"Abuse of power is tantamount to corruption" –
Mike Francis-Roberson 1994
These true facts in connection with a good politician and a successful businessman and the way the political/bureaucratic Establishment grandees treated them may not surprise you. After all, when we look around at the most prominent stories currently running the globe, we cannot help but notice that they invariably have as their subject matter...
In politics, if it isn't a member of the civil service snooping into areas they have no business snooping, or releasing information they have no right to release then it's a politician taking advantage of his position and ripping off some poor but trusting islander.
It is either overspending on personal expenses, cooking the books (as so many sales representatives have been caught out doing over countless years), or claiming exorbitant rents on their properties at the taxpayer's expense. In addition to all this we find them misrepresenting themselves, or fiddling the votes during an election – or both.
Of course, they would have it that it is the poor hard-done-by politicians and their civil service bosses who are really the ones at the base of the pile...not you and I;
(Yeah, Right)!
They give the impression that they are holier than thou... but, when it comes to the crunch, they are not only NO BETTER...they are a damn sight worse.
In these Corruption Chronicles...
you will see words like 'spies' and 'spying', 'blackmail', 'arrest threats', 'intimidation', 'malfeasance', even 'death threats'. They are placed there, not to dramatise, but to describe accurately the manner in which this pitched but one-sided battle was fought – for battle it truly has been – between the forces of Light and Dark.
Then there's the question of 'who hanged the Family pet'?
One of the disgusting events was that of my wife arriving home one day to find her beloved and devoted Hunterway dog hanging from the rear patio. This is only one example of some of the unpleasant, even terrifying experiences, the whole family were forced to go through at varying times throughout the years that this whole affair dragged on – all because a few politicians got together and decided that one of their colleagues had to go.
"The actions committed against me and my family by
New Zealand government employees have been
as harmful as they are unacceptable...
unacceptable, that is, to any reasonable man". Mike Francis-Roberson – 2009.
[Paraphrased from New Zealand Prime Minister John Key's address to the United Nations - September 2009 - Author's emphasis added.]
The following writings are the result of a long, exasperating, sometimes dangerous and, thus far, fruitless attempt by one man to obtain justice in New Zealand. You would think that butter wouldn't melt in the mouths of the country that produces this consumable in large quantities...you'd be wrong; New Zealand has, per capita, as many corrupt officials in virtually every department of central and local government as any country you care to name.
The story that unfolds and the picture painted by the following documents is one of self-serving, greedy and corrupt politicians, civil servants...and others who like to jump on the bandwagon - just because they can.
The question today is not "Who in government is corrupt"?
But, "How many ARE NOT"?
These Chronicles are written by the man who experienced the affair first hand. A man who originally was only a political observer but who later became involved in setting up a political party of his own in an effort to become a political animal and get to close quarter grips with those who destroyed him as a businessman, his reputation, his health and almost his marriage.
The information contained in these chronicles is factual and based on personal and very costly experience. Costly from just about every aspect – loss of reputation, health, loss of the family home, assets, livelihood and general financial losses in the fields of the business activity engaged in by two men and their families, not only in New Zealand but overseas in Australia and the United Kingdom.
They were involved as victims in one of the most shameful examples of character assassination of a politician by politicians for political purposes ever seen in New Zealand. Former New Zealand Prime Minister Rob Muldoon would have been proud of this lot...but then, 'Piggy' Muldoon would have been proud of any dirty trick played against an opponent.
Corruption is not confined to the African nations alone; nor is it the prerogative of the Russias, the United States, Uganda, Japan, Australia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan or the United Kingdom. It was published recently that New Zealand has the highest number of lawyers per head of population; by the same benchmarks it also has the highest number of corrupt individuals – many of them have power over you to some degree. It is also interesting to note that a large proportion of New Zealand (and World) politicians are former lawyers.
Of a country with barely four and a half million people in total, that's an unbelievable statistic. But it's an accurate one, and one of which the average Kiwi should bow her/his head in shame. Not because it is a fact, but for permitting it to have become a fact.
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil,but because of the people who do nothing about it." Albert Einstein
Anyone from any walk of life and at any time could find themselves the victim of the type of behaviour dished out to the New Zealand member of the House of Representatives and his businessman partner by people 'in power'. Many individuals inside the Civil Service nowadays have a reputation for being neither 'civil' nor providing anything that could reasonably be described as a 'service'.
Far from it - the bureaucratic system in New Zealand is constructed in such a way as to emulate other western countries; essentially it is one of control.
Control, not only of the People but, more surprisingly perhaps, control of the government. We have been conditioned to believe that it's the politicians who call the shots but, in the final event, this not the case.
When we come to learn of the true structure of the Establishment and just how it has been carefully constructed through the centuries it is suddenly revealed to us how we arrived at this point; but more of this further into the corruption chronicles.
