View One
As I write this the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department are conducting an audit on me and my family, suggesting that we have made thousands in profit on properties bought and sold by our Trust*.
This audit has been running now for over three years. We know that we haven't made a profit from property transactions, and we've told them so in very clear terms. Our accountant tells us that he believes the IR Trolls think they have sniffed out a likely pot of gold to raid - that we've probably made a healthy profit. No profit has resulted mainly due to the fact that we have been badly affected by the economic downturn. The idea that, as a family, we might be able to claw our way back to a reasonable standard of living, having lost just about everything due to the government's dirty tricks, was a short-lived one when the bottom dropped out of the New Zealand property market. We had hoped to accrue a couple of residential properties as a hedge against the future - as an investment for our children.
The IRD wouldn't have this answer – they determined that we were, once again, an easy mark and targeted the Francis-Robersons, most likely because we had stood up for ourselves against their bullying in the past. I happen not to be either paranoid or to subscribe to conspiracy 'theories'. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that the most recent investigation of my affairs may have something to do with my having historically upset some of those grandees in high places by facing up to them.
In the late 90s I had a running paperwork and 'interview' battle with the IRD for a period of more than four years because they maintained that more thousands in Goods and Service Taxes (GST) plus added interest (allegedly payable by our former business partner, nothing to do with us personally) was owed to the IRD.
In addition to this they were claiming, based on assessment, that I owed back taxes of $15,000 plus tax (interest)!
But wait, that's not all - on top of this they now came after me personally for (allegedly) unpaid GST amounting to over $10,000 and dating back to 1989. This began with a figure of $1,401.56 with additional tax added and rising to $10,899.62 by 1995. Again I attempted to explain to them that there had been an error on their part. The total being claimed by New Zealand's beloved secret ops organisation had by this time run into more than $27,500, with interest mounting each day. I continued to battle them with facts on paper thinking that this lot would never go away. Agreed that these are not enormous sums of money we're talking here. What we have to remember though is that the government actions of earlier years had rendered me virtually broke – and, of course, they were well aware of this. Their subsequent moves were calculated to make my life and that of my family a living hell.
I'm not too naive to reject the possibility that this stream of harassment by the IR nasties might possibly be connected with the fact that I dared to question their claims against me. Also that the earlier media propaganda (promoted by Internal Affairs) had conditioned many people (IRD no exception) into believing that Mike Francis-Roberson was a criminal – a persona non grata. They were consistently inconsistent, trying to give me the runaround by regularly sending me correspondence signed by different individuals from different internal departments.
I guess their objective was to confuse me; however, it didn't work because I insisted on writing back to the single individual and department first heard from. I wasn't prepared to play that game! Smoke and mirrors doesn't work if you're in the right and you hold to your belief. This nonsense from IRD went on for more than three and a half years.
However, in October 1995, and totally out of the blue, I received a five page statement of account from the IRD. At first I couldn't understand the picture it was painting for me. I should mention here that I was still suffering from M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) contracted in August 1990. I had been unable to work for several years except for a sitting down radio broadcasting job with the local radio station (near Auckland). Before that, from 1991, I had been on income support; I couldn't get sickness benefit because Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) would not recognise that chronic fatigue syndrome was an illness. The fact that I was so weak that I couldn't even stand or walk and could hardly eat cut no ice with WINZ. They had their rules and their guidelines and they were sticking to them.
Not being a trained accountant I struggled to understand what the five pages from our beloved IRD torturers were trying to tell me. After a little study I finally realised that they showed how, since July 1989 and with 'additional tax', the alleged GST debt of $1,400 had built to almost $11,000 in six monthly increments. I thought: "so why are they telling me all this – are the simply rubbing it in"?
But wait, there was more...thumbing slowly through the five pages I realised that the figures from May 1995 suddenly changed dramatically about halfway through. Reading carefully I spotted the words 'Default Assessment Reversal' and 'Additional Tax Reversal'!
I could hardly believe my eyes as I followed the now decreasing figures to the foot of the last page until I reached the magic number - $.00. There was no covering letter to explain how or why, after more than three years, they had finally arrived at a zero debt in my favour. If they care to do this now I would be interested to hear the reasoning applied.
I had been battling them for more than 1,344 days since 1991 attempting in my layman and somewhat ignorant way to convince them they were wrong. Their eventual but reluctant response appeared to be like a naughty schoolboy thrusting a 'sorry' note into a parent's hand, at the same time looking the other way and shuffling off in the opposite direction. Very sad and, in my opinion – CORRUPT - just one example of a Great Lie.
Less than a year later, in September 1996, the IRD proceeded to illegally bankrupt me and my wife. How did they manage this? Easy, they committed perjury in their affidavit to the Court. The department proceeded to do this in spite of the fact that we owned half a residential property that was valued at five times the alleged debt claimed. We offered to liquidate the asset and settle their claim, at least temporarily until we could show them the real truth of their assessment and that it was in error, rather than endure their continued pursuit of us into the bankruptcy court.
