How about a little refresher course to remind you of why the people voted for a nobody like Obama in the first place.
Recall in the fall of 2000 that Iraq had bought uranium from Niger, or so we were told during Bush's State if the Union Address. And told again by Condi Rice and Colin Powell. We were told and told and told. It justified the war. We later found out it was pure Texas cow manure along with the fear of WMD which never proved to be true either.
How can we forget the man who gave us the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act by shoving it down the throats of the American people, via not allowing Congress to read the bill prior to voting. Only after the bill was passed did the full comprehension of what had just happen began to surface. One of the most thorough looks at the Act was presented by Jennifer Van Bergen who wrote a six-part series of articles under the heading "Repeal the USA Patriot Act" in April 2002.
How about the bogey-man Osama bin Laden? First he is Public Enemy #1 and then it is like "who's he?".
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." -, Washington D.C., George W. Bush, Sept 13, 2001and then a mere 6 months later
"I am really not that concerned about him." - George W. Bush, Mar 13, 2002 White House Press Conference
Don't forget the opening line to the Capital Hill Blue article "Coup to overthrow the Constitution", by Doug Thompson (June 27, 2006) "I fear, sadly, the United States of America moves closer and closer each day to a dictatorship, ruled by a megalomaniacal despot determined to destroy the Constitution, our basic freedoms and the checks and balances that have kept our government under control for more than two centuries."
We can now say the following quote concerning George W. Bush is no longer true, with the election of Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro:
"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party. ..."--Ron Reagan Jr.
In 2008 an article appeared on the website Global stating how Bush policies were changing the American government from an open government to a closed government:
"Since his inauguration, Bush has overseen changes that suggest “a dramatic growth of government secrecy, far beyond the secrecy occurring during the Clinton Administration,” writes Susan Dente Ross, an Associate Professor in the Edward R. Murrow School of Communication at Washington State University at Pullman." -- Bush Secrecy Policies have Transformed U.S. Government from "Open" to "Closed" by Jeff Demers and Sherwood RossOf course, with the election of BHO, this is also no longer just a Bush fad. No other president, including Bush, has managed to hoodwink the people like Obama, mainly by making his records closed, sealed and taken off the grid.
So, again I ask, are the memories of the American people really so short? I sure hope not and if they are, I hope the bloggers keep reminding them.
We fought and won one war against an oppressive government and it is shaping up to look as though it may need to happen again. I pray we are blessed again to win.
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