Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Democrats & Republicans, The Real Domestic Terrorist

I have decided I don't like Democrats, i.e. Progressives. I don't like what comes from the Republicans either.

Republicans are moving towards the same goals as the Democrats, they are just not so brazen about it.

"Democrat" has come to be the new, politically correct term for a Socialist and Socialism is the antithesis of our [Constitutional] Republic..therefore, to be a Democrat is to be against America and the Constitution.

Some people may ask why is the Constitution always brought up? Because it is the supreme law of the land. It is the basis for and the framework in which we conduct the business of the nation.

H.R. 3162, Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52)"...acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."

How does one "...influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.."?

On the Republican side, it was George W.'s insistence that the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act be signed off on without reading it. In the name of the 9/11 crisis, to protect us from the evil Arab hijackers and sleeper cells certainly already within our borders, he had to have the legislation, right then! That certainly influenced the policy!

One could argue his illegal wire tapping of citizens was certainly an act of domestic terror, towards the citizens.

Now we have Obama's plans, legislation from bail outs to medical & health to just about every facet of the America life. The man who touted "transparency in government" as one of the main changes he would bring to Washington, is doing just as Bush did. His "Don't read it, just pass it because I have determined America needs this.", attitude is the same as a dictator who thinks he knows what is best...because we are all too stupid to figure it out.

No, Mr. Obama. The American people are NOT too stupid, but they are on the losing end of the power stick. And all the GREEDY politicians have the power stick by both hands.

Obama, in just a few short months, has nationalized the banking industry, and the auto industry. He has done what politicos before him have been trying to do for over 100 years.

Without the Supreme Court becoming a socialist tool, the Congress could not have abrogated their duties.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution: "The Congress shall have power to ... coin Money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. .." Not the Federal Reserve. Congress.

Therefore, Congress "delegating" this Constitutional authority to another, was at that time, an illegal act, certainly an unconstitutional act, and could be said to day, in hindsight, an act of domestic terrorism.

We find in 1928 the court case described as "The Effective Demise of the Nondelegation Doctrine". Then President Calvin Coolidge, (R), "set tariff rates that would equalize production costs in the United States and competing countries." In J. W. Hampton, Jr. & Co. v. United States, 276 U.S. 394 (1928), the supreme court upheld the president's actions.

The entire point is that neither party has clean hands when it comes to protecting and supporting the Constitution. Neither party can point the finger at the other and say,"it's their fault".

So if both parties are moving this nation towards socialism and if most Americans (who understand what socialism is about) don't want it, then WHY are they still voting party lines? Why are they still voting Democrat or Republican?

It is time for a change America, and that change is to start taking our country back and start looking towards another party the independent parties.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Gun Confiscation Act"

The Founding Fathers, having just come through a bloody revolution for the Rights and freedoms we as Americans enjoy today, wanted to make sure their posterity would always be able to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. To this end, they created the 2nd Amendment, not to protect the people from foreign invaders, but to protect the people from any administration or military who would seek to usurp the freedoms just won.

"The said constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." -- Samuel Adams

We continuously look back to the original intent of the Founders because they lived with real freedom, fought for that freedom therefore we respect their sacrifices, and because it is a real possibility their generation was the ONLY generation to live out the full fruits of their victory.

With each generation afterwards, we have lost their victory, by bits and pieces at first and then rapidly, beginning in 1861 with the Lincoln Administration.

Since 1913, we have been losing these freedoms by leaps and bounds. I suspect it is due to the [intentional] dumbing down of Americans, who today have no idea what is written in THEIR Constitution, who the Founders were, why the colonist even wanted to go to war with King George or why Socialism is viewed as a bad idea by many of the older generation.

Through out history, the world has seen certain patterns of behaviors in leaders who seek to have absolute rule over the people.

In a free society, government leaders value transparency in the process, free markets, which will correct themselves without manipulation, and the ablility of a person to go where they please as long as they don't harm anothers person, property or family. Where you can be anything and do anything without restraints so long as you harm no one else in the process.

You want to own a gun? Fine! Be responsible for it.

You want to own 20 guns? Fine! Be responsible for them.

