Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American
There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.
I was living in New Mexico (1999) when the Border XXI program was being pushed through, rather quietly, as are all attempts to steal the sovereignty of the United States and the American people.
There are those who feel they know what is best for us dumb worker bees. We are to just work, pay the Federal Income Tax, which is for nothing but to pay the interest on the loan, which the United States government borrows from the Federal Reserve to operate (spend money at will). How else can they tell us the country is in debt trillions of dollars and then turn around and send a combined $350 million in tsunami relief (2004)? Where does this money come from? Out of thin air. From the future tax payments of hard working Americans, the government is spending money they don't yet have, betting on the incoming taxes every April 15th.
The truth is, the United States entered into treaties and agreements with Mexico and Canada via the United Nations to create the North American Union.
There is an article written by Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy, which contains so much good information, I would have to include it all and that is too much to post here so, please review "The North American Union and the Bigger Plan", Dec 17,2007. Seeing things in hindsight always seems to make the points clearer.
Thank God some of these did not come to pass!
Our American independent spirit and our Constitution has been for us like the Cross and garlic has been to vampires in the stories. In reality, I think it is a fair comparison to equate those hell bent on destroying America with Vampires.
They want to suck America dry. When the last great "blood supply" is gone, no other country to bail them out, defend their citizens, protect their borders, when America is gone, to which nation will they turn to then?
Other states, which do not border Mexico and do not have to deal with the magnitude of the illegal alien crime problem, which Arizona citizens deal with, have no qualms about not only voicing an opinion but committing to economic sanctions against the good people of AZ.
No doubt the Seattle City Council were urged on to some degree over the outspoken disapproval of Obama and his henchman, Eric Holder.
Remember the old Mark Twain quote, "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt".
Not only has this been a habit of Obama ("I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.." and his remarks about the police in Cambridge, Mass., when Henry Louis Gates grew angry over having to identify himself), but it seems it is also a qualification for the people around him.
We heard Joe Biden discussing with Katie Couric that a leader must know what he is talking about to instill confidence in the people. Then he had his Mark Twain moment with "we all know how Franklin Roosevelt got on television and..."
Just recently Eric Holder, after voicing strong, negative opinions concerning the Immigration law Arizona passed, even going so far as to threaten legal action against the State, has finally admitted he had not even read it! Basically he is depending on someone else to read it and then brief him. So he will not know what the law says, he'll get his opinion via the spin of whomever he authorizes to read it and then he'll sue Arizona over it!
His opinion carries weight due to his position, and he does not care enough about the law to read it before he voices an opinion?
I wonder if he and Obama (since prez O has also voiced opinions designed to extract negative public opinions against Arizona) are not guilty of treason against the State, against all the States?
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Who is "them"? It isn't the Federal government. There is no Federal treason. The "them" are the parties to the United States Constitution, the individual States.
The Constitution is an agreement for group government between the sovereign States, which is WHY the Constitution is a limit on the Federal Government.
Now we have a self-proclaimed Constitutional Law instructor as president and a United States Attorney General, both apparently ignorant of The Law and it's limits, duties and responsibilities.
The Federal government has a responsibility to assist the States in their defense of invasion or crimes from another country. While this is a provision under a "Declared War" (ONLY Congress can make such a Declaration and the last time that happened was the Korean War), do you really think the Founders ever thought America would come to a point when the leadership was more interested in joining a global community at the sacrifice of the nation they took an Oath to protect and defend?
This is exactly what is happening and has been happening for decades. The Federal Government, in not providing assistance during the numerous pleas for help from the States, has in essence, been providing Aid and Comfort to the enemies of the affected States and is therefore, guilty of Treason against the States, if not in a strict sense then at least in a broad one.
The only way one could argue this is wrong, would be to argue that due to the various treaties the United States has entered into allows for the free flow of peoples across the borders and that these treaties are superior to our Constitution.
The argument would of course not be a valid one since no treaty or section of treaty that is in conflict with the Constitution, would be valid.
The government, no matter how misguided, cannot treaty away the superior law of the Constitution. Our Constitution always has the superior claim, is first in line and is always the protector of the People and the sovereign States against the Federal government, regardless of the propaganda coming out of Washington, D.C., Eric Holder, Obama, the United Nations or the spin espoused by socialist professors in California universities.
Perhaps the States should make a Declaration of War for the protection of its Citizens and these states should come together and form a pact. But didn't we do this 1861?