The Inland Revenue Department refused the offer. 'Why?' I hear you ask. A very good question...I can only guess that they were determined to get me – one way or another; ask David Henderson how that works. Henderson also fought IRD for four years after it rejected his claim for a $65,000 refund. Instead, it gave him a $1 million bill.
His book, 'Be Very Afraid', was published in 1999. The film, 'We're Here to Help', was released in 2008. David fell foul of the New Zealand IRD over their claims and his denials of a million dollars allegedly owed to them.
Because he also dared to argue the point and refused to pay them monies he maintained he did not owe them, in precisely the same way I have, they were all over him like a rash too. You can check out Mr. Henderson's experiences on the internet. It seems that once the IRD sets its sights on you and gets its hooks in it holds tight and keeps coming back at you.
I guess they'll do the same to me after these chronicles are published. And, if they don't (or can't because I'm dead) they'll probably readjust their aim at my family. That's the way they function and it's the main reason most people don't dare argue with them. Well, I didn't tolerate bullies at school and, now that I'm in the Big World nothing's changed!
The Bully Syndrome is also one of the reasons judges make many of the decisions they do in favour of the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department's often inefficient, error-filled and bullying claims. Be very connect the dots. But just remember one important fact; anger is a stronger emotion than fear. Having said that, I propose not to get angry – just even.
There are numerous cases involving harassment by the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department.
MP Rodney Hide's book 'The Power to Destroy' in which he detailed cases of persecution by the Inland Revenue Department includes the tragic case of Ian Mutton, a small businessman who broke his ankle in a work-related accident - which ACC originally refused to cover – causing him to get behind in the payment of tax. Instead of working with Ian and his wife Bronwyn, the IRD applied harsh penalty rates and the couple faced ruin. Unable to cope, Ian took his life and tragically, seven months later, his 13 year old son Trevor followed suit.
Christchurch businessman Dave Henderson, in his book 'Be Very Afraid: One Man’s Stand Against the IRD' outlines his nightmare battle with the IRD, which fabricated a $1 million debt against him. Dave’s four-year-long campaign eventually resulted in the false assessment being reversed in favour of a $65,000 refund. The book is now being turned into a film which Dave hopes will encourage more people to stand up against state stupidity and aggression.
Henderson also then proceeded to buy the building the New Zealand Inland Revenue occupied; this effectively made him their landlord. The New Zealand IRD recently had to clear out of David Henderson's building – their lease ran out!
In the same way as I was concurrently battling IRD, but over a considerably longer period of time, I've been asking each and every government administration since 1994 for an independent public inquiry into the actions of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Justice Department, the Inland Revenue Department and others. At one stage I even sent a formal complaint to the United Nations.
'Abuse of power is tantamount to corruption'
Old-guard, old-style taxmen are on the way out - Yeah, Right!
New bill will squeeze out the secrecy from Inland Revenue – When it happens!
Each and every one of the individuals involved in this affair in these government departments or agencies is guilty at least of malfeasance* – this is abuse of power (authority) and, where malfeasance can be shown, is punishable in New Zealand by a term of imprisonment. The Corruption Chronicles show the many instances of shameful abuse of authority. Instances which, in the absence of someone prepared to stand up to them, go unchallenged and unpunished.
I compiled the Corruption Chronicles slowly and steadfastly as a direct result of my determined battle over twenty years to obtain truth and justice in a country where many in the Justice department don't even know the true meaning of the word – particularly where politics and advancement through the ranks of their own particular field of endeavour is involved. But then, that isn't surprising when we consider the way in which New Zealand is emulating the United States of America's downward slide into sleazy judicial and general standards together with the breakup of the values of the family unit.
But that's another experiences have to be shared, if only to warn others. This publication deals directly with the Establishment's worst side, the underbelly of New Zealand's seamy political corridors of power and the sycophantic, apple polishing gastropods who frequent the chambers of its badly-named 'justice' system.
It is the Public Servants who are the real architects and sculptors of Policy in this and every western-influenced governing Administration.
The shady offices of the devious bureaucrats and the treachery-charged corridors of power trodden by members of the New Zealand House of Representatives have a lot to answer for in terms of human suffering. New Zealand's Green image, marketed by those who have the task of bolstering the flagging reputation of a once healthy life-styled country, is a slightly false one in need of the specialist propaganda pumped out by the tourism sales people; to match the effluent and chemicals pumped into its streams and waterways by the industrialists and careless agriculturalists. New Zealand has as many problems in the area of pollution as any other country. Industrial and agricultural influences are largely at the root of these difficulties. The problem is compounded by successive pussy-footing governments frightened of losing votes.