All dictators and dictatorial governments start out by creating a "boogie-man", creating fear, and then tell the people they must surrender some of their rights so the great and wonderful government can protect them. BALONEY!

"False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Can it be supposed that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity, the most important of the code, will respect the less important and arbitrary ones, which can be violated with ease and impunity, and which, if strictly obeyed, would put an end to personal liberty... and subject innocent persons to all the vexations that the guilty alone ought to suffer? Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. They ought to be designated as laws not preventive but fearful of crimes, produced by the tumultuous impression of a few isolated facts, and not by thoughtful consideration of the inconveniences and advantages of a universal decree." -- Cesare Beccaria

All we need do is to remember the stages taken by such men as Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, and look at the current list of the World's Worst Dictators

In most every situation, the people were brainwashed into handing over their security to the government, they allowed guns to be registered and then later these were confiscated. A dictator will find it hard, if not impossible to usurp control over the people as long as they have the means to defend themselves.

"[The program of American disarmament outlined in State Department Paper 7277] is the fixed, determined and approved policy of the government of the United States." -- Joseph Clark, (D) Senator, Pennsylvania, 1961

Enter Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009. Introduced in Jan 2009 and referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security in Feb.

To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.

(a) In General- In this Act:

(2) QUALIFYING FIREARM- The term `qualifying firearm' has the meaning given the term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, as amended by subsection (b) of this section.

(b) Amendment to Title 18, United States Code- Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(36) The term `qualifying firearm'--

`(A) means--

`(i) any handgun; or

If people do not begin to understand what is happening before their eyes, then I don't see how there can be any hope to preserve the United States of America.

Every military person, every law enforcement person and believe it or not, every elected official take an Oath to Protect and Defend or Protect and Support the Constitution of the United States. Based on their actions, I don't see how it is possible for them to understand what that Oath meant when they sit by and allow obvious encroachments and the erosion of our freedoms...all in the name of "political correctness" or [false] necessity.

Our law enforcement personnel (the Constitution is the Supreme Law in America but they don't even understand it) and our military, instead of being the bulwark of the citizens are now the means to crush those who are trying to alert the sleeping population!

Let your Representatives know how you feel about this bill. Tell them to not support or vote for this Act

"The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers delegated directly to the citizen, and is excepted out of the general powers of government. A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." -- Cockrum v. State,24 Tex.394, at 401-402 (1859)

Cool New Idea

Maybe it's not "new" to you but I thought it was pretty neat.

At my house, they go to bed at 7:30pm because they get up at 2:30am to get ready for work...they have to be there by 4am!

This means I am usually in my room with the lights down low. Sometimes I want to watch my favorite shows (CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, etc) and I can't.

I just saw "Satellite TV for PC, Elite Edition". You can pay once and you're done with it. (I LIKE that part!)

You just download the software to your computer or laptop and then you have access to 3000 channels! Now that's a deal!

What makes it even sweeter is right now there is a special going on so while it is regularly $99, you get it for only $49!

AND by me putting this on my laptop, I can take my TV with me wherever I go.

Not being a techie person, I don't know how to do this, but I hear there is a way to hook a computer to a TV monitor and watch TV via the bigger screen if you want to do it that way.

To find out more visit Satellite TV for PC, Elite Edition

I wanted to add this comment I received from a friend who downloaded the software:

"Quite a lot, even free anti virus software... It appears to be well worth the money." - Bob


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catch All Friday

Lots of talk about D. Letterman's remark concerning Sarah Palin's daughter. Seems he was attempting to be funny, stated a rather distasteful and greatly revealing sexist comment...a "joke" he called it.

Has Letterman hit the bottom of his game? Apparently so and his strange sense of humor appears to be the evidence.

Stop while you still have room to get up Dave.

(Let CBS know how you feel.)

WorldNet Daily
Many of you probably know about the "Where's the Birth Certificate" campaign by Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. What some of you may not know is that CBS Outdoor and now Lamar Outdoor have both banned putting up the signs.

This is still America, at least for a little while longer, so they can do this if they want. And their customers can find another sign company with whom to spend their advertising dollars. This is exactly what Florida real estate company owner and radio talk show host Fabian Calvo did. He pulled his account with Lamar and is looking into alternatives.

