Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do You Get It Now

What is the difference between a "Statesman" and a "Representative"?

A Statesman does what HE thinks is best, regardless of what the people want and a Representative does what the majority of those he represents has voted they want, regardless of his or her personal opinions.

In fact, I would say that when someone is elected to an office, by the majority of their voting block, they have agreed to put aside their personal opinions when it conflicts with what their voting block has stated they want.

Our Constitution, the Supreme Law (for those who keep forgetting why we constantly refer to that document), tells us we will have a "Representative" form of government.

[Constitution for the United States of America]
Color-coded to indicate violations or failures to implement: red for most serious, orange for second most serious, and yellow for third most serious

Obviously, what America now has is a whore-house full of pimps and whores fighting over who gets the biggest piece of the dough, while the American people, long drugged in the illusion that voting actually counted for something, their voices actually meant something to someone in the halls of "government", have now seen this illusion dissolve before their eyes.

The most recent whores to come out of the closet are two Democrats, one from Louisiana and the other from Nebraska.

Waking up is hard, being forced to wake up should be even harder, but I fear it is another case of "too little, too late".

The majority of Americans have no clue what is happening outside of their little world and the sad thing is, for us who do understand, being in the minority, are not only affected by the acts of government,but by the ignorance of the people who do nothing, say nothing, and sleep through life.

I guess, when the taxes hit their paychecks for this Healthcare horror and when they can't get the health care they had yesterday, maybe then they'll "get it". Maybe then their rose-colored glasses will fall off and they'll understand...but I am not holding my breath.

The only good thing are the Nov 2010 elections on the horizon. Maybe, just maybe there will be enough loyal Americans who will not be suffering political amnesia and they will clean house.

Basically, it would not surprise me to find that the voters did vote these bastards out of office BUT the vote counters came up with their own results.

I have long said to stop listening to what they say and watch what they do.

Do you get it now America?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Islam IS at War with America


A white male walks onto a university campus, yells out, "The South will rise again!" and starts shooting people.


How long before the president declares this is a Hate Crime? How long before the "news" papers declare it a Hate Crime? How long before Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton demand his hide be hung up, screaming that this is another example of why we need Hate Crime laws in the first place.

While this is purely a fictitious incident, no one reading this has to make a big leap in their imagination as to what the out come would be or how the media would spin it, yet we have a Muslim making a declaratory statement before he begins killing people and all the public gets are excuses as to WHY he acted as he did and told not to jump to conclusions.

I can tell you exactly WHY he acted as he did. Because he is a Muslim. There is no need to go searching for answers when he revealed it himself minutes before he acted.

And to have a president who has twice shown where his heart is, first with his jumping to conclusions over the Harvard College professor mishap (no mishap on the part of the cop, just the professor and his presidential friend) and now over his "don't jump to conclusions" remark.

Tell me, if someone, of any race, were to run up on the White House and yell, "Save America" and start shooting up the place, would people wait before they began jumping to conclusions? Would anyone ask if the person was stressed over seeing a once great and independent nation turn into a socialized police state? Would anyone ask that the shooter not be charged with a Hate Crime or deemed a domestic terrorist under the USA PATRIOT Act until it could be decided what set the person off?

Not only "No", but HELL NO!

The S.O.B. who shot up Fort Hood is a Muslim extremist as evidenced by his own words and actions and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He should be strung up and hung in the town square...perhaps HIS head should be cut off.

I am one American who is sick and tired of being told what to think and how to act by the government and by the media.

Obama told the world that America is not at war with Islam but he forgot to mention Islam, through it's Muslim followers, IS at war with America.

How much more proof do we need?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Customer Service Government Style

Most of my professional life has been in the customer service business, in one aspect or another. I have owned my own business, been a co-owner of a business and worked in sales or the public service sector. In almost all instances, customer service was a huge part of the continuation of that business.

The other day I had cause to visit the local U.S. Post Office, since you have to now take letters weighing over 13oz to the counter clerk.

The customers (paying customers) were lined up almost to outside and there was one slow, solitary clerk. While standing in line, getting more and more frustrated because all I needed were two stamps to mail a letter that barely weighed over 13ozs, I began to reflect on how we Americans had better get use to waiting since it looks like ObamaCare will pass.

I began to reflect on the idea of customer service and just what it meant.

Customer service is the highest form of respect a business owner can show a customer. It is a way of telling the customer, "we appreciate your business, your money, without which, we would not be in business".

Customer service use to include such things as having the air in your tires checked, the fluid levels checked and your windshield washed while the pump-jockey filled your car up with gas.

Or the young lady checking your groceries at the supermarket would actually talk to you, the customer, instead of the checker at the next register or the bag boy, about their latest dating experiences. And revealing more than you wanted to know.

Customer service use to be attention paid to the customer to make them feel important. Now it is a thing of days gone by.

And it never was an important part of doing business with a government agency. Today, if you visit a government run service such as the Post Office or the Drivers License office etc, you are treated as though you are making them have to work. The clerks, representatives for the "company" actually treat you as though you are a pain in their butt and they wish you'd just hurry up and leave.

Now we are going to have government run health care. It won't be long until you are treated just like you are when you go to the Post Office.

It's that a pleasant thought.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Guest article by "General Lee"

It is just amazing that of all Presidents Obama wants to emulate, he had to pick Lincoln. Lincoln was no “God” and Obama is no “Messiah”. Lincoln’s deity was artificially manufactured by his supporters to revise history as taught by the nation’s government, past and present, while Obama’s messianic status was contrived as a weapon of political correctness.
William H. Herndon, under whom Lincoln began his law practice and longtime friend, wrote one of the first biographies of Lincoln, "Story of a Great Life," but because of its frankness in unfolding the life of Lincoln it was bought up and suppressed. It was republished some years later, much modified...Lamon, in his "Life of Lincoln," said: The ceremony of Mr. Lincoln's apotheosis was planned and executed after his death by men who were unfriendly to him while he lived. Men who had exhausted the resources of their skill and ingenuity in venomous distractions of the living Lincoln were first after his death to undertake the task of guarding his memory, not as a human being, but as a god. Among those participating in the apotheosis Lamon names Seward, Edwin Stanton, Thad Stevens and Charles Sumner." Link to article

What is suppressed is that Lincoln’s legend was rewritten so that we the people would be kept ignorant of his true intentions. History is repeating itself, in that both presidents utilize manipulation to advance their agenda of a larger, socialistic, tyrannical government.

Thanks to the Department of Education created in 1980, history is only being told by the government through required scholastic curricula, indoctrinating us that the great War of Northern Aggression was only about slavery. This is a fallacy that has been put forward as revisionist history since the close of the War. The War was about economics, including oppressive taxation and trade tariffs, and the rights of the States to choose to continue membership in a governmental union of the United States as a whole as envisioned by the founding fathers. The Federal government was bankrupt in March 1861. The North was in a severe recession prior to that, and the South’s tax payments were supplying 75% of the amount required to keep the Federal treasury afloat. The South was being taxed at a rate of 47% of their gross income. The Southern people said that enough was enough and the States seceded. The tax rate of the US today will increase from 39% to 42%, if the proposed health care and cap and trade bills pass, if Obama and the corrupt Congress get their way. This is only the beginning …

Picture this: The people of the South in 1860 were in their churches, their town halls, out in the fields and steps of their capitals, discussing the Federal government outrage of corruption and manipulation of Constitutional States’ Rights. Look at our nation today, in the town halls, on the Capitol steps, the tea parties … again, is history repeating itself? And Justice Thomas states Americans should emulate Lincoln (recent press release).

Justice Thomas, you are a member of the highest Court in the land. Instead of relying on the history of Lincoln as propounded by the revisionist historians, you should look at the true, dark, historical, legal and unconstitutional aspects, which are clearly documented and which have been suppressed for decades. Such an outlandish suggestion without proper foundational research is pure foolishness.

