget dentist. That is a luxury item for most Americans.
Government funded programs are slow to pay or don't pay if there is any technicality in the submission of the program forms. So the provider loses again, and the people lose the most.
However, with all the ills in America's health system, it is still better than what you find in other countries.
We hear the Canadians and British horror stories of rationed health care. Is that what you want for your loved ones?
My daughter is currently in the Philippines as a missionary. The island she is on has no doctor so the missionaries use a book Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook
"...most of the well-trained doctors in the Philippines are serving government hospitals. What differs the Philippine government hospitals from the Philippine private hospitals is simply the facilities. Most of the public hospitals in the Philippines are not equipped with the latest technologies in medicine. But then, most Filipinos seek for advice from these government hospitals because charges are not implemented." -- Health Care in the Philippines
Notice the government hospitals have the least to offer in technologies. What happened to the open end check book of the government? You would think a government run anything would have the best. If the politicians kept their fingers out of the cookie jar, perhaps it would.