Noun terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people;Dictionary.com
Domestic terrorism refers to activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. [18 U.S.C. § 2331(5)] -- FBI Policy and Guidelines
The entire life of the current administration has been one of a series of anti-American acts designed to promote a Socialist/Marxist agenda. Such an agenda is in direct opposition to the ideals and foundation of what it means to be American. [SEE: Top 7 Marxist Communist Policies Being Implemented By Obama Today by Hal Licino]
...RIGHTS, for such they have, undoubtedly, antecedent to all earthly government, — Rights, that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws — Rights, derived from the great Legislator of the universe. -- A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law by John Adams, 1765
There are people in this country, native born, who have no concept of this spirit of America. Their minds are weak and their souls are void of the spirit of the Founding Fathers, who realized man had a God-given right to free will and as long as one did not hurt an other's being or their property, could do as they wished with their lives.
Because of events set in motion, not of their own doing, but which could only have been by divine concoction, men of this mindset, strong in principle and character, found themselves gathered in the new world, the victims of a tyrant and benefactors of an emerging spirit of independence from the subservient tradition of the "Divine Right of Kings".
"The real revolution began 15 years before a shot was ever fired as an intellectual and moral revolution in the minds and hearts of the people." John Adams
The Socialist would never have voted for independence. Anyone who can watch the following video and NOT grasp the importance of what just happened and who does NOT feel a flutter of warmth in their being, who is not stirred to pride in the event, they have not the Spirit of America and they can not understand what is happening right now in this country. Because their soul is devoid of this Spirit, they will become our enemies because they will become the tool by which the Social agenda will work it's destruction in America.
At the moment, the greatest threat to America, the real domestic terrorist, has been blindly "elected" to the highest office in our land.
He is the culmination of decades of hard work, covert legislation and cunning maneuvering within the American political landscape to set the stage for what the enemies of Freedom and Liberty hope to accomplish, the fundamental change of America from a position of independence to one of dependence on a global government already in place in much of the world.
To enable the Fund to fulfill the functions with which it is entrusted, the status, immunities and privileges set forth in this Article shall be accorded to the Fund in the territories of each member.
Section 2.Status of the Fund
The Fund shall possess full juridical personality, and, in particular, the capacity:
(i) to contract;
(ii) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property;
(iii) to institute legal proceedings.
Section 3.Immunity from judicial process
The Fund, its property and its assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from every form of judicial process except to the extent that it expressly waives its immunity for the purpose of any proceedings or by the terms of any contract.
Section 4.Immunity from other action
Property and assets of the Fund, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation or any other form of seizure by executive or legislative action.
Section 5.Immunity of archives
The archives of the Fund shall be inviolable.
Section 6.Freedom of assets from restrictions
To the extent necessary to carry out the operations provided for in this Agreement, all property and assets of the Fund shall be free from restrictions, regulations, controls and moratoria of any nature.
Section 7.Privilege for communications
The official communications of the Fund shall be accorded by members the same treatment as the official communications of other members.
Section 8.Immunities and privileges of officers and employees
All governors, executive directors, alternates, officers and employees of the Fund
(i) shall be immune from legal process with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity except when the Fund waives this immunity.
(ii) not being local nationals, shall be granted the same immunities from immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements and national service obligations and the same facilities as regards exchange restrictions as are accorded by members to the representatives, officials, and employees of comparable rank of other members.
(iii) shall be granted the same treatment in respect of travelling facilities as is accorded by members to representatives, officials and employees of comparable rank of other members.
Section 9.Immunities from taxation
(a) The Fund, its assets, property, income and its operations and transactions authorized by this Agreement, shall be immune from all taxation and from all customs duties. The Fund shall also be immune from liability for the collection or payment of any tax or duty.
(b) No tax shall be levied on or in respect of salaries and emoluments paid by the Fund to executive directors, alternates, officers or employees of the Fund who are not local citizens, local subjects, or other local nationals.
(c) No taxation of any kind shall be levied on any obligation or security issued by the Fund, including any dividend or interest thereon, by whomsoever held
(i) which discriminates against such obligation or security solely because of its origin; or
(ii) if the sole jurisdictional basis for such taxation is the place or currency in which it is issued, made payable or paid, or the location of any office or place of business maintained by the Fund.
Section 10.Application of Article
Each member shall take such action as is necessary in its own territories for the purpose of making effective in terms of its own law the principles set forth in this Article and shall inform the Fund of the detailed action which it has taken.
Does this not seem in conflict with the Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution? Since the Constitution solidly states only Congress can coin money and since the Constitution does not provide a method for Congress to abdicate it's authority, even though the people, by their ignorance of their own organic law, have allowed the Federal Reserve to manage their money, does it not seem logical to any informed and reasonable person that this treaty should be in direct conflict with our supreme law and therefore void?
"The rights and liberties which citizens of our country enjoy are not protected by custom and tradition alone; they have been jealously preserved from the encroachments of Government by express provisions of our written Constitution. ...