Good for Mr. Calvo and here's a "swift boot in the backside" to both outdoor advertising companies.

If you would like to send Lamar Outdoor a message letting them know "NO! The issue IS NOT settled!", please do! (I did!)

Send to:
kpoche@lamar.com (National sales inquiries)
or by Phone: 1-800-235-2627 (Corporate)
or Fax: (225) 926-1005 (Executive)

HR 1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009
Dr. Ron Paul of Texas has introduced this bill, commonly known a the "Audit the Fed Bill". The bill needed 218 co-sponsors and tonight Ron Paul's website posted they have 222! THOMAS is reporting 221 as of a few seconds ago.(3:45am CT)

Is the Federal Reserve finally going to be fully audited?

"Them Jews"
Recall August 2006 when Mel Gibson (Producer: "The Passion of the Christ"-2004 & "Apocalypto"-2006), during his DUI traffic stop, rattled off some "anti-Jewish" comments. Most everyone was up-in-arms and most certainly the Jewish community.

Here comes Obama's former religious mentor, the infamous Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office," Wright told the Daily Press of Newport News

Lord, I pray he isn't in office for 8 years! But this does help to explain his anti-Israel position. Wright later apologized but once out, the words can't be taken back...right Mel?

Wasn't too many weeks ago you couldn't find a bullet. Any bullet. People were buying ammo like it was going out of style. Or fix'in to get federally kidnapped.

If you are looking for some, I hear these folks have plenty:



Usually when someone yells "EUREKA!", it signifies they have hit the "jackpot", found the gold, or otherwise was tremendously successful in whatever they were attempting to do.

Today, "EUREKA!" means "small town America standing against the Federal government". A type of David and Goliath event.

Eureka and nearby town, Arcata, both of California, have officially issued an ordinances, which may fly in the face of the "No Child Left Behind Act".

These two small towns apparently have a problem with the military recruiters approaching local minors.

The issue could be whether the provisions of the NCLB Act, tied to school funding, can reach outside the parameters of the school grounds.

Under the Act, schools receiving these federal funds MUST allow military recruiters access to the names, addresses and phone numbers of the students, UNLESS their parents have opted out. (Did you know you could Opt Out?)

What follows are two very revealing letters, which will help you to understand just how we have been hoodwinked by the seemingly caring hand of the federal government wanting to make sure all children receive an education.

Note: These are pdf files and you will need a pdf reader to see them.

DEAR COLLEAGUE, October 9, 2002


"Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing!", paraphased from Matthew 7:15

Sign the petiton:

Sign the YOUTH PROTECTION ACT online petition

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

And The Abortions Keep Rolling Along

On the heels of Dr. Tiller's demise, his long time buddy and co-abortionist, Dr. LeRoy Carhart of Bellevue, NE has decided to try and "pick up the slack", as it were at his clinic, the "Abortion & Contraception Clinic of Nebraska".

"Dr. LeRoy Carhart...said he would try to continue to provide late-term abortions, though Nebraska law forbids post-viability abortion. ...'I am currently exploring every option to be able to continue to make second and early-third-trimester abortions available.' "--Tiller family plans to shutter abortion clinic, The Washington Times

I wonder how he would like to have a needle puncture his heart and a lethal amount of digoxin injected? He certainly doesn't see anything wrong doing this to the Innocent!

"The method used involved a lethal injection of digoxin into the fetus' heart, killing it before inducing delivery."--Ditto

Perhaps the women who have these abortions should just be sterilized so they won't have to subject another innocent to such procedures. We could justify it as saving the doctors from getting more innocent blood on their hands. Besides, we take steps to prevent people who take animals to the city pound from ever being able to adopt animals in the future. If we can "protect" animals from those who would "toss them away", why can't we protect the babies? Prevent these mothers...er..women, from ever being able to subject another "fetus" to such horrific medical actions.

Carhart went on to compare Tiller to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr! King braved the times to bring a better class of existence to a nation of Black Americans. Tiller, and those like him, cause trauma and violence to the most vulnerable in our society, those who have no voice except the one of the "mother" who has made the choice to throw them away by any means available. Where is the comparison? How did Carhart possibly get from what Tiller and he do to the accomplishments of King? Talk about illusions of grandeur!

