From the Huffington Post:
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He sounds as though he is trying to make Texans afraid of the idea of secession, but if you listen again, I think he and others are the ones really fearful.
Since I could less about the sports issues he brought up, I won't address it. Someone else can do that.
All Texas would need to do is institute a 5% tax on goods and services crossing the border. Businesses in Texas, hiring Texans and keeping their jobs in Texas would be tax exempt.
Texas imports for 2005 (latest year I found) were $235,512,947,993.
"Last year, Texas exported more than $117 billion in products, 14.3% of total U.S. exports. Over the 1999-2004 Texas was the 20th fastest growing U.S. export state, posting a 7.1% annual growth rate.
On a per capita basis, Texas is the third most prolific exporting state--and despite significant population increases, the state increased its per capita exports over the period. In 2004, Texas firms exported over $5,200 per resident." -- 2005 Texas Exporters Resource Guide, Pg 8
Tax Exempt? How many companies would love to be headquartered where they didn't have to pay taxes? Think of the money for Research and Development? Medical research...scientific research...any research?
How many countries have embassies or consular offices in Texas?
Texas wouldn't need an Army as we would vote to do what the Swiss used to do, arm every citizen and each should maintain a month supply of ammo. We'd have the safest territory in the North American continent.
Once Texians are no longer feeding the Federal Reserve beast, they would have more money to pay off their bills and their homes, so there wouldn't be a drain on the nation. And since we would focus on personal responsibility, if you don't work, you don't eat and all the free loaders would go back to the US. If one were truly needy and unable to work due to physical or mental obstacles, the Church would be called upon to fulfill it's mandate by Christ to care for these people or there would be Charities..but there would not be government welfare.
See Your Life in the republic of Texas vs. Your life in THE STATE OF TEXAS/UNITED STATES
Now as for whether Texas can secede...the obvious answer is YES!
"The Congressional Records of both the Congress of the United States and Congress of the republic of Texas, between 1837 and 1845, show that there had been several attempts to bring Texas into a union with the United States; but due to the aggressive stances of several senators and congressmen, such as John Quincy Adams, they were able to prove on the U.S. Congressional Record that it would be unconstitutional for the United States to annex the Texas Nation or any other foreign nation without proper ratification of an amendment to the Constitution to allow for such annexation. But on February 27, 1845, the Senate of the United States usurped its authority under the U.S. Constitution and started the unlawful process to annex Texas, a foreign Nation. This usurpation of authority lacked any lawful foundation under International Law, Law of Nations and the United States Constitution. The U.S. senate was unable to muster enough votes to pass an unlawful treaty; so they proceeded to unlawfully annex the Texas Nation with a so-called joint resolution. There is a big difference between a Treaty and a Resolution. There has never been a lawful Treaty of Annexation between the united States of America and the republic of Texas. The records of these congressional proceedings during 1845 and early 1846 are quite explicit, with documented facts showing the unlawful annexation." -- Ed Brannum, A Nation Standing Under God is Re-Born
The truth is that once Texians got over the shock of actually being free from the socialistic nation they have been brainwashed into thinking was theirs, they will flourish and began to recreate the golden years of American prosperity.
Texas has everything going for it and we do NOT need Washington, D.C., Washington D.C. needs Texas.
THE BIGGEST IDIOT OF ALL TIME. He is so scared that of Texas and all their money leaving he spends 5 minutes trying to talk us out of it. Ha HA HA. He talks about all the big government we will need to start up. Again he doesnt get it. We dont want big government. Thats why were leaving. And as for all those so called jobs he thinks we will be losing. When we implement a 0% corporate tax rate, all the US companies will move here and leave the democratic states reeling. As for the border and influx of mexicans. Yeah, thats why we will finish the wall the usa wont finish. So much for his hopeful projections of a white minority. This guys has all the socialist answers but none of the common sense answers.