Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Most Hated Man in America

Is it Harry Reid?

He is certainly out of touch with the American majority. I want to see these notes and I want to hear the "thank you" remarks he claims in the video. Where are the people making these statements? Are they fellow Socialists? Maybe, I don't know but I will bet a dollar to a donut these were not working class Americans. In fact, I'll go a step further and state that I don't believe anyone is saying this or sending him these notes at all. Pure fiction in the mind of an old man whose political career is withering before his eyes.

According to a Rasmussen poll, Reid is spiraling down. How was it put in "Top Gun"..crash and burn!
"...fully 62% of Nevadans think it would be a good thing if most incumbents up for reelection across these United States lost this coming November. ... Currently only 23% of Nevada voters have a very favorable opinion of Reid, while 53% have a very unfavorable opinion; that's 5 more points disapproving this month." -- April 5, LATIMES BLOG, Top of the Ticket

Is it Nancy Pelosi?

Oops..not a man...just the most hated woman in America, beating out Jane Fonda, Hillery Clinton and my favorite, Janet "The Butcher of Waco" Reno? Hmm...not sure, they are all pretty deserving of the contempt of Constitutionally loyal Americans.

I believe the honors go to Barrack Hussein Obama.
1. Someone who betrays his country by committing treason
2. Faithless: having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor
3. In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of disloyalty to one's sovereign or nation.

Traitor according to Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856: crimes. One guilty of treason.

2. The punishment of a traitor is death.

TREASON, crim. law. This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. 4 Bl. Com. 75.

2. The constitution of the United States, art. 3, s. 3, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war (q. v.) against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. Act of April 30th, 1790, 1 Story's Laws U. S. 83. By the same article of the constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. Vide, generally, 3 Story on the Const. ch. 39, p. 667; Serg. on the Const. ch. 30; United States v. Fries, Pamph.; 1 Tucker's Blackst. Comm. Appen. 275, 276; 3 Wils. Law Lect. 96 to 99; Foster, Disc. I; Burr's Trial; 4 Cranch, R. 126, 469 to 508; 2 Dall. R. 246; 355; 1 Dall. Rep. 35; 3 Wash. C. C. Rep. 234; 1 John. Rep. 553 11 Johns. R. 549; Com. Dig. Justices, K; 1 East, P. C. 37 to 158; 2 Chit. Crim. Law, 60 to 102; Arch. Cr. Pl. 378 to 387.
One could make the argument that moving known terrorist from a protected environment on to American soil, so they can have the same rights as American citizens, constitutes "aiding and giving giving comfort" to our sworn enemies and at the same time putting innocent Americans at high risk of being harmed. (Gitmo Debate Moves to the Heartland)

He has thrown the Constitution aside as though it were nothing more than toilet paper he wiped his rear with. He rejects the concerns of We, The People of the United States, who have demanded over 200 times to see proof of his eligibility to hold office. Proof which Obama had sealed so no one could view it.

It was just a short time ago he made campaign promises of a "transparent government". That seems laughable now as he is the most secretive person to sit in the Oval Office. I will not call him "President" because I do not believe he has the right to lay claim to that office.

He, through his fellow Socialist-in-arms, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, have attempted to force the Socialistic Obama-care down our throats, whether we like it or not. He does NOT represent We, The People but he does represent the Communist Party in all but name.

He has not done this alone but is the culmination of decades of Democrats AND Republicans, whose political careers were more dear to them than their nation.

Look over the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto and think back to which party, which president was the moving force or supporters of these laws.

"Washington D.C. has indeed become part of the New World Order of atheist governments. With the last vestiges of Christian law having been removed from "American government" over the last twenty years, there is no longer a threat of resistance against world Communism. In reality, "American government" became part of the Iron Curtain, thus there was no more need for the likes of a Berlin Wall.

Once again, in their foolishness, the American public has believed the lies of their "leaders" who applaud "the fall of Communism", while they have sold out the country to anti-Christian, anti-American statutes and regulations on the federal, state, and local levels. Posted below is a comparison of the original ten planks of the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx in 1848, along with the American adopted counterpart of each of the planks, The American people have truly been "buried in Communism" by their own politicians of both the Republican and Democratic parties. One other thing to remember, Karl Marx was stating in the Communist Manifesto that these planks will test whether a country has become commmunist (sic) or not. If they are all in effect and in force the country IS communist. Communism, but by any other name...??" -- from Ten Planks Of the Communist Manifesto article

But as Obama now sits in the Oval Office, he has become the face of the Communist movement within the country, the face of those who are trying to destroy our nation, therefore he is the most hated man in America, by Constitutionally LOYAL Americans.

He has bowed to foreign leaders time and time again. He as apologized for America, time and time again. He has put KNOWN Socialist in positions of power within his administration.

The concepts of Communism/Socialism/Fascism and Americanism are mutually exclusive. You cannot be a true American and support these principles as acceptable styles of government for America.

Remember in November!

Get your
"Ram it down our throats in 2009, we'll ram up your butt in 2010"

"Liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree and think 25 to life would be appropriate. America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask."- Jay Leno

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