In the quote above, notice the fetus is referred to as an "it". Probably to encompass both genders of aborted babies, however, this glossing over by language is part of the attempt to desensitize us from making the connection that these babies are viable and may possibly live if they were removed from the womb. These are BABIES, not "IT"s!

The method used kills the infant while still attached to the umbilical cord, since the infant is still in the womb. Why does this NOT constitute murder on the side of the abortionist?

The party killed must have been a reasonable being, alive and in the king's peace. To constitute a birth, so as to make the killing of a child murder, the whole body must be detached from that of the mother; but if it has come wholly forth, but is still connected by the umbilical chord, such killing will be murder. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1722, note. Foeticide (q. v.) would not be such a killing; he must have been in rerum natura."--Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856

Call it what you will, gloss over it, dress it up, hide it in fancy language, cover it in political correctness....it is murder pure and simple.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Salute to the Dixie Chicks

In 2003 America came unglued on these women because they dared to not stand behind the current president, George W. Bush, and the war.

We now understand the basis for this war, the justification for this war, no matter how worthy it seems in hindsight, was all lies. We went to war on lies and faulty, whether purposefully or not, intelligence.

The Dixie Chicks later apologized for their remark about the president but not about their stance on the war.

At the time, one of their songs, "Travelin' Soldier" was #1 but quickly disappeared.

Natalie Maines, the firecracker in the group, didn't care for Toby Keith's hot song, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)",and stated as much, going so far as to wear a t-shirt with the acronym "F.U.T.K.". This led to more friction for the girls.

DixieChicks frequently asked questions page; http://dixiechicksfaq.homestead.com/files/index.htm

These are Texas women and most Texas women are outspoken although some are more slick about it, stating their opinions in a way that are not too offensive to some. We all say we are sick and tired in living in a "politically correct" environment where we have to constantly worry about hurting some one's feelings, yet we blasted them for offending our sense of political correctness.

Not all of us though, as a great many quietly agreed with Natalie on her views. And while we loved Toby's song because it captured the feelings across the nation, he wasn't concerned as to the WHO really initiated the attack on 9/11...only that we go whip some butt...open up a can of "Texas Whup-ass" on someone, anyone...like a gigantic bar-room brawl. And we all said "hell yeah!"

Now we have a president who cares NOTHING for the principles and values of America (based on his actions). He only gives lip-service to the Constitution, having violated it the second he accepted the nomination for president, knowing full well he was not qualified to even throw his hat in the ring. I say this in the tone that he isn't qualified and he knows it since, based on his actions, he has spent a great deal of time, effort and money into sealing records, which would prove once and for all, he is qualified to be the President of the United Stated as out-lined in the Constitution. And he cares nothing for protecting the US from further attacks since he wants to dismantle our military defense programs and get into bed with the enemy, welcoming them with open-arms, to come live in our neighborhoods. (Perhaps Obama can arrange for them to live next door to Toby!)

By Obama's actions and statements, he is most likely a closet-Muslim and evidently a Socialist. And this is the president Toby Keith supports!

Toby Keith Praises Obama, Says He's A Democrat

Good God man! Everything Obama stands for is in direct contradiction of the Constitution of the United States. Keith wants to kick butt over seas and then embraces the enemy within. And we say nothing about Keith, yet we crucified the Chicks!

It appears the Dixie Chicks were right all along. Their ability to clearly see the issues the rest of us were blinded to, and to see through the smoke & mirrors the rest of us enjoyed because it "felt good", makes them far ahead of their time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why I Stopped Eating at MCDONALD'S®

A few years ago while at a local (n. Houston) MCDONALD'S® for breakfast, I witnessed the lady making my egg sandwich by grabbing the egg patty with her bare hands.

Totally disgusting!

When the counter lady brought my breakfast, I refused it and asked for my money back. She asked why, I told her. She turned to the lady who originally made the sandwich, said something to her in Spanish and the lady made me another sandwich, using the tongs this time.

I asked to speak to the manager, related what had happened and the evidence that they were hiring illegals since the worker could not speak English. I then asked for the corporate contact information.

Over the next few months, I tried various MCDONALD'S® around Houston. It was always the same. The workers used their bare hands instead of the tongs.

