My grandfather (1904-1989), during his lifetime, was able to own a gun with no registration of any form, the gun shop on the next block had no Federal Firearm license and the brothers who owned the shop refused to get one when the license requirement was first introduced. They operated for decades without one, until they were forced to close the shop due to their advanced age. They passed away many years ago.
My grandparents, with whom I lived, did not lock their doors when we left the house. I still have some of their old deposit slips, which have a space for, besides coins, gold and silver.
The only items they ever bought on credit was their home and their cars. They never owned a credit card.
Texans were not required to have a license to drive their vehicles until 1936, a full ten years after my grandparents were married, and he was a fireman. No license required to drive those trucks, first introduced in 1911.
What happened to this America?
The citizens, trusting the leaders they [thought] they had voted into office, turned their attention away from the actions of the politicians. My grandparents had their hands full raising 3 grandchildren, one of whom was physically and mentally retarded, or as the politically correct term is, handicapped.
During this time banks were forced to either join the Federal Reserve System or close. (See page 2 of Pub.L No. 63-43 This is a pdf file) and we lost the right to privately own gold from 1933 to 1974. (See: FDR, Thief of America's Gold)
Over the decades, slowly and steady, the march of socialism crept. Little by little, the memory fades and the schools stopped teaching allegiance to our country and our flag, as though it was a bad thing. Political correctness was exchanged for patriotism and nationalism for independence.
I am surprised at the number of people, the young and especially the old, who can not see the changes in our way of life, who fail to understand what is happening to the country they profess to love. Have they forgotten their roots? Have they forgotten their history?
Dismayed and bewildered, I wonder each day as I hear the day's news, Oh America, Where Art Thou?
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