Southerners and Confederate supporters see the CSA battle flag as a representation of the battle for States Rights against an overstepping and tyrannical federal government.
This is their flag and that is their reason for wanting to fly the Confederate flag, yet because others have stated they are offended by this flag, the CSA battle jack has become politically incorrect and the "offended" have grown so bold as to remove the smaller versions of the flag from the graves of Confederate veterans, often with little or no consequences. In one case in 2009, an Auburn, AL city councilman removed CSA flags from four graves the day before Confederate Memorial Day because the flags were offensive to him and represented the Ku Klux Klan.
The "offended" win and history loses. The rights of people with Southern historical beliefs are trampled by the opinions of others who shout loud enough and protest loud enough to block out Constitutional protections.
Now take this same argument, the one of "I'm offended so you can't enjoy your rights under the Constitution" and apply it to the Ground Zero Mosque.
Many have argued that the people wanting to build a mosque, which has become known as the "Ground Zero Mosque", 200 yards from the 2001 Sept 11th massacre should be allowed to do so because of THEIR rights under the Constitution. Please note that this would not even be an issue if not for the belief system held by those who want to build the mosque in the first place.
OK. They have a Right to buy and build whatever they want, where ever they wish. IF the stated purpose of "in the spirit of understanding and healing" is actually the truth, they have a moral and ethical duty to NOT build the mosque so close to the hallowed ground of the former WTC.
I suspect this purpose is nothing more than propaganda.
In battles, when an opposing side wins the ground from the enemy, do they not raise a flag? This was done in the American Revolution when the Patriots took ground from the British, it was done in every battle against the Native Americans with the building of a fort and the raising of the Stars & Stripes. The Indians understood the presence of a fort and flag would indicate they had lost control of the land.
During World War II, did not one of the most famous war-time photos in history depict the raising of the American flag on the eight square mile island of Iwo Jima?

Most of the countries of the world will raise flags over their battle fields and conquered lands. Why the middle eastern mindset is to build a mosque on the land as a testament to their victory is beyond my understanding but I do not have to understand the "why?" to believe it is so.
In every poll where the question is whether a mosque should be built so near to the place where innocent lives were destroyed, the overwhelming answer is "NO".
New Yorkers don't want it and the rest of America doesn't want it.
If this mosque is allowed to be built, then I say the "I'm offended" argument is pure poppycock and Confederate supporters should start flying their flags every where they wish, any time and without one single whimper from any one.
I especially do not want to hear from the U.S. Dept. of [in]Justice, or the perceived "closet Muslim-in-Chief" sitting in the White House, or the Black Panthers from any town. I don't want any city councilman, any La Raza-type group, or any self-righteous, indignant person even thinking of claiming an offense to the flag of my ancestors.
At least my ancestors were and I am, an American!
Great piece. You are so right. It was about states rights and the tyranny of the the federal governemnt just as it is in todays scene.
ReplyDeleteHistory has over looked the men of color that have fought on the side of the south. They fought in defense of the south also.
Keep up the good work. Thank you
GREAT work,Sherry !! SOUTHERN PRIDE !!