Do they have an issue with 1) following directions and 2) using tongs?

Then in March 2007 I went to Yucatan, Mexico to see the Mayan ruins. The ruins were magnificent but what I learned there about the hygiene (or rather NON-hygiene) practices of the locals, was shocking and stomach-turning.

(I have vowed to NEVER return to any country south of Texas again!)

Where we went one morning (a Catholic Church) so I could use the facilities was appalling. (No, I didn't use their restroom.) No toilet seats, no toilet paper, exterminate and urine on the the toilets and the floor, no running water and forget soap..what's that? I have seen gas station restrooms, run by middle easterners, cleaner than what I found in the Yucatan (except where the tourist gather). And this is just one example I am writing of, to spare the reader, there were MANY other examples as we were there 10 days, and in several different locations.

These people have NO CONCEPT of personal hygiene, or at least none that I saw.

So, now here comes an invasion of illegals into the USA, most probably from the smaller villages where the income is less, they steal the jobs our teens and elderly use to be able to get (mostly fast food but the trade & crafts jobs have "gone south" as well). They make our food and I'll bet my bottom dollar they aren't washing their hands!

Recently I went into a MCDONALD'S® as I was traveling with another who wanted to stop and we were not in Houston. I noticed the gal wearing clear gloves. I guess someone within MCDONALD'S® finally got the message.

This morning I get a post in my email that MCDONALD'S® is now sponsoring the National Council of La Raza!


This is my official position on the issue and I ask that every red-blooded AMERICAN and TEXAN search their hearts to join with me, I AM DONE WITH MCDONALD'S®. There are just too many other fast food places to grab a burger or salad, or kids meal...I will not support a company, WHICH DOES NOT SUPPORT THE AMERICAN WORKER!

And if I witness the same practices at the other locations, I'll stop visiting there as well.

Just an FYI,at my most recent visits to Wendy's, Jack-in-the-Box and Popeye's, I saw no Hispanics other than those who, when they spoke, spoke perfect English. I am again guessing they are Americans of Hispanic descent.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Patriot or Murderer

Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. A paraphrased version of Matthew 26:52, and it has come to be understood as those who treat people badly will be treated badly as well. Said another way, You will reap what you sow. (Galatians 6:7)

Most people, who are not Christians, are fond of pointing the finger at professed Christians when they "break the rules", reminding them of the principle they have broken. If you aren't a Christian, then you have no set rules to live by but if you profess to be a Christian, then you have very clear rules to follow.

Dr. George Tiller, a late-term abortionist out of Wichita, KS was fatally shot while attending the Reformation Lutheran Church. What had he sown that he now reaped?

His family calls him a "good Christian" and wants him to be remembered as such. I am sure they do, however, it is not what we want but what God wants that matters.

What does God want? How do we know such a thing? Who knows the mind of God?

What we have to go on is the Word of God, as written in the Scriptures and accepted by the Christian church. For Christians, this is all we have.

I went to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America to see their official position on the subject. I was dismayed but understood how someone could call themselves a Christian and still be an abortionist.

A developing life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born, nor does a pregnant woman have an absolute right to terminate a pregnancy.

Should a church take a politically correct position on a sin? Can being "lukewarm" ever be the correct position for the church?

Christ said He would spew out the lukewarm church, the "fence riders". (Revelations 3:16)

If a woman wants an abortion, there are plenty of non-Christian doctors who can provide the service, but it is completely hypocritical for a Christian to do so.

The great "O" has stated he is "shocked and outraged" and "However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence." - LA Times

Just what does he think abortion is, if not violent? Perhaps it isn't a violent act towards the "mother" who has been sedated but if the baby could talk, I am sure it would characterize the act as very violent!

Should Scott Roeder, the suspect in the shooting, be found guilty? I say "No". He is no more guilty of murder than is Dr. Tiller. And perhaps Roeder was carrying out God's will, certainly Tiller wasn't.

I have heard it said that all the people in favor of abortion are those who have been born. How fortunate for them!

Dr. George Tiller, Patriot or Murderer?

Scott Roeder, Patriot or Murderer?

God will have the final say, we'll have to wait to know the answer.