This Court has also repeatedly taken the position that an Act of Congress, which must comply with the Constitution, is on a full parity with a treaty, and that, when a statute which is subsequent in time is inconsistent with a treaty, the statute to the extent of conflict renders the treaty null. ..." REID V. COVERT, 354 U. S. 1 (1956)
Does the Constitution allow for anyone to to be above the Law? Would it not be a throw back to the "Divine Right of Kings", if we allowed for the substitution of "the wealthy" or "the global banking community" for "Kings"?
The Governor and Alternate Governor representing the United States within the IMF currently are Timothy F. Geithner and Ben Bernanke. (Insert their names in the Article above and read it out loud. "Member" means "Country".) To question the legality of this is kind of like closing the barn door after the horses have ran out but it is important to demonstrate the magnitude, for those who not aware, of the tentacles of deception running through our government, if it is even "our" government any longer. Perhaps it is just a masquerade being played out to placate the people until all areas have been secured by the Socialistic, global minded enemies of the United States of America.
Since Obama is simply a small part of the over all agenda, and since he did not get here on his own but was either covertly or overtly placed into his position, he has been on the fast track of implementing the policies necessary to bring America down. Only those with tunnel vision, or who are supporting our demise, still think he is a positive force in and for America.
His choices for Czars have included those who relished their association with Communism and Socialism, those who do NOT hold dear the American ideals of Freedom of Speech, the Right to Bear Arms and other uniquely American principles.
His recent pick for the U.S. Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, wrote her college thesis on "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900–1933", which reveal her admiration for a governmental philosophy diametrically opposed to the freedoms and liberties envisioned by Jefferson, Madison, and Adams. What loyal American, faithfull to the American Revolution, could even think the words "socialism's greatness", much less write them in a thesis?
When these dark days are over, hopefully with the 2012 election, we can only pray that he and his henchmen will be brought up on charges of treason and dwelt with accordingly.
Let me be crystal clear: I support Legal Immigration to America.
The operative word here is LEGAL.
All the brouhaha is nothing but a smokescreen to rile up the illegals so they can be used to put pressure on Arizona. It is like giving the Indians "firewater" in the old west days and then get them on a "War Path".
People who are running on pure emotion are much more easily manipulated and can be used to promote an agenda.
Out of the woodwork come the entertainers with their opinions, most against Arizona's new Immigration Law. I am glad they are doing so. Now I can see who to boycott.
On the subject of boycotts, Hispanics and others are threatening to boycott Arizona until they rescind the law. I am urging all supporters of Arizona to visit the Arizona Chamber of Commerce link and then the city Chambers of Commerce and urge you to do as much business over the Internet with Arizona's American owned businesses as you can.
Americans across the nation must come and show solidarity for Arizona. The eyes of the nation, even the world, are watching what is happening here. They are watching to see what Obama will do, what Mexico will do, if there will be a border war ignited over this, or whether there will be a type of Civil War between illegals & their sympathizers and patriotic Americans.
If there was some sort of skirmish, even on a small scale, would it be enough for Obama to declare Martial Law, just in time to freeze November elections in order to avoid a Democratic bloodbath at the polls?
Even Obama knows the pot is simmering and could boil over.
Which extreme elements, the illegals who are trespassing on American soil or patriotic Americans, defenders of the Constitution and States Rights? How can a president incite people to not follow a state's law? How can a president make ignorant statements about a law, which clearly provides proof he does not know what he is talking about? Well, he did this during the campaign with his "57 states" comment so I guess we shouldn't be surprised.
"You can imagine, if you are a Hispanic American in Arizona ..." the president said Tuesday at a campaign-style appearance in Iowa, "suddenly, if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you're going to be harassed." --How Obama could lose Arizona immigration battle by Bryon York
If he would have read the Bill, he would know that this will not be the case. The police have better things to do than stand around and wait for a brown-skinned person to walk into view so they can ask to see his papers. Now if the brown-skinned person was involved in a crime, then, if the police thought the person was illegal, then they would ask. Or maybe during an investigation of MS-13 gang members or theft, assault, rape, drunk driving, and other such crimes.
Already an AZ Deputy was shot and 17 suspected illegals caught while looking for the men who shot him. Are the illegals in this country so ignorant that they cannot see they have brought the wrath of Americans upon themselves with their actions?
Not all Hispanics are against Arizona's attempt to protect its citizens. There is still some common sense left:
There is an online petition, "We Stand With Arizona, and Against Illegal Immigration" where you can sign and leave a comment. Most everyone welcomes LEGAL immigrants but they are opposed to this government supported silent invasion of ILLEGAL aliens. If you are so inclined, please visit the site and sign the petition, which now has 19,974 signatures.
Of the four states which border Mexico, why is Arizona the only one to make it mandatory for employers to use E-Verify? This is a FREE service and is available in all 50 States.
Listen to Roy Beck of NumbersUSA. He points out that there are 7 million illegals holding down jobs in the construction, trades and service industry. That these are jobs unemployed Americans could and should have.
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