The so-called Emancipation Proclamation was originally written on September 22, 1862 by Lincoln and the word “Emancipation” was not used in US history prior to this point. It is taught in history classes today that the Proclamation was written after the battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. The original intent for such a declaration was to signal the slaves to rebel in arms to attack their masters/slave owners and collapse the South through an internal war. See this link for further information.
It will be the workers, with their courage, resolution and self-sacrifice, who will be chiefly responsible for achieving victory. The petty bourgeoisie will hesitate as long as possible and remain fearful, irresolute and inactive; but when victory is certain it will claim it for itself and will call upon the workers to behave in an orderly fashion, and it will exclude the proletariat from the fruits of victory. ... the rule of the bourgeois democrats, from the very first, will carry within it the seeds of its own destruction, and its subsequent displacement by the proletariat will be made considerably easier.

Marx, Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League (1850)

Revolutions are the locomotives of history.

Marx, Class Struggle in France (1850)

Now, where did Lincoln ever get this idea? Answer is clear and documented. Lincoln and Karl Marx were friends, they communicated, and Marx stated of this idea as follows:
Marx ... uses this rhetoric ironically to develop his critique of bourgeois notions of emancipation. Marx points out that the bourgeois notion of freedom is predicated on choice (in politics, through elections; in the economy, through the market), but that this form of freedom is anti-social and alienating. Although Bauer and other liberals believe that emancipation means freedom to choose, Marx argues that this is at best a very narrow notion of freedom. Thus, what Bauer believes would be the emancipation of the Jews is for Marx actually alienation, not emancipation. After explaining that he is not referring to real Jews or to the Jewish religion, Marx appropriates this anti-Semitic rhetoric against itself (in a way that parallels his Hegelian argument that capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction) by using ‘Judaism’; ironically as a metaphor for capitalism. In this sense, Marx states, all Europeans are ‘Jewish’.

Natural science has invaded and transformed human life all the more practically through the medium of industry; and has prepared human emancipation, although its immediate effect had to be the furthering of the dehumanisation of man. Industry is the actual, historical relationship of nature, .... The nature which develops in human history — the genesis of human society — is man’s real nature; hence nature as it develops through industry, even though in an estranged form, is true anthropological nature.

Marx, Private Property and Communism (1844)

Under private property ... Each tries to establish over the other an alien power, so as thereby to find satisfaction of his own selfish need. The increase in the quantity of objects is therefore accompanied by an extension of the realm of the alien powers to which man is subjected, and every new product represents a new potentiality of mutual swindling and mutual plundering.

Marx, Human Requirements and Division of Labour (1844)
The negroes were just a pawn to solidify/confiscate property to strengthen the federal treasury/banks of the North. It is historically documented that immediately after Lincoln was inaugurated, he called a meeting in which he promised the Northern Governors that if each State would supply war materiel to defeat and break the South, financial benefits in the form of War bonds (promissory notes), guaranteed by the federal government, would be given. This is the same meeting where Lincoln requested 75,000-90,000 volunteer Union soldiers. These securities issued by Lincoln guaranteed a high interest rate to revive the North’s industrial economy and increase employment. The securities were payable upon maturity at the cessation of the War, on Lincoln’s prediction that the War would be short-lived. This agreement occurred in late March 1861, again, at the same time the United States was bankrupt. Lincoln needed money; he needed collateral. He needed industrial production. This was America’s first “Big Government”, which is the same concept being used by the Obama administration today.

More information on the war bonds can be found here:

In order for the bond program to be successful, the North needed an unrestricted currency supply for citizens to pay for them and a source of income to guarantee the interest. The Legal Tender Act filled the first requirement. Passed in February 1862, the act authorized the issue of $150 million in Treasury notes, known as Greenbacks. In contrast to Confederate paper, however, Congress required citizens, banks, and governments to accept Greenbacks as legal tender for public and private debts, except for interest on federal bonds and customs duties. This policy allowed buyers to purchase bonds with greenbacks while the interest accrued to them was paid in gold (funded, in part, by specie payments of customs duties). Investors enjoyed a bountiful windfall, since government securities purchased with depreciated currency were redeemed with gold valued at the prewar level. Taxpayers essentially made up the difference. Because most bonds were acquired by the wealthy or by financial institutions, the program concentrated investment capital in the hands of those likely to use it, much as Alexander Hamilton’s debt plan had sought to do.

Documented in the book "The Lost Cause," written by E.A. Pollard in 1866, Lincoln said:
I have always thought that "Dixie" was one of the best songs I ever heard. Our ADVERSARIES over the way, I know, have attempted to appropriate it; but I insist that on yesterday we fairly CAPTURED IT. I referred the question to the attorney-general, and he gave us his legal opinion THAT IT IS NOW OUR PROPERTY. (Laughter and loud applause.) I now ask the band to give us a good turn upon it.

It was the last characteristic speech and last joke of Abraham Lincoln. He was assassinated the next night. Notice the word adversaries. Who were they? Well, many of them were appointed by Lincoln in April, 1861. By Lincoln, NOT CONGRESS. Congress was on leave till July, 1861. Aren't these unconfirmed, unaccountable advisers considered as “Czars”? Since Lincoln studied, communicated, and actually enacted the theories of Karl Marx, cannot one say that Karl Marx was the FIRST CZAR to an American President? Let’s look at the doctrine that Lincoln received from this adviser:

History does nothing, it ‘possesses no immense wealth’, it ‘wages no battles’. It is man, real, living man who does all that, who possesses and fights; ‘history’ is not, as it were, a person apart, using man as a means to achieve its own aims; history is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims.

Marx, The Holy Family, Chapter 6 (1846)

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite!

Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)

The revolution made progress, not by its immediate tragicomic achievements but by the creation of a powerful, united counter-revolution, an opponent in combat with whom the party of overthrow ripened into a really revolutionary party.

Marx, Class Struggle in France (1850)

The worst thing that can befall a leader of an extreme party is to be compelled to take over a government in an epoch when the movement is not yet ripe for the domination of the class which he represents and for the realisation of the measures which that domination would imply ...

Engels, The Peasant War in Germany (1850)

By Obama’s own admission, he is a scholar of Lincoln. Obama said he was running a Lincoln-styled campaign, and he said he is running a Lincoln-styled administration. The case is proven, period. Given such proof of history of Obama’s emulation of Lincoln’s corruption wherein he too is ignoring the true values, meaning and protections of our Constitution, perhaps the true history will finally be known. Further, consideration should be given for reparations to the people of the South for their property lost to the North and the cause for which they sacrificed, and which continues to this very day.

Following are just some of many links to YouTube videos detailing the comparisons between Obama and Lincoln:








Last questions: The slavery issue aside, was the South right, within the Constitution, in doing what they did? Was the War between the States a senseless act imposed by Lincoln not to preserve the union, but to murder 625,000+ true born Americans based on the South’s refusal to accept the tyranny of big Federal Government, resulting in punishment by death to the South and confiscation of its property through unpaid taxes or property seized for military/governmental reasons, later to be sold to carpetbaggers for pennies on the dollar, to collateralize Lincoln’s own promises? Were the people of the South actually right?

If you said no to any of these questions, then the American voice today is worthless, tea parties are worthless, Glenn Beck and Fox News is wrong and worthless. WAKE UP AMERICA! AMERICANS MUST NOT EMULATE LINCOLN. Justice Thomas made these comments at Washington and Lee College, near the crypt of the South’s beloved General Robert E. Lee CSA. Justice Thomas would be well advised to be more circumspect in his comments, for he may be contributing to the causes of a second Civil War. The nation must pray that this will never happen.

Who am I? I am a Ghost of the Confederacy. I heard you, Justice Thomas, and I have just turned over in my grave.

Your obedient servant and a voice of the South,

General Lee

Monday, September 21, 2009

Assuming Facts Not in Evidence

This is actually amazing legal history. How many other issues, in the history of the legal profession in America, can show a record of being thrown out, dismissed, contempt threats issued to the attorneys, and just basically demonstrate a national conspiracy by Federal Judges, than the issue of whether the man sitting in the Oval Office has a right to be there?

Federal judges, being appointed, have no fear of needing to be re-elected, nor have any sense of accountability to the public. They are only accountable to their puppet master, the one who appointed them, and who, through the Congress, can remove them if a charge can be "found". Judges are suppose to follow a standard of ethics, called a Code of Conduct.

Cannon 3 includes: A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned...

