Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Keeping Silent Keeps You Trapped

While searching for pictures of old Nazi Germany several years ago, I stumbled across an image of a German train depot where a sign had been posted stating "What is good for Germany is good for Germans" A blatant piece of propaganda. I wish I had saved the photo because I have not been able to find the old black and white again.

In today's climate, keeping quiet is politically correct. Voicing an opinion other than complete allegiance for assine policies will get you labeled as "fringe element" and "unAmerican". Even the White House jumped on the band wagon with their "snitch on your neighbor" program where people were asked to send reports when they found people or postings about not supporting Obamacare. Classic Nazi tactics.

About the only medium we have left are the Townhall Meetings since having to get a permit to protest now, since Bush expanded Free Speech Zones, usually results in few meaningful locations.

Check with your local Tea Party websites as they keep up to date listing of local Townhall meetings.

If you are on Facebook, search the 350 Tea Party groups and join one. Search the web for Tea Party organizations and get involved. There is strength in numbers, don't go it alone.

A major event coming up is a march on Washington D.C. planned for Sept 12, 2009. Visit the 1776 Tea Party website for more information.

If you are in the military or in law enforcement, join Oath Keepers and get involved in the state chapters.

It is time we helped ourselves because relying on the government has proven to be detrimental to our Freedoms.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - John F. Kennedy

Do your own research and make sure you support business that support America and the Constitution. Over 60,000,000 people have canceled their memberships with AARP. Have you, if you have one?


Call 1-800-424-3410
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET.

Write AARP at
601 E. Street NW
Washington, DC

Do you support businesses that work against your 2nd Amendment protections? Check out David Codrea's blog "Are you doing business with anti-gun companies?"

Raise your voices loud and clear, "We want our country back and we will not shut up until we have it!"

Remember, 2010 is an election year for 1/3 of the senate and 1/2 of the house of representatives. Send Congress a message: The People, the voting taxpayers, are in charge!

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Not Riding This Dead Horse Anymore

Over the past several months, the news has been full of racial finger pointing towards Whites.

Because of the Birth Certificate movement, now referred to as "Birthers", all Whites who want to see proof of a Natural Born Citizen as required by the Constitution, have been categorically labeled "racist".

Wanting the see the proof of the right to be President, in light of the ever increasing LACK of proof, has got to be ONLY a racist maneuver to oust "in everything but the word" Socialist, Barack Obama.

There can't possibly be any connection to wanting adherence to the United States Constitution, after all, that document hasn't been followed closely for decades!

So, how do the other ethic groups get labeled? Are they racist as too?

"We Americans...if it takes fifty years....will not let this matter rest." -- Dr. James Manning, "Joe Biden Exposes Obama"

"Obama is a radical Communist." -- Allen Keys, Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist

Then enter the immature response of a Harvard professor, Gates. The most foul and racist sputum in public came forth from this man's mouth, when he felt disrespected by a White police office attempting to protect his property.

If Mr. Gates has need to call the police in the future, and if I were a police officer in that area, it's be a cold day in hell before I responded.

All of Obama's buddies and mentors appear to have been some of the most radical, racist in America, however it is the Whites who get the label because they don't like Obama's attempt to turn America into a Socialist, atheistic state.

Well, Mr. O, it wasn't YOUR ancestors who fought for the RIGHT to be Americans in 1776. It wasn't YOUR ancestors who gave all of us freedom from the oppression of King George.

You have more or less disavowed your White side, not wanting to been seen as what you truly are, a Bi-racial or a Mulatto, but only as a Black. Are you not proud of your mother? Your Kenyan birth and roots?

A real man would come forth and claim his heritage...all of it. But not you Mr. O, you have an agenda: Covert Reparations.

How much hatred you must hide underneath that calm, cool exterior. It's a wonder you don't have ulcers.

So, a most radical, racist and ineligible man sits in the highest office in America, above the Constitution from day one, and all of America who want to see the proof of his right to be there are now called RACIST, for doing so.

I, for one am tired of riding that dead horse and will do so no longer. I'd rather be on the side of protecting America from the monster in the Oval Office than to be a politically correct wimp.