Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Monday, March 22, 2010

America Cries for Help

It has happened. I never really believed it would happen in my lifetime, not in America, but I was wrong. Dead wrong.

America is dieing. The shell remains but the ideal of what she is, the ideal of how she would set a shinning example to the rest of the world of what real freedom and real human rights were about...gone.

America has been dieing for some time. It is not a death, which happens suddenly, like a stroke or heart-attack. No, she has been sick for a long time, but the doctors have never been able to agree on what is wrong so no treatment has ever been instituted, and now she is all but gone.

I do not know if she can be revived, if what she was and how tall she stood in the world will ever be recovered but maybe she can at least be kept alive long enough for the right doctor to step forward and pronounce the right disease and treatment. At this stage of health, the treatment will probably be radical and severe. Maybe even costly but we are now at the bitter end. We are at the point of "do or die".

This nation where once individual thought was prized, where freedom of expression, freedom of opinion and freedom to do what one wanted so long as one didn't harm another's person or property was treasured, has over the years been morphed into the very thing from which our ancestors escaped...a European style collective mindset.

This infection was brought to America by people who did not want to become an American but wanted to take the bounty of America and steal it for themselves. Well, they have succeeded. It took many years, many decades, but they seem to have won.

There are two chances to restore America.

One will come in Nov 2010 when elections across the country for Federal offices will occur. This will be an opportunity to practice the old saying, "Payback is a bitch!" and remove from office all the turncoats who voted to approve this socialist, European health care bill. I would love to see everyone of them lose their seats!

The second will come in Nov 2012 when 33 Senate seats (23 Democrats) will be available for removal as well as the Presidential election.

Sarah Palin has not officially stated she will run, but if she does, we NEED her to take back our country. She is the ONLY person who has demonstrated she does not play ball with the status quo politicians. There is no other person who has the track record and the history of taking on and beating the people who want to destroy what our country is about.

God Bless America

God damn those who would destroy this nation.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Instant Coffee vs Home Brewed TEA

What a dismal joke. As usual, the left just doesn't get it.

To think they tried to rally their troops with a duplication of the TEA Party Movement (the one that isn't suppose to exist because it's just "astro-turf") and call it the "Coffee Party" is actually an indication of their losing ground. Not only with people, as evidenced by the LACK of turn out but with politicians wanting to hang on to their cushy jobs. Especially in this job market, a present from their fearless and clueless leader.

This should have been called the "Instant Coffee Party" because that is what they are. Fake patriots, just add water...lots of HOT water.

The TEA Party was a throw back to the pre-Revolutionary time when the people were being mistreated and abused by their King. They were not being heard in England and they revolted.

"King Washington DC" is faring no better. I guess they believed their own propaganda. Silly and stupid, like a drug dealer who begins to use his own product, sooner or later he gets caught. Washington DC is getting caught up in their own lies and stepping in their own cow mature.

The TEA Party was born of people who understood the government was like a horse with the bit in it's mouth, running out of control. They understood something had to be done and NOW! They understood the only way to get their point across to the deaf, dumb and blind was the time tested and protected RIGHT of protest.

Of course none are so blind as those who WILL NOT see, or so deaf as those who WILL NOT hear..and well...you just can't do anything about stupid.

Grassroots is where Americans work best. They work together and they make an impact. The key ingredient is the WILL of the People to fight injustice. The man fighting to protect his family and property has more heart than a paid mercenary.

The Coffee Party, a pathetic imitation, is attempting to represent a people who are already in power, who have representation in Washington DC and who are calling the shots at every turn. Where is their sense of injustice? There can be none. Where is their heart? They have none because they are a collective. No independent thought, no individual ideas, they are like the Borg in Star Trek.

They think there is power in numbers and groups, which is why they want to squash the TEA Party Movement every chance they get but they missed the history lessons of the original Tea Party, of the American Revolution, of the Alamo. That lesson is a small group of people fighting for what is right and just will win every time!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Don't Miss You

What is with all the "Do you miss me yet?" baloney? Do Americans really have such short memories?

How about a little refresher course to remind you of why the people voted for a nobody like Obama in the first place.

Recall in the fall of 2000 that Iraq had bought uranium from Niger, or so we were told during Bush's State if the Union Address. And told again by Condi Rice and Colin Powell. We were told and told and told. It justified the war. We later found out it was pure Texas cow manure along with the fear of WMD which never proved to be true either.

How can we forget the man who gave us the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act by shoving it down the throats of the American people, via not allowing Congress to read the bill prior to voting. Only after the bill was passed did the full comprehension of what had just happen began to surface. One of the most thorough looks at the Act was presented by Jennifer Van Bergen who wrote a six-part series of articles under the heading "Repeal the USA Patriot Act" in April 2002.

How about the bogey-man Osama bin Laden? First he is Public Enemy #1 and then it is like "who's he?".
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." -, Washington D.C., George W. Bush, Sept 13, 2001
and then a mere 6 months later
"I am really not that concerned about him." - George W. Bush, Mar 13, 2002 White House Press Conference

Don't forget the opening line to the Capital Hill Blue article "Coup to overthrow the Constitution", by Doug Thompson (June 27, 2006) "I fear, sadly, the United States of America moves closer and closer each day to a dictatorship, ruled by a megalomaniacal despot determined to destroy the Constitution, our basic freedoms and the checks and balances that have kept our government under control for more than two centuries."

We can now say the following quote concerning George W. Bush is no longer true, with the election of Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro:
"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party. ..."--Ron Reagan Jr.

In 2008 an article appeared on the website Global Reseach.ca stating how Bush policies were changing the American government from an open government to a closed government:
"Since his inauguration, Bush has overseen changes that suggest “a dramatic growth of government secrecy, far beyond the secrecy occurring during the Clinton Administration,” writes Susan Dente Ross, an Associate Professor in the Edward R. Murrow School of Communication at Washington State University at Pullman." -- Bush Secrecy Policies have Transformed U.S. Government from "Open" to "Closed" by Jeff Demers and Sherwood Ross
Of course, with the election of BHO, this is also no longer just a Bush fad. No other president, including Bush, has managed to hoodwink the people like Obama, mainly by making his records closed, sealed and taken off the grid.

So, again I ask, are the memories of the American people really so short? I sure hope not and if they are, I hope the bloggers keep reminding them.

We fought and won one war against an oppressive government and it is shaping up to look as though it may need to happen again. I pray we are blessed again to win.