Based on some of the comments from the judges, there is no impartiality on this issue. In all the cases, all the judges refusing to proceed are guilty of assuming the facts. They are making a decision without hearing the evidence.

Monday, September 14, 2009

An Administration Built on Lies

I read in an article about the massive attendance of the DC rally on the 12th, that the "official word" from the White House is they were not aware of the rally taking place out side and down the street. What a crock of BS!

They know when there is ONE person on the sidewalk. Washington DC has many cameras on the streets around the White House. Since 2002, there have been 14 cameras in place which are used by the Metropolitan Police.

You can bet they called the Secret Service who notified everyone who needed to be notified. Do you really think it was just a coincidence the Obama's were not home this Sept 12th? Hell no! They knew the rally was being planned and people were coming.

They have people who watch Glenn Beck and the other shows which have been talking about the rally. So their official comment has to be a lie. No surprise here.

This administration is built on lies.

If it had not have been for the guts of Rep. Joe Wilson of SC, there would still be a loophole in the Health Care bill allowing illegals to be covered under "ObamaCare", therefore, at the time Rep. Wilson yelled out "You lie!", Obama was lying, and that means Wilson was telling the truth. He need not apologize for telling the truth. Thank God someone in Washington has the guts to speak up and tell the truth, even if the moment was traditionally inappropriate. The fact is, the truth is always appropriate, any time, any where.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why Now

I applaud U.S. District Judge David Carter, a former Marine, for going forward with the case of Obama's right to occupy the Oval Office.

In the WorldNet Daily article reporting on this, Jerome R. Corsi writes, "In the U.S. Justice Department's motion to dismiss, attorneys didn't address the concerns directly, but instead focused their efforts on technical procedures, suggesting the matter can't be decided in court and that the dozens of plaintiffs cannot demonstrate they have been injured by having Obama in the Oval Office."

To the Justice Department, I would beg to differ. There are millions of people who are being injured and in fact, there are generations of people who will be injured, by having Obama illegitimately in the Oval Office.

Just with Obama's billions of dollars in bail outs & by the Cap and Trade legislation, millions and millions of people are being injured and generations of people will suffer under his policies.

How can Obama go to sleep at night, knowing the unemployment rate is at an all time high with the exception of the Great Depression? Is he just oblivious to the plight of his fellow Americans? Or is he just aware of a certain segment of the American population's condition?

Proving how many AMERICANS are being harmed and will continue to be harmed by Obama being in the Oval Office is the easiest part of the equation.

And proving whether or not Obama actually meets the Constitutional requirements should be easy and should have been an open & shut issue, had not the Great and Wonderful Oz...er Obama, spent an embarrassing amount of money to seal every document, block every path and thwart every legal maneuver by those seeking to answer the one simple question. Where is the proof Obama meets the Constitutional criteria to be President?

So this brings up the point as to why now? Why does it NOW appear that the case for the proof of Obama's eligibility may actually go forward after all this time? Is it because his popularity is waning under the weight of the fallout he has generated? That because of him, more Americans are voicing their discontent and are viewing his policies with a more critical eye? Indeed, Obama has generated a great awaking of the American spirit for independence from big government and the sleeping public is asleep no longer. Below is a segment of an email exchange.

Original email: As badly as Obama's presidency is going I wonder if he will be impeached before the year is out. If he's too much of an embarrassment to the powerful people who's pulling his strings they just might cut him loose and let him fall. ...

Reply: It is possible, the reason this trial thing is now being able to move forward at all, is because the puppet masters over estimated the American public....mistaking their trust for apathy and when the people saw the signs and how close we were getting to socialism here, they moved out of their living rooms and into the streets.

Arlin Specter even remarked, about the tone of Town Hall meetings, that he has never seen anything like it before.

"They'll" need to wait another generation or even two before they can try this again. Because of Obama, people are rediscovering the Constitution, they are teaching their children, making their children suspect the government, ...nope..they'll have to wait until there is another lull in the population...or just have an out right civil war for control. And thanks to Obama, every gun and bullet is now in someones home...America has never been armed to the teeth as she is now. Thanks Obama!

So just how much damage has Obama caused to the hopeful agenda of those behind him? On March 6, 1991, President George Herbert Walker Bush stated in a televised address to Congress, "Now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a new world order...A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders." Has Obama damaged that prospect?

I think so.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh America, Where Art Thou?

My grandfather (1904-1989), during his lifetime, was able to own a gun with no registration of any form, the gun shop on the next block had no Federal Firearm license and the brothers who owned the shop refused to get one when the license requirement was first introduced. They operated for decades without one, until they were forced to close the shop due to their advanced age. They passed away many years ago.

My grandparents, with whom I lived, did not lock their doors when we left the house. I still have some of their old deposit slips, which have a space for, besides coins, gold and silver.

The only items they ever bought on credit was their home and their cars. They never owned a credit card.

Texans were not required to have a license to drive their vehicles until 1936, a full ten years after my grandparents were married, and he was a fireman. No license required to drive those trucks, first introduced in 1911.

What happened to this America?

The citizens, trusting the leaders they [thought] they had voted into office, turned their attention away from the actions of the politicians. My grandparents had their hands full raising 3 grandchildren, one of whom was physically and mentally retarded, or as the politically correct term is, handicapped.

During this time banks were forced to either join the Federal Reserve System or close. (See page 2 of Pub.L No. 63-43 This is a pdf file) and we lost the right to privately own gold from 1933 to 1974. (See: FDR, Thief of America's Gold)

Over the decades, slowly and steady, the march of socialism crept. Little by little, the memory fades and the schools stopped teaching allegiance to our country and our flag, as though it was a bad thing. Political correctness was exchanged for patriotism and nationalism for independence.

I am surprised at the number of people, the young and especially the old, who can not see the changes in our way of life, who fail to understand what is happening to the country they profess to love. Have they forgotten their roots? Have they forgotten their history?

Dismayed and bewildered, I wonder each day as I hear the day's news, Oh America, Where Art Thou?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Keeping Silent Keeps You Trapped

While searching for pictures of old Nazi Germany several years ago, I stumbled across an image of a German train depot where a sign had been posted stating "What is good for Germany is good for Germans" A blatant piece of propaganda. I wish I had saved the photo because I have not been able to find the old black and white again.

In today's climate, keeping quiet is politically correct. Voicing an opinion other than complete allegiance for assine policies will get you labeled as "fringe element" and "unAmerican". Even the White House jumped on the band wagon with their "snitch on your neighbor" program where people were asked to send reports when they found people or postings about not supporting Obamacare. Classic Nazi tactics.

About the only medium we have left are the Townhall Meetings since having to get a permit to protest now, since Bush expanded Free Speech Zones, usually results in few meaningful locations.

Check with your local Tea Party websites as they keep up to date listing of local Townhall meetings.

If you are on Facebook, search the 350 Tea Party groups and join one. Search the web for Tea Party organizations and get involved. There is strength in numbers, don't go it alone.

A major event coming up is a march on Washington D.C. planned for Sept 12, 2009. Visit the 1776 Tea Party website for more information.

If you are in the military or in law enforcement, join Oath Keepers and get involved in the state chapters.

It is time we helped ourselves because relying on the government has proven to be detrimental to our Freedoms.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - John F. Kennedy

Do your own research and make sure you support business that support America and the Constitution. Over 60,000,000 people have canceled their memberships with AARP. Have you, if you have one?


Call 1-800-424-3410
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET.

Write AARP at
601 E. Street NW
Washington, DC

Do you support businesses that work against your 2nd Amendment protections? Check out David Codrea's blog "Are you doing business with anti-gun companies?"

Raise your voices loud and clear, "We want our country back and we will not shut up until we have it!"

Remember, 2010 is an election year for 1/3 of the senate and 1/2 of the house of representatives. Send Congress a message: The People, the voting taxpayers, are in charge!

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Not Riding This Dead Horse Anymore

Over the past several months, the news has been full of racial finger pointing towards Whites.

Because of the Birth Certificate movement, now referred to as "Birthers", all Whites who want to see proof of a Natural Born Citizen as required by the Constitution, have been categorically labeled "racist".