If you are concerned to avoid the pitfalls encountered by the author of these chronicles, then this read is a must. It will take you through the various stages of a political Dirty Trick set up by scheming politicians to knock down a particularly charismatic and intelligent opponent politician (independent of course, no Party line to toe) and how it altered the lives of more than just one individual; in this case it changed the course of history for two families. Much of what is detailed here is difficult for the average person to comprehend. That it could have happened at all is almost beyond belief – but it did, and it could happen to anyone...it could happen to you.
In one letter written to former Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark, Mike Francis-Roberson wrote..."For the past several years for me and my family it has been like being a part of a nightmare. I have gone to sleep at night to experience nightmare-like dreams, and I have awoken to realise that it was not all a bad dream, I was indeed waking to a living nightmare". If you can imagine how that feels you will understand the dreadful feeling of despair that it invokes.
The Corruption Chronicles take the form of explicit letters, memoranda and other written works dating from 1988, all hung together with the words of the man who experienced the whole life-changing episode from beginning to the present. Although the story really begins in 1984 when the two main protagonists, a prominent sitting Member of Parliament in New Zealand and a successful businessman first met.
Beginning with a flourishing commercial relationship between the two the saga moves with ever-impelling menace to the point where both are betrayed by the New Zealand political, and justice systems. Secret papers, lost files, mislaid documents, threats, fraud, extortion and coercion – and that's only on the government's side.
Are the Corruption Chronicles true? Once you've read them...You be the judge.
The working title for this missive is:
Compiled by Mike Francis-Roberson
Between 1989 – 2009
"All truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Schopenhauer
This is not a joke...
The label 'conspiracy theory' is commonly used to try to discredit criticism of the powerful in government or business.
After Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair was confronted by the Iraq Inquiry recently (2010) with evidence that he had used lies to sell the Iraq war - Blair dismissed the entire Iraq inquiry as simply being part of Britain's "obsession with conspiracy theories" (his description).
What few people know is that since 2007 Tony Blair has waged an extraordinary two-year battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multi-national oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq.
The former British Prime Minister tried to keep the public in the dark over his dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corporation. Mr Blair - who has made at least £20 million (pounds sterling) since leaving Downing Street in June 2007 - also went to great efforts to keep hidden a £1 million deal advising the ruling royal family in Iraq's neighbour Kuwait. Are we now, after this additional exposure of blatant and damning corruption on the part of the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, to accept that Mr. Blair is actually capable of even recognising what a conspiracy theory looks like? Perhaps 'smells' would be a more appropriate word to use in the circumstances. Conspiracy Theory? Could it possibly be more accurately described as...Conspiracy Fact?
The story about to unfold could be considered unbelievable; not only from the point of view that it has the appearance of a fictional, almost James Bond-like storyline, but also because the average reader finds it difficult to believe that governments would tell them a Big Lie.
The point is, this is a true story from start to finish, and it is likely to shock you to the core because right now you don't believe that your Government would dare to do the things or tell you the lies you'll learn about in these pages – but then, perhaps I do you an injustice...maybe you would believe! However you receive this you'd better believe that what happened to the players in this drama could just as easily happen to you.
It is generally understood by most people that white lies are told every day by just about everyone; little fibs to kids, spouses, friends, work colleagues and so on – the list of lies is almost endless, as are the reasons for them. But when it comes to the Big Lie, something really serious, even earth-shattering involving for example the murder of another human being and then using Big Lies to cover it up...most of us wouldn't do it.
Because this is our nature we find it difficult to believe that others will tell us a big untruth; in particular our Government, who many of us see as 'Mummy' and there to look after us, protect us and keep us from 'terrorists'!
And if you believe that, you'll believe just about anything.
However, this belief doesn't necessarily make you clinically insane -- or even stupid. The truth is, human nature makes us believe things, especially things we want (or, worse, need) to be true.
"The great masses of the people...will more easily fall victims to a Great Lie than to a small one; what luck for Rulers that men do not think". Adolf Hitler
You can't make this stuff up..!
These chronicles deal with an affair over which the New Zealand Establishment should hang its head in shame – from Cabinet Ministers down through judges, Justice Department officials, Internal Affairs departmental heads and their lackeys, and the furtive geheimestaatspolizei-types at the Inland Revenue department (IRD, the New Zealand equivalent of America's IRS) whose people will stop at nothing, including perjury, in order to work their devious ways or to get a judgment in their favour. If this statement wasn't fact the New Zealand IRD would be sure to come after me with a libel suit and probably even more harassment than we've experienced to now; and believe me, they know too well how to do that. They won't, because I can prove every word of what is written here; the proof lies in their own sworn affidavit to a bankruptcy court hearing. Of course, as many of us know, they will be more likely to come after me with yet another dirty set of tricks and harassment. So, how do they operate? This is my experience of them to date.
This ends the first installment
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