There is just nothing better than to see a field of bluebonnets in the spring. Usually there are Indian Paintbrushes springing up here and there as well.
The photo above was taken by Pat Kominczak of The StringBenders just a week ago. Isn't it just a beautiful sight! A Texas longhorn munching on bluebonnets....both symbols of Texas.
There has been allot of talk in Texas lately of secession, due to the aggressive encroachment on the rights of Texas at the state level by an ever revealing socialistic administration. Governor Perry has come out saying secession is not the first choice but it is on the table of options.
"We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot." -- Gov. rick Perry
If he will put the vote to the people, he would be surprised to find a majority of Texans would support that option.
What would secession mean for Texas?
In a word: Freedom
In another word: Liberty
By and large, Texas is a Christian faith state. You may not believe that by talking to city dwellers, but get into the rural parts of Texas and you will find a great many people not afraid to let you know, Christ is their Saviour.
These aren't what most folks would refer to as Bible-thumpers, they may not even go to church every Sunday, but they have a strong faith just the same.
These people would rather see Texas as a state in the USA because they have a sense of loyalty to America, but that loyalty is to a free America, not a socialistic America. If the rest of the USA doesn't mind going down the road to socialism, well, Texans won't go with them.
The error is in the assumption that the General Government is a party to the constitutional compact. The States … formed the compact, acting as sovereign and independent communities. – John C. Calhoun
If the choice is Freedom or Socialism, hands down, Texans will vote to secede.
How can I be so sure? Because I live here, in Houston. I talk with the average joe blow every day. I hear what folks are whispering.
Texans are a fiercely independent bunch of people, out-spoken and direct with their opinions,they'll help anyone but they don't like being told who to help and when to help.
If Texas were to secede, there would be no more Federal Income Tax, we'd get rid of the IRS with a snap of the fingers, or with that one vote. That alone would put more money in the pockets of Texans, and more money in the economy.
Companies would be more likely to keep their manufacturing jobs here than sending them overseas because we are smart enough to create incentives for doing just that. And on a personal note (Governor Perry, are you reading this?) companies that send their jobs overseas should be taxed higher than companies which create jobs in Texas.
Texas has it's own electrical power grid, we have cattle, sheep and goats, cotton and grain, rice, natural gas, oil (Conoco-Phillips, Exxon-Mobil, Halliburton, Valero, and Marathon Oil), shipping, fishing, medical research, NASA, technologies (Dell, Inc., Texas Instruments, Perot Systems, AT&T, and Electronic Data Systems (EDS), solar power and it looks as though Texas will have great potential in the field of biofuels as well.
Texas leaving a socialist America is a no brainer for Texans, and I could see why Washington DC would not let Texas go without a fight. It could be 1861 all over again.
"We do heartily accept this doctrine, believing it intrinsically sound, beneficent, and one that, universally accepted, is calculated to prevent the shedding of seas of human blood. And, if it justified the secession from the British Empire of Three Millions of colonists in 1776, we do not see why it would not justify the secession of Five Millions of Southrons from the Federal Union in 1861." - The New-York Daily Tribune, December 17, 1860
One major difference is today, any prevention to Texas by Washington DC would be viewed by the entire world, thanks to the Internet. (I was going to write "the news media" but they seldom report the truth any more. Just look at how they non-reported the recent Tea Parties across America.) And US supported Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia in February 2008, so the whole world would be watching to see how the administration would treat Texas declaring it's independence...again.
In a recent news article, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University stated Texas no longer had the right of secession due to having signed a document '...that renounced the original secession." This supposedly happened at the end of the Civil War in Texas as Texas was being brought back into the Union.
First, Texas was in the process of dissolving its relationship with the United States prior to the Civil War. When the war was over, Texas being made to sign any document in order to rejoin the Union would be considered "under duress" and arguable as unenforceable by any law student.
Texas would have been happy to not have been brought back into the Union so Texas signed that document at gun point and was brought back to Lincoln as a prize, a spoil of the War.
Truth be told these many long years, Texas could be described as an occupied nation since 1865.
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