Wanting the see the proof of the right to be President, in light of the ever increasing LACK of proof, has got to be ONLY a racist maneuver to oust "in everything but the word" Socialist, Barack Obama.

There can't possibly be any connection to wanting adherence to the United States Constitution, after all, that document hasn't been followed closely for decades!

So, how do the other ethic groups get labeled? Are they racist as too?

"We Americans...if it takes fifty years....will not let this matter rest." -- Dr. James Manning, "Joe Biden Exposes Obama"

"Obama is a radical Communist." -- Allen Keys, Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist

Then enter the immature response of a Harvard professor, Gates. The most foul and racist sputum in public came forth from this man's mouth, when he felt disrespected by a White police office attempting to protect his property.

If Mr. Gates has need to call the police in the future, and if I were a police officer in that area, it's be a cold day in hell before I responded.

All of Obama's buddies and mentors appear to have been some of the most radical, racist in America, however it is the Whites who get the label because they don't like Obama's attempt to turn America into a Socialist, atheistic state.

Well, Mr. O, it wasn't YOUR ancestors who fought for the RIGHT to be Americans in 1776. It wasn't YOUR ancestors who gave all of us freedom from the oppression of King George.

You have more or less disavowed your White side, not wanting to been seen as what you truly are, a Bi-racial or a Mulatto, but only as a Black. Are you not proud of your mother? Your Kenyan birth and roots?

A real man would come forth and claim his heritage...all of it. But not you Mr. O, you have an agenda: Covert Reparations.

How much hatred you must hide underneath that calm, cool exterior. It's a wonder you don't have ulcers.

So, a most radical, racist and ineligible man sits in the highest office in America, above the Constitution from day one, and all of America who want to see the proof of his right to be there are now called RACIST, for doing so.

I, for one am tired of riding that dead horse and will do so no longer. I'd rather be on the side of protecting America from the monster in the Oval Office than to be a politically correct wimp.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

America's Health Care

Currently America is on the verge of socializing the health care industry. Just another step up the ladder towards a more Socialist America.

Americans have allowed the insurance companies to dictate their medical needs and the insurance companies have been playing God with our lives ever since. Due to government programs like allowing illegals to have free health care, the health care system in this country is broke. Americans are being blamed and through the new reforms, punished. But it is the government that is to blame. Fat cat politicians taking bribes in the form of contributions, by lobbyist and pharmaceutical companies should carry the bulk of the blame.

Every program taken over by the government sector becomes bloated, and wasteful. It isn't the people who drive up the cost but the over charging by medical professionals through Medicaid, doctors and hospitals over charging those who do have insurance as a way to recoup money lost by those patients who can't pay and politicians who pork out funding bills.

It is like a dog chasing it's tail. People need health care, but they can't afford it. The doctor offices won't take payments so they go to the hospital emergency rooms. They can't pay so the hospital gets stuck with a bill, which is probably inflated to begin with, in an attempt to recoup money lost by others who couldn't pay. Forget dentist. That is a luxury item for most Americans.

Government funded programs are slow to pay or don't pay if there is any technicality in the submission of the program forms. So the provider loses again, and the people lose the most.

However, with all the ills in America's health system, it is still better than what you find in other countries.

We hear the Canadians and British horror stories of rationed health care. Is that what you want for your loved ones?

My daughter is currently in the Philippines as a missionary. The island she is on has no doctor so the missionaries use a book Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook as a manual, a medical bible, to treat what they can. If it is too severe, the patient is taken by boat to the main island. The missionaries have to pack food because hospitals don't provide food for patients. And she said, there is no guarantee you'll been seen. What she is experiencing is very different from what you'll find written about health care in the Philippines

"...most of the well-trained doctors in the Philippines are serving government hospitals. What differs the Philippine government hospitals from the Philippine private hospitals is simply the facilities. Most of the public hospitals in the Philippines are not equipped with the latest technologies in medicine. But then, most Filipinos seek for advice from these government hospitals because charges are not implemented." -- Health Care in the Philippines

Notice the government hospitals have the least to offer in technologies. What happened to the open end check book of the government? You would think a government run anything would have the best. If the politicians kept their fingers out of the cookie jar, perhaps it would.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Telltale Signs of A Scarier America

Some folks just don't have a sense of humor. Or maybe some folks have a selective sense of humor.

Within the Findagrave.com discussion forums last night, as a thread where an enthusiastic discussion over Obama's proof of eligibility (or the lack thereof) was dieing down, the admins saw fit to lock it. I didn't care as it was fast coming to the point of "we must agree to disagree". This was a thread I started by posting a comment about the fact that a thread I had started minutes before had been deleted, after about 2 comments. In that thread I had posted a link to my previous blog entry, "Obama Truth Seekers to Get Day in Court?"

People have the right to disagree with my views. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with the lack of tolerance for other points of view. I'll come back to this, the bigger picture.

This morning I posted a "news story" from carbolicsmoke.com, a satire news site. The headline read, 'Obama Says Sotomayor's "Castrate White Males" Comment Taken Out of Context'. Posting a satirical piece, as others have done WITHOUT reprisals, was just an attempt on my part to be funny. I guess not.

When did we get to this point of such intolerance in even the smallest areas in our lives? The Lounge in the Findagrave "Discussion" Forums is the proper place to post anything. I can understand not posting slanderous and out-right hate mongering topics. I am not without reason.

So now I have joined the ranks of those (discussion participants) who have been punished for their views and outspoken nature. My understanding is, even a few have been locked out more than once.

Agreed, it is not my site and they can do as they wish, but when you create an environment whereby people are invited to appropriately discuss anything as long as you aren't calling people names, etc. then WHY be so sensitive? It really is baffling to me.

The Bigger Picture

There was a time in Nazi Germany when to disagree with the State was to invite the SS into your life. Are we on the brink of this lack of tolerance for free thinking? Are we seeing the fringes of such a mass acceptance of intolerance, started in the most unassuming places only to have it spread out into all areas of our lives?

Getting locked out of a discussion group is, by itself, a nothing issue but step back and look at the bigger picture. The topics were directly or indirectly about Obama.

This small and seemingly insignificant act points to a much larger and scarier image of America to me. It is an image of an America I do not like.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Obama Truth Seekers to Get Day in Court?

Funny how most people will say, "If you have nothing to hide, why are you hiding it?" when it comes to the average suspect in any crime. Go to court, plead your case and let the jury decide...be done with it and move on.

Since Obama took the Oath of Office, people have been asking to see the proof of his qualification to hold the Office.

WND has reported that a wide range of Obama documentation – along with Obama's birth certificate – are not available, including Obama's kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records. See: WND: Now White House joins 'birth hospital' cover-up

It appears now, U.S. District Judge David O. Carter, of California, who just happens to also be an ex-Marine, may have agreed to hear the case, filed by attorney Orly Taitz.

In all fairness, why were these questions NOT raised when he announced his candidacy?

The truth is, these questions WERE raised...and dismissed. Dismissed by the courts, the media and the sleeping public. One example from the past:

A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States. -- by Jeff Schreiber, America's Right, Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on Grounds he is Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency Thursday, Aug 21, 2008

Had the courts and the media done their jobs at the time, we would not be sitting on a powder keg today. Had the courts and the media done their jobs at any juncture along the path leading to this point, perhaps we would not be sitting on this powder keg at all!

There are people in America who care deeply for the Rule of Law, who understand the Constitution is the "tie that binds" us together as a free nation and who could care less about a candidate's bloodline as long as that candidate meets the qualifications.

Then there are the people who do not like the Rule of Law, but want the law to favor them because they feel they are at a disadvantage due to their background (status, race, birth origin, etc) or because they are at an advantage due to their backgound (status, race, birth origin, old money, etc).

And then, there are the people who just want things given to them because they feel they are entitled to it for some previous injury, real or imagined. Because they have been told they somehow deserve it, and they will vote for any one, regardless of whether the candidate qualifies or not, just so long as they believe that candidate will give them more and more.

And when their candidate is challenged, they see that as proof of their continued discrimination. They don't care that he isn't qualified, all they care about is the perceived attack on THEM as a whole. This can be a race issue or a party issue.

