My grandmother use to say "you can have a skunk for a pet as long as you remember it is a skunk and not a cat". What she meant was, the skunk as certain traits and you can't blame the skunk if he sprays you.
She also use to say, "it's given to a dog to bark and a baby to cry", meaning you can't blame the dog for barking and the baby for crying. If you don't like barking dogs or crying babies, don't have any.
And lastly, she use to say, "just because a cat has kittens in the oven, it doesn't make them biscuits", meaning just because something happens a certain way, it doesn't mean it is what it appears to be.
What does all this have to do with Obama?
It means, Obama is a Socialist, Progressive Democrat who from day one refused to act like he had any respect for the Rule of Law or the United States Constitution.
He refused to deliver the documents requested, unlike Sen. John McCain who did release all the documents, and this lack of cooperation should have been a major clue! A B-I-G RED FLAG!
Since his "election", he and his cronies in office have thumbed their collective noses at America almost daily.
Given that it was apparent Obama was not going to be a follower or supporter of America, we can't blame the skunk for spraying us.
We can't blame the dog for barking or the baby for crying.
And just because he says he was born in America, doesn't make it so and it damn sure doesn't make him an American.
Being American is more that just geography. It is the belief in the founding principles, which sparked the flame of the revolution, that man was created by God and therefore got his rights and liberties from the Creator and therefore was individually sovereign. This meant the citizen had the final say in his affairs so long as he wasn't harming another or an other's property, or breaking the law.
John Adams stated that the real revolution happened in the hearts and minds of the people long before the first shot was fired or the first meeting was held.
So, who do we blame for the sad state of affairs America finds herself in? We can blame every idiot in America who voted for this piece of crap.
California and New York are broke or nearly broke, Obama apologizes for us at every opportunity, he refuses to support the military, he refuses to support the states such as Arizona and he refuses to support the many Americans who have lost their jobs, homes and businesses to British Petroleum's reckless endangerment of America's ecology and financial stability in their search for oil dollars.
Obama still has not declared a state of emergency in the states damaged by the oil spill! The video below is from June 8th. Pay attention at 2:18min.
When Arizona passed their version of the FEDERAL law on illegal immigration, the knee-jerk response by Obama and company was to call it UnAmerican, UnConstitutional and threaten to file a suit to stop it from becoming law in Arizona. Obama even allowed the president of Mexico to lecture our Congress on our laws, with the Democrats giving him a standing ovation! Does Obama think we are already a One World Government and only we stupid citizens of each sovereign state fail to comprehend this?
Clearly "Zero & company" had no clue as to the Federal Law, admitting they had NOT read the Arizona law, yet pouncing on it with both feet, basically saying, "Hello world, we are incompetent!"
And what about California's version of the federal law? Why aren't the illegals and Calderon speaking out about this law? Probably because California doesn't enforce their own laws, yet they are crying they are broke.
SEE: California Penal Code 834b & 834c.
A result of Obama's view of a new America, his "fundamental change", can be summed up with this:
Bureau of Land Management gives a piece of America back to Mexico, or at the very least, prevents Americans from visiting their own park land because the federal government refuses to protect America from gun-toting illegal criminals!
Obama is doing everything in his power to kill the economy of the US and using every crisis to further his plan.
In Louisiana, Gov. Jindal begged for assistance and finally, exercising their 10th Amendment right, just took matters into their own hands to protect their state. Louisiana began dredging and building sand berms to protect the delicate marshlands and was having some success.
What does Obama do?
Now, with the state not kowtowing to the almighty will of the "Wizard of Oz",
Federal Gov't Halts Sand Berm Dredging
Actions speak louder than words (my grandmother use to say) and the words of Obama are like honey, tainted with poison. His actions are the path to understanding what his real goal is for America, which can only be our destruction.
Another cliche my grandmother was fond of, "a leopard never changes his spots". Obama was raised a Communist, indoctrinated in Marxism, spent 20 yrs being mentored by American-hating Rev Jeremiah you really believe he somehow found the God embodied in the principles of our foundational documents? Not hardly.
If America does not find some method, any method, to rid ourselves of this demon, this Jinn, this antichrist, America may not make it to the 2012 elections.
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