But let us not lose sight of what these Chronicles are all about. It must be made clear that a seriously damaging and covert document was created by the Secretary of Internal Affairs. It was damaging in the first place to Gary Thomas Knapp, former Member of Parliament for the East Coast Bays electorate on Auckland's North Shore. **
Knapp lost his seat in Parliament (House of Representatives) as a direct result of the outrageous lies concocted by those in power who would see him ousted. He represented too much of a threat to their own positions should he be permitted to stay in politics. His influence as an independent politician, coupled with his film star good looks and charisma were far too dangerous to both major parties.
There was also the added factor that at the time of their strategically timed rumour-mongering (just prior to a general election) Knapp's party, with only two seats in the House, actually held the balance of power in government. This did much to encourage his opponents to invoke the devious machinations of their chief strategists in a bid to lose him votes.
The Democrats (formerly Social Credit) was the strongest of the minor parties, coming second in five electorates. Two electorates, East Coast Bays and Pakuranga, were held by the Democrats prior to the election, but were narrowly lost to National candidates.
** Gary Knapp was a New Zealand politician of the Social Credit Party. He became Member of Parliament for East Coast Bays in 1980 when he defeated National candidate Don Brash in the 1980 by-election in East Coast Bays caused by the resignation of the sitting National MP. Knapp joined Bruce Beetham in parliament, where they both had high profiles. In the 1984 election, while Beetham lost his Rangitikei seat to a National Party challenger, Knapp retained East Coast Bays, and another Social Credit candidate, Neil Morrison, won Pakuranga. But in the 1987 election Knapp and Morrison were both defeated by National candidates, see Social Credit Party (New Zealand).

Not only were the outrageous allegations of costs overcharging harmful to Knapp's political position, they were also damaging to the commercial entity he and his business partner had set up in 1984. However, to appreciate the full effect of the trick being played on Knapp and his partner, we must reverse the order of damage. Although ostensibly the Internal Affairs-produced document was made to look as though it was aimed at criticising Knapp's business, the contents were designed to do maximum damage to Knapp himself and his reputation as a parliamentarian and to keep him out of politics – permanently.
The year was 1989...less than a year before the next election that could see Knapp returned to Parliament. For his political opponents to be certain of successfully ousting him timing was of the essence now. Knapp was very good at campaigning, as he had proved on several previous occasions. It was in September of that year (1989) that the fallacious Secret Report was manufactured. The Dirty Tricksters were aware that Knapp's business channeled a great deal of cash through its trust account. In addition they knew that his licence to operate would be due for rubber stamp renewal in March of the following year – general election year. What better weapon than to start rumours that he was fiddling with charitable money?
But we'll examine this topic in more depth later.
Suffice to say that it was the New Zealand Internal Affairs Department's most senior administrator Richard Stubbings who structured the lies and non-facts in a report on Knapp and me that was so destructive to reputations and lives; you'll see the inter-departmental memos gloating over the fact.
But, what of the sometime unwholesome Government Offices and their furtive occupants?
Of course, the Establishment 'shadowy servants' don't see themselves in this (half) light. Their own image of themselves is of knights in gleaming armour riding white chargers through the injustices of a Commoners world. Many of them would describe their presence in parliament as being 'For the Good of the People'.
The claim is often heard, "I came into politics to help people and to change things for the better". Well, no doubt there are those, possibly even the majority, who entered the political arena to 'make things better'. The problem starts after that and principally with first sight of what is commonly known as the Party Line; some refer to it as the Pigs' Trough, where the snouts become well and truly embedded.
Virtually anyone can become a member of parliament, but some of those who stay have invariably compromised the principles they may have possessed at the outset. Why? Because unless they toe the Party Line they must be considered renegades. The Establishment grandees can't tolerate a loose cannon – i.e. one who thinks for her/himself. When one is detected in the House, out creep the thought police (bureaucrats) or rather, their lackeys the parliamentary Whips, and whack them back into line. Why do you think they carry the name 'whip'?
The Two Party system of government allows for one thing as far as the individual politician is concerned; you can say what you long as it falls in line with Party Policy.- that's toeing the Party Line. Where both Parties in the New Zealand House of Representatives were stymied as far as Gary Knapp went was they had no control over him. As one of only two members of his Party in Parliament Gary Knapp was getting things done; despite strong opposition from Establishment quarters he was instrumental in having the Auckland Harbour bridge vehicle tolls removed, siting that the levy, originally imposed to pay for the construction of the bridge, should be removed due to the fact that the bridge had been paid for years before!
Old Chinese proverb says:‘Man saying “it cannot be done” should move out of way of man doing it'.
With his persuasive ways and obvious charisma Mr. Knapp tended to make a very dangerous political adversary. Those with long service in the House could easily see this, and so it was decided that Gary had to go!
This ends the Second Installment
To Read Installment One
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