IF there is a court hearing to force the viewing of documentation to prove ONCE & FOR ALL, that Barrack Hussein Obama meets the qualifications set out in the Constitution for his holding the office of President of the United States of America, and IF that documentation fails to provide such proof and he is removed from office, the 3rd group of people above will never believe it was done solely because "their guy" failed to meet those qualifications. They will see this as evidence of continued discrimination against their race or their party and I predict all those people who have been arming themselves to the teeth will NEED those freshly bought protection mechanisms as there will be a "Rodney King redo" across the nation.

Be aware, be prepared, be forewarned.

Friday, July 3, 2009

American Independence Day?

America has been celebrating it's independence from British rule since 1777 although this day wasn't officially called "Independence Day" until about 1791.

I find it ironic that so many Americans continue to celebrate a holiday they evidently do not value or understand.

Take the fireworks for example. Why do people celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks? The fireworks are a symbol of the rockets, cannon fire, and of the gun fire proving we were the still in the battle for our freedom. It was a win all or lose all proposition.

America would either win it's complete freedom from King George or the colonist would be under a "heavier boot" from the British. There was no going back, no saying "I'm tired, lets just wait a while longer", or "this whole ordeal is more than I bargained for, why don't we take another vote before we continue with this blood bath."

What has happened to the American people that has made them forget their past? Made them forget their history? Where is the pride in the sacrifice of so many ancestors?

We are a sorry lot. We celebrate a holiday that should condemn us for our weakness. We have voluntarily put back on the chains so many men bled and successfully fought to remove.

If the people we descend from, those of us who have lineages going back to the American Revolution, were to stand before us today, would they pat us on the back and say "Job well done!" Or would they turn from us in disappointment, even shame at how we have protected the gift of liberty and freedom they handed to us?

We did not earn it, they did. We did not bleed for it, they did, and we will not hand it over to our children like they did. Instead we hand our children heavier chains than we wear and do it with a smile!

We have no business celebrating Independence tomorrow, for we are not independent. We are very dependent but not on King George. We are dependent on Washington DC.

We have handed the responsibility for our freedoms and the duties of defending it over to people with no conscience or morality. Since the 1960s we have allowed the people who lead us to be the instruments of our demise.

We have allowed the courts to tell us we don't need God and faith in our lives or in our schools or in our laws.

Our Founders would never believe we could fall so far and so fast. They knew it was man's relationship to God and man's placement in that relationship, which told them they had no choice but to become independent of a system which did not respect this relationship. The British system was evidence of how the King saw man in the relationship. God--->King---->then everyone else.

Here is a portion of "An Oration Delivered Before the Inhabitants of the Town of Newburyport, at their request,on the Sixty-First Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1837." by John Quincy Adams.

...At the root of all this there was a plausible theory of sovereignty, and unlimited power in Parliament, conflicting with the vital principle of English Freedom, that taxation and representation are inseparable, and that taxation without representation is a violation of the right of property. Here was a conflict between two first principles of government, resulting from a defect in the British Constitution: the principle that sovereign power in human Government is in its nature unlimited: and the principle that property can lawfully be taxed only with the consent of its owner. Now these two principles, carried out into practice, are utterly irreconcilable with each other. The lawyers of Great Britain held them both to be essential principles of the British Constitution. – In their practical application, the King and Parliament and people of Great Britain, appealed for the right to tax the Colonies to the unlimited and illimitable sovereignty of the Parliament. – The Colonists appealed to the natural right of property, and the articles of the Great Charter. The collision in the application of these two principles was the primitive cause of the severance of the North American Colonies, from the British Empire. The grievances alleged in the Declaration of Independence were all secondary causes, amply sufficient to justify before God and man the separation itself; and that resolution, to the support of which the fifty-five Representatives of the One People of the United Colonies pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, after passing through the fiery ordeal of a six years war, was sanctioned by the God of Battles, and by the unqualified acknowledgment of the defeated adversary.

...In recurring to those principles, let us remark,

First, that the People of the thirteen Colonies announced themselves to the world, and solemnly bound themselves, with an appeal to God, to be One People. And this One People, by their Representatives, declared the United Colonies free and independent States.

Secondly, they declared the People, and not the States, to be the only legitimate source of power; and that to the People alone belonged the right to institute, to alter, to abolish, and to re-institute government. And hence it follows, that as the People of the separate Colonies or States formed only parts of the One People assuming their station among the powers of the earth, so the People of no one State could separate from the rest, but by a revolution, similar to that by which the whole People had separated themselves from the People of the British Islands, nor without the violation of that solemn covenant, by which they bound themselves to support and maintain the United Colonies, as free and independent States. ...

Thirdly, the Declaration of Independence announced the One People, assuming their station among the powers of the earth, as a civilized, religious, and Christian People, – acknowledging themselves bound by the obligations, and claiming the rights, to which they were entitled by the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.

How far we have fallen. We have allowed God to be removed from our government and now our liberties are being removed from us.

How can I celebrate what is now a lie? I mourn instead for the death of a great nation.

I have now disposed of all my property to my family. There is one thing more I wish I could give them, and that is the Christian religion. -- Patrick Henry

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Democrats & Republicans, The Real Domestic Terrorist

I have decided I don't like Democrats, i.e. Progressives. I don't like what comes from the Republicans either.

Republicans are moving towards the same goals as the Democrats, they are just not so brazen about it.

"Democrat" has come to be the new, politically correct term for a Socialist and Socialism is the antithesis of our [Constitutional] Republic..therefore, to be a Democrat is to be against America and the Constitution.

Some people may ask why is the Constitution always brought up? Because it is the supreme law of the land. It is the basis for and the framework in which we conduct the business of the nation.

H.R. 3162, Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52)"...acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."

How does one "...influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.."?

On the Republican side, it was George W.'s insistence that the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act be signed off on without reading it. In the name of the 9/11 crisis, to protect us from the evil Arab hijackers and sleeper cells certainly already within our borders, he had to have the legislation, right then! That certainly influenced the policy!

One could argue his illegal wire tapping of citizens was certainly an act of domestic terror, towards the citizens.

Now we have Obama's plans, legislation from bail outs to medical & health to just about every facet of the America life. The man who touted "transparency in government" as one of the main changes he would bring to Washington, is doing just as Bush did. His "Don't read it, just pass it because I have determined America needs this.", attitude is the same as a dictator who thinks he knows what is best...because we are all too stupid to figure it out.

No, Mr. Obama. The American people are NOT too stupid, but they are on the losing end of the power stick. And all the GREEDY politicians have the power stick by both hands.

Obama, in just a few short months, has nationalized the banking industry, and the auto industry. He has done what politicos before him have been trying to do for over 100 years.

Without the Supreme Court becoming a socialist tool, the Congress could not have abrogated their duties.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution: "The Congress shall have power to ... coin Money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. .." Not the Federal Reserve. Congress.

Therefore, Congress "delegating" this Constitutional authority to another, was at that time, an illegal act, certainly an unconstitutional act, and could be said to day, in hindsight, an act of domestic terrorism.

We find in 1928 the court case described as "The Effective Demise of the Nondelegation Doctrine". Then President Calvin Coolidge, (R), "set tariff rates that would equalize production costs in the United States and competing countries." In J. W. Hampton, Jr. & Co. v. United States, 276 U.S. 394 (1928), the supreme court upheld the president's actions.

The entire point is that neither party has clean hands when it comes to protecting and supporting the Constitution. Neither party can point the finger at the other and say,"it's their fault".

So if both parties are moving this nation towards socialism and if most Americans (who understand what socialism is about) don't want it, then WHY are they still voting party lines? Why are they still voting Democrat or Republican?

It is time for a change America, and that change is to start taking our country back and start looking towards another party the independent parties.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Gun Confiscation Act"

The Founding Fathers, having just come through a bloody revolution for the Rights and freedoms we as Americans enjoy today, wanted to make sure their posterity would always be able to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. To this end, they created the 2nd Amendment, not to protect the people from foreign invaders, but to protect the people from any administration or military who would seek to usurp the freedoms just won.

"The said constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." -- Samuel Adams

We continuously look back to the original intent of the Founders because they lived with real freedom, fought for that freedom therefore we respect their sacrifices, and because it is a real possibility their generation was the ONLY generation to live out the full fruits of their victory.

