Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Salute to the Dixie Chicks

In 2003 America came unglued on these women because they dared to not stand behind the current president, George W. Bush, and the war.

We now understand the basis for this war, the justification for this war, no matter how worthy it seems in hindsight, was all lies. We went to war on lies and faulty, whether purposefully or not, intelligence.

The Dixie Chicks later apologized for their remark about the president but not about their stance on the war.

At the time, one of their songs, "Travelin' Soldier" was #1 but quickly disappeared.

Natalie Maines, the firecracker in the group, didn't care for Toby Keith's hot song, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)",and stated as much, going so far as to wear a t-shirt with the acronym "F.U.T.K.". This led to more friction for the girls.

DixieChicks frequently asked questions page; http://dixiechicksfaq.homestead.com/files/index.htm

These are Texas women and most Texas women are outspoken although some are more slick about it, stating their opinions in a way that are not too offensive to some. We all say we are sick and tired in living in a "politically correct" environment where we have to constantly worry about hurting some one's feelings, yet we blasted them for offending our sense of political correctness.

Not all of us though, as a great many quietly agreed with Natalie on her views. And while we loved Toby's song because it captured the feelings across the nation, he wasn't concerned as to the WHO really initiated the attack on 9/11...only that we go whip some butt...open up a can of "Texas Whup-ass" on someone, anyone...like a gigantic bar-room brawl. And we all said "hell yeah!"

Now we have a president who cares NOTHING for the principles and values of America (based on his actions). He only gives lip-service to the Constitution, having violated it the second he accepted the nomination for president, knowing full well he was not qualified to even throw his hat in the ring. I say this in the tone that he isn't qualified and he knows it since, based on his actions, he has spent a great deal of time, effort and money into sealing records, which would prove once and for all, he is qualified to be the President of the United Stated as out-lined in the Constitution. And he cares nothing for protecting the US from further attacks since he wants to dismantle our military defense programs and get into bed with the enemy, welcoming them with open-arms, to come live in our neighborhoods. (Perhaps Obama can arrange for them to live next door to Toby!)

By Obama's actions and statements, he is most likely a closet-Muslim and evidently a Socialist. And this is the president Toby Keith supports!

Toby Keith Praises Obama, Says He's A Democrat

Good God man! Everything Obama stands for is in direct contradiction of the Constitution of the United States. Keith wants to kick butt over seas and then embraces the enemy within. And we say nothing about Keith, yet we crucified the Chicks!

It appears the Dixie Chicks were right all along. Their ability to clearly see the issues the rest of us were blinded to, and to see through the smoke & mirrors the rest of us enjoyed because it "felt good", makes them far ahead of their time.


  1. I'm agreeing with you, Sherry. And I didn't know that TK (see, now I know what that means) supported Barry Sotero. I was one of those who reacted with Natalie said what she did. I was sold out on the war, but I still felt she should have kept quiet. And I was teaching music in 2003 and did a Vet Day performance and had the kids sing a portion of Courtesy of RW&B, along with a medley of military songs. But my husband and I have learned A WHOLE LOT since that time about 9/11/01 and so much more. So, I guess you're right. The Dixie Chicks were way ahead of us. It was hard not listening to them for a while. They are great musicians and make great music. Our "boycott" lasted only a little while.


  2. Okay, should have previewed. "with Natalie" should be "when Natalie". And definitely, "I was sold out" should be "I was NOT sold out".

  3. No problem Kay...we knew what you meant. And you were in good company as there were many folks who thought the Chicks had lost their collective minds, only to realize, they had it right all along. At least you realized the truth.