With each generation afterwards, we have lost their victory, by bits and pieces at first and then rapidly, beginning in 1861 with the Lincoln Administration.

Since 1913, we have been losing these freedoms by leaps and bounds. I suspect it is due to the [intentional] dumbing down of Americans, who today have no idea what is written in THEIR Constitution, who the Founders were, why the colonist even wanted to go to war with King George or why Socialism is viewed as a bad idea by many of the older generation.

Through out history, the world has seen certain patterns of behaviors in leaders who seek to have absolute rule over the people.

In a free society, government leaders value transparency in the process, free markets, which will correct themselves without manipulation, and the ablility of a person to go where they please as long as they don't harm anothers person, property or family. Where you can be anything and do anything without restraints so long as you harm no one else in the process.

You want to own a gun? Fine! Be responsible for it.

You want to own 20 guns? Fine! Be responsible for them.

All dictators and dictatorial governments start out by creating a "boogie-man", creating fear, and then tell the people they must surrender some of their rights so the great and wonderful government can protect them. BALONEY!

"False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Can it be supposed that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity, the most important of the code, will respect the less important and arbitrary ones, which can be violated with ease and impunity, and which, if strictly obeyed, would put an end to personal liberty... and subject innocent persons to all the vexations that the guilty alone ought to suffer? Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. They ought to be designated as laws not preventive but fearful of crimes, produced by the tumultuous impression of a few isolated facts, and not by thoughtful consideration of the inconveniences and advantages of a universal decree." -- Cesare Beccaria

All we need do is to remember the stages taken by such men as Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, and look at the current list of the World's Worst Dictators

In most every situation, the people were brainwashed into handing over their security to the government, they allowed guns to be registered and then later these were confiscated. A dictator will find it hard, if not impossible to usurp control over the people as long as they have the means to defend themselves.

"[The program of American disarmament outlined in State Department Paper 7277] is the fixed, determined and approved policy of the government of the United States." -- Joseph Clark, (D) Senator, Pennsylvania, 1961

Enter Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009. Introduced in Jan 2009 and referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security in Feb.

To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.

(a) In General- In this Act:

(2) QUALIFYING FIREARM- The term `qualifying firearm' has the meaning given the term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, as amended by subsection (b) of this section.

(b) Amendment to Title 18, United States Code- Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(36) The term `qualifying firearm'--

`(A) means--

`(i) any handgun; or

If people do not begin to understand what is happening before their eyes, then I don't see how there can be any hope to preserve the United States of America.

Every military person, every law enforcement person and believe it or not, every elected official take an Oath to Protect and Defend or Protect and Support the Constitution of the United States. Based on their actions, I don't see how it is possible for them to understand what that Oath meant when they sit by and allow obvious encroachments and the erosion of our freedoms...all in the name of "political correctness" or [false] necessity.

Our law enforcement personnel (the Constitution is the Supreme Law in America but they don't even understand it) and our military, instead of being the bulwark of the citizens are now the means to crush those who are trying to alert the sleeping population!

Let your Representatives know how you feel about this bill. Tell them to not support or vote for this Act

"The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers delegated directly to the citizen, and is excepted out of the general powers of government. A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." -- Cockrum v. State,24 Tex.394, at 401-402 (1859)

Cool New Idea

Maybe it's not "new" to you but I thought it was pretty neat.

At my house, they go to bed at 7:30pm because they get up at 2:30am to get ready for work...they have to be there by 4am!

This means I am usually in my room with the lights down low. Sometimes I want to watch my favorite shows (CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, etc) and I can't.

I just saw "Satellite TV for PC, Elite Edition". You can pay once and you're done with it. (I LIKE that part!)

You just download the software to your computer or laptop and then you have access to 3000 channels! Now that's a deal!

What makes it even sweeter is right now there is a special going on so while it is regularly $99, you get it for only $49!

AND by me putting this on my laptop, I can take my TV with me wherever I go.

Not being a techie person, I don't know how to do this, but I hear there is a way to hook a computer to a TV monitor and watch TV via the bigger screen if you want to do it that way.

To find out more visit Satellite TV for PC, Elite Edition

I wanted to add this comment I received from a friend who downloaded the software:

"Quite a lot, even free anti virus software... It appears to be well worth the money." - Bob


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catch All Friday

Lots of talk about D. Letterman's remark concerning Sarah Palin's daughter. Seems he was attempting to be funny, stated a rather distasteful and greatly revealing sexist comment...a "joke" he called it.

Has Letterman hit the bottom of his game? Apparently so and his strange sense of humor appears to be the evidence.

Stop while you still have room to get up Dave.

(Let CBS know how you feel.)

WorldNet Daily
Many of you probably know about the "Where's the Birth Certificate" campaign by Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. What some of you may not know is that CBS Outdoor and now Lamar Outdoor have both banned putting up the signs.

This is still America, at least for a little while longer, so they can do this if they want. And their customers can find another sign company with whom to spend their advertising dollars. This is exactly what Florida real estate company owner and radio talk show host Fabian Calvo did. He pulled his account with Lamar and is looking into alternatives.

Good for Mr. Calvo and here's a "swift boot in the backside" to both outdoor advertising companies.

If you would like to send Lamar Outdoor a message letting them know "NO! The issue IS NOT settled!", please do! (I did!)

Send to:
kpoche@lamar.com (National sales inquiries)
or by Phone: 1-800-235-2627 (Corporate)
or Fax: (225) 926-1005 (Executive)

HR 1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009
Dr. Ron Paul of Texas has introduced this bill, commonly known a the "Audit the Fed Bill". The bill needed 218 co-sponsors and tonight Ron Paul's website posted they have 222! THOMAS is reporting 221 as of a few seconds ago.(3:45am CT)

Is the Federal Reserve finally going to be fully audited?

"Them Jews"
Recall August 2006 when Mel Gibson (Producer: "The Passion of the Christ"-2004 & "Apocalypto"-2006), during his DUI traffic stop, rattled off some "anti-Jewish" comments. Most everyone was up-in-arms and most certainly the Jewish community.

Here comes Obama's former religious mentor, the infamous Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office," Wright told the Daily Press of Newport News

Lord, I pray he isn't in office for 8 years! But this does help to explain his anti-Israel position. Wright later apologized but once out, the words can't be taken back...right Mel?

Wasn't too many weeks ago you couldn't find a bullet. Any bullet. People were buying ammo like it was going out of style. Or fix'in to get federally kidnapped.

If you are looking for some, I hear these folks have plenty:



Usually when someone yells "EUREKA!", it signifies they have hit the "jackpot", found the gold, or otherwise was tremendously successful in whatever they were attempting to do.

Today, "EUREKA!" means "small town America standing against the Federal government". A type of David and Goliath event.

Eureka and nearby town, Arcata, both of California, have officially issued an ordinances, which may fly in the face of the "No Child Left Behind Act".

These two small towns apparently have a problem with the military recruiters approaching local minors.

The issue could be whether the provisions of the NCLB Act, tied to school funding, can reach outside the parameters of the school grounds.

Under the Act, schools receiving these federal funds MUST allow military recruiters access to the names, addresses and phone numbers of the students, UNLESS their parents have opted out. (Did you know you could Opt Out?)

What follows are two very revealing letters, which will help you to understand just how we have been hoodwinked by the seemingly caring hand of the federal government wanting to make sure all children receive an education.

Note: These are pdf files and you will need a pdf reader to see them.

DEAR COLLEAGUE, October 9, 2002


"Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing!", paraphased from Matthew 7:15

Sign the petiton:

Sign the YOUTH PROTECTION ACT online petition

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

And The Abortions Keep Rolling Along

On the heels of Dr. Tiller's demise, his long time buddy and co-abortionist, Dr. LeRoy Carhart of Bellevue, NE has decided to try and "pick up the slack", as it were at his clinic, the "Abortion & Contraception Clinic of Nebraska".

"Dr. LeRoy Carhart...said he would try to continue to provide late-term abortions, though Nebraska law forbids post-viability abortion. ...'I am currently exploring every option to be able to continue to make second and early-third-trimester abortions available.' "--Tiller family plans to shutter abortion clinic, The Washington Times

I wonder how he would like to have a needle puncture his heart and a lethal amount of digoxin injected? He certainly doesn't see anything wrong doing this to the Innocent!

"The method used involved a lethal injection of digoxin into the fetus' heart, killing it before inducing delivery."--Ditto

Perhaps the women who have these abortions should just be sterilized so they won't have to subject another innocent to such procedures. We could justify it as saving the doctors from getting more innocent blood on their hands. Besides, we take steps to prevent people who take animals to the city pound from ever being able to adopt animals in the future. If we can "protect" animals from those who would "toss them away", why can't we protect the babies? Prevent these mothers...er..women, from ever being able to subject another "fetus" to such horrific medical actions.

Carhart went on to compare Tiller to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr! King braved the times to bring a better class of existence to a nation of Black Americans. Tiller, and those like him, cause trauma and violence to the most vulnerable in our society, those who have no voice except the one of the "mother" who has made the choice to throw them away by any means available. Where is the comparison? How did Carhart possibly get from what Tiller and he do to the accomplishments of King? Talk about illusions of grandeur!

In the quote above, notice the fetus is referred to as an "it". Probably to encompass both genders of aborted babies, however, this glossing over by language is part of the attempt to desensitize us from making the connection that these babies are viable and may possibly live if they were removed from the womb. These are BABIES, not "IT"s!

The method used kills the infant while still attached to the umbilical cord, since the infant is still in the womb. Why does this NOT constitute murder on the side of the abortionist?

The party killed must have been a reasonable being, alive and in the king's peace. To constitute a birth, so as to make the killing of a child murder, the whole body must be detached from that of the mother; but if it has come wholly forth, but is still connected by the umbilical chord, such killing will be murder. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1722, note. Foeticide (q. v.) would not be such a killing; he must have been in rerum natura."--Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856

Call it what you will, gloss over it, dress it up, hide it in fancy language, cover it in political correctness....it is murder pure and simple.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Salute to the Dixie Chicks

In 2003 America came unglued on these women because they dared to not stand behind the current president, George W. Bush, and the war.

We now understand the basis for this war, the justification for this war, no matter how worthy it seems in hindsight, was all lies. We went to war on lies and faulty, whether purposefully or not, intelligence.

The Dixie Chicks later apologized for their remark about the president but not about their stance on the war.

At the time, one of their songs, "Travelin' Soldier" was #1 but quickly disappeared.

Natalie Maines, the firecracker in the group, didn't care for Toby Keith's hot song, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)",and stated as much, going so far as to wear a t-shirt with the acronym "F.U.T.K.". This led to more friction for the girls.

DixieChicks frequently asked questions page; http://dixiechicksfaq.homestead.com/files/index.htm

These are Texas women and most Texas women are outspoken although some are more slick about it, stating their opinions in a way that are not too offensive to some. We all say we are sick and tired in living in a "politically correct" environment where we have to constantly worry about hurting some one's feelings, yet we blasted them for offending our sense of political correctness.

Not all of us though, as a great many quietly agreed with Natalie on her views. And while we loved Toby's song because it captured the feelings across the nation, he wasn't concerned as to the WHO really initiated the attack on 9/11...only that we go whip some butt...open up a can of "Texas Whup-ass" on someone, anyone...like a gigantic bar-room brawl. And we all said "hell yeah!"

Now we have a president who cares NOTHING for the principles and values of America (based on his actions). He only gives lip-service to the Constitution, having violated it the second he accepted the nomination for president, knowing full well he was not qualified to even throw his hat in the ring. I say this in the tone that he isn't qualified and he knows it since, based on his actions, he has spent a great deal of time, effort and money into sealing records, which would prove once and for all, he is qualified to be the President of the United Stated as out-lined in the Constitution. And he cares nothing for protecting the US from further attacks since he wants to dismantle our military defense programs and get into bed with the enemy, welcoming them with open-arms, to come live in our neighborhoods. (Perhaps Obama can arrange for them to live next door to Toby!)

By Obama's actions and statements, he is most likely a closet-Muslim and evidently a Socialist. And this is the president Toby Keith supports!

Toby Keith Praises Obama, Says He's A Democrat

Good God man! Everything Obama stands for is in direct contradiction of the Constitution of the United States. Keith wants to kick butt over seas and then embraces the enemy within. And we say nothing about Keith, yet we crucified the Chicks!

It appears the Dixie Chicks were right all along. Their ability to clearly see the issues the rest of us were blinded to, and to see through the smoke & mirrors the rest of us enjoyed because it "felt good", makes them far ahead of their time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why I Stopped Eating at MCDONALD'S®

A few years ago while at a local (n. Houston) MCDONALD'S® for breakfast, I witnessed the lady making my egg sandwich by grabbing the egg patty with her bare hands.

Totally disgusting!

When the counter lady brought my breakfast, I refused it and asked for my money back. She asked why, I told her. She turned to the lady who originally made the sandwich, said something to her in Spanish and the lady made me another sandwich, using the tongs this time.

I asked to speak to the manager, related what had happened and the evidence that they were hiring illegals since the worker could not speak English. I then asked for the corporate contact information.

Over the next few months, I tried various MCDONALD'S® around Houston. It was always the same. The workers used their bare hands instead of the tongs.

Do they have an issue with 1) following directions and 2) using tongs?

Then in March 2007 I went to Yucatan, Mexico to see the Mayan ruins. The ruins were magnificent but what I learned there about the hygiene (or rather NON-hygiene) practices of the locals, was shocking and stomach-turning.

(I have vowed to NEVER return to any country south of Texas again!)

Where we went one morning (a Catholic Church) so I could use the facilities was appalling. (No, I didn't use their restroom.) No toilet seats, no toilet paper, exterminate and urine on the the toilets and the floor, no running water and forget soap..what's that? I have seen gas station restrooms, run by middle easterners, cleaner than what I found in the Yucatan (except where the tourist gather). And this is just one example I am writing of, to spare the reader, there were MANY other examples as we were there 10 days, and in several different locations.

These people have NO CONCEPT of personal hygiene, or at least none that I saw.

So, now here comes an invasion of illegals into the USA, most probably from the smaller villages where the income is less, they steal the jobs our teens and elderly use to be able to get (mostly fast food but the trade & crafts jobs have "gone south" as well). They make our food and I'll bet my bottom dollar they aren't washing their hands!

Recently I went into a MCDONALD'S® as I was traveling with another who wanted to stop and we were not in Houston. I noticed the gal wearing clear gloves. I guess someone within MCDONALD'S® finally got the message.

This morning I get a post in my email that MCDONALD'S® is now sponsoring the National Council of La Raza!


This is my official position on the issue and I ask that every red-blooded AMERICAN and TEXAN search their hearts to join with me, I AM DONE WITH MCDONALD'S®. There are just too many other fast food places to grab a burger or salad, or kids meal...I will not support a company, WHICH DOES NOT SUPPORT THE AMERICAN WORKER!

And if I witness the same practices at the other locations, I'll stop visiting there as well.

Just an FYI,at my most recent visits to Wendy's, Jack-in-the-Box and Popeye's, I saw no Hispanics other than those who, when they spoke, spoke perfect English. I am again guessing they are Americans of Hispanic descent.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Patriot or Murderer

Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. A paraphrased version of Matthew 26:52, and it has come to be understood as those who treat people badly will be treated badly as well. Said another way, You will reap what you sow. (Galatians 6:7)

Most people, who are not Christians, are fond of pointing the finger at professed Christians when they "break the rules", reminding them of the principle they have broken. If you aren't a Christian, then you have no set rules to live by but if you profess to be a Christian, then you have very clear rules to follow.

Dr. George Tiller, a late-term abortionist out of Wichita, KS was fatally shot while attending the Reformation Lutheran Church. What had he sown that he now reaped?

His family calls him a "good Christian" and wants him to be remembered as such. I am sure they do, however, it is not what we want but what God wants that matters.

What does God want? How do we know such a thing? Who knows the mind of God?

What we have to go on is the Word of God, as written in the Scriptures and accepted by the Christian church. For Christians, this is all we have.

I went to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America to see their official position on the subject. I was dismayed but understood how someone could call themselves a Christian and still be an abortionist.

A developing life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born, nor does a pregnant woman have an absolute right to terminate a pregnancy.

Should a church take a politically correct position on a sin? Can being "lukewarm" ever be the correct position for the church?

Christ said He would spew out the lukewarm church, the "fence riders". (Revelations 3:16)

If a woman wants an abortion, there are plenty of non-Christian doctors who can provide the service, but it is completely hypocritical for a Christian to do so.

The great "O" has stated he is "shocked and outraged" and "However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence." - LA Times

Just what does he think abortion is, if not violent? Perhaps it isn't a violent act towards the "mother" who has been sedated but if the baby could talk, I am sure it would characterize the act as very violent!

Should Scott Roeder, the suspect in the shooting, be found guilty? I say "No". He is no more guilty of murder than is Dr. Tiller. And perhaps Roeder was carrying out God's will, certainly Tiller wasn't.

I have heard it said that all the people in favor of abortion are those who have been born. How fortunate for them!

Dr. George Tiller, Patriot or Murderer?

Scott Roeder, Patriot or Murderer?

God will have the final say, we'll have to wait to know the answer.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Olbermann Can't Think Like a Texian

I just got wind of this video by Keith Olbermann. I normally like what he says..for the most part but on the subject of Texas secession, he has it all wrong!

From the Huffington Post:

He sounds as though he is trying to make Texans afraid of the idea of secession, but if you listen again, I think he and others are the ones really fearful.

Since I could less about the sports issues he brought up, I won't address it. Someone else can do that.

All Texas would need to do is institute a 5% tax on goods and services crossing the border. Businesses in Texas, hiring Texans and keeping their jobs in Texas would be tax exempt.

Texas imports for 2005 (latest year I found) were $235,512,947,993.

"Last year, Texas exported more than $117 billion in products, 14.3% of total U.S. exports. Over the 1999-2004 Texas was the 20th fastest growing U.S. export state, posting a 7.1% annual growth rate.

On a per capita basis, Texas is the third most prolific exporting state--and despite significant population increases, the state increased its per capita exports over the period. In 2004, Texas firms exported over $5,200 per resident." -- 2005 Texas Exporters Resource Guide, Pg 8

Tax Exempt? How many companies would love to be headquartered where they didn't have to pay taxes? Think of the money for Research and Development? Medical research...scientific research...any research?

How many countries have embassies or consular offices in Texas?

Texas wouldn't need an Army as we would vote to do what the Swiss used to do, arm every citizen and each should maintain a month supply of ammo. We'd have the safest territory in the North American continent.

Once Texians are no longer feeding the Federal Reserve beast, they would have more money to pay off their bills and their homes, so there wouldn't be a drain on the nation. And since we would focus on personal responsibility, if you don't work, you don't eat and all the free loaders would go back to the US. If one were truly needy and unable to work due to physical or mental obstacles, the Church would be called upon to fulfill it's mandate by Christ to care for these people or there would be Charities..but there would not be government welfare.

See Your Life in the republic of Texas vs. Your life in THE STATE OF TEXAS/UNITED STATES

Now as for whether Texas can secede...the obvious answer is YES!

"The Congressional Records of both the Congress of the United States and Congress of the republic of Texas, between 1837 and 1845, show that there had been several attempts to bring Texas into a union with the United States; but due to the aggressive stances of several senators and congressmen, such as John Quincy Adams, they were able to prove on the U.S. Congressional Record that it would be unconstitutional for the United States to annex the Texas Nation or any other foreign nation without proper ratification of an amendment to the Constitution to allow for such annexation. But on February 27, 1845, the Senate of the United States usurped its authority under the U.S. Constitution and started the unlawful process to annex Texas, a foreign Nation. This usurpation of authority lacked any lawful foundation under International Law, Law of Nations and the United States Constitution. The U.S. senate was unable to muster enough votes to pass an unlawful treaty; so they proceeded to unlawfully annex the Texas Nation with a so-called joint resolution. There is a big difference between a Treaty and a Resolution. There has never been a lawful Treaty of Annexation between the united States of America and the republic of Texas. The records of these congressional proceedings during 1845 and early 1846 are quite explicit, with documented facts showing the unlawful annexation." -- Ed Brannum, A Nation Standing Under God is Re-Born

The truth is that once Texians got over the shock of actually being free from the socialistic nation they have been brainwashed into thinking was theirs, they will flourish and began to recreate the golden years of American prosperity.

Texas has everything going for it and we do NOT need Washington, D.C., Washington D.C. needs Texas.

Monday, May 25, 2009

California Gov. Seeks Bail Out Money Too

If you'll recall, the Democrats didn't think too much of the Tea Party wildfire that spread across America in April.

Seems California voters were thinking a great deal about it, as reported by WorldNet Daily.

"....the day after state voters rejected Schwarzenegger's spending ballot measures, the California Citizens Compensation Commission voted to slash pay for the governor, legislators and statewide officeholders by 18 percent." -- Californians revolt, slash governor's pay

Reportedly, California will now have to deport many of the illegals they have in the prisons. Why were they NOT deported when they were caught? How much money has been spent keeping these Mexican Nationals in the CA prison system? Try $970 million dollars, and that is only for 2009. (State seeks more federal aid for cost of keeping illegal immigrant inmates).

Now that Gov. Schwarzenegger will be going to Washington to petition for federal "bail out" money, perhaps his leverage will be the failure of Congress to deliver on it's 15 year old promise to help pay the cost of housing the illegals.

California will receive close to $440 million in stimlus funds, however it appears this money is specifically for water projects. Maybe they could come up with some creative ways of using the water funding to help bail out the state.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TX HB 2084: "Grandparent's Rights Devastation Act"

Texas House Bill 2084 is being sold to us as "Parental Rights Restoration". What a crock!

In truth, it is "Grandparent's Rights Devastation".

In order to find parents unfit, there must be more than "he said..she said...they said.." While accusations may get the state to have a look at a family, it is a far cry from enough to actually take the children away.

If there is enough EVIDENCE to remove the children, and the grandparents are willing to take them in, then who in their right mind would rather put their children with strangers?

If the grandparents are unfit, then by all means, the children should not be placed with them but, there should be a method of determining whether or not the grandparents are fit enough.

To pass legislation making a blanket ruling that ALL Texas grandparents should not be the first choice of where to place the child/ren when it has been determined the parent/s are not capable of caring for the child/ren, is unjust and places the children at risk.

Right now Texas is seeing an increase in the number of families suffering from stress and break-up due to the increased number of lay-offs, amount of debt, and lack of money.

Single mothers are seeing their child support payments being lowered because the father has either lost a job or received a pay cut. This places more stress on the mother, which in turn will place more stress on the children.

At a time when young families need the emotional and financial support of the grandparents, the last thing the State needs is to move against this segment of the population.

From a personal standpoint, I was raised by my father's parents and those were the happiest years of my life. From age 5 to 9, I knew more love and stability than I have ever found since leaving their home.

Any young parent who resents their parents or in-laws from being involved, should take a long look into the future, when they will be the grandparents and their children resent them.

Besides, from what I have seen of most of the people having children today, someone NEEDS to step in and protect the children from the self-indulgent, self-obsessed and immature adults passing themselves off as parents..before we raise an entire generation of sociopaths.

Click here to go to the petition against HB 2084

Primary Author Date Filed
King, Phil 03/02/2009

Joint Authors and the Date Signed On:
Hughes 03/02/2009
Anderson 03/16/2009
Isett 03/19/2009
Flynn 03/24/2009

Coauthors (14) and the Date Signed On:
Berman 04/01/2009
Brown, Fred 04/06/2009
Chavez 05/01/2009
Christian 04/06/2009
Crownover 04/01/2009
Davis, John 05/07/2009
Eissler 05/07/2009
Harless 04/02/2009
Legler 04/16/2009
Parker 04/01/2009
Sheffield 04/07/2009
Swinford 05/07/2009
Vaught 05/06/2009
Weber 05/07/2009

Call, fax, email your Legislators and let them know you do not support this bill!