Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Arizona is the Line in the Sand

The illegal immigration issue is nothing new. It has been brewing for decades. Shame on Washington,D.C. and past Arizona governors who stuck their heads in the sand and prayed it would go away or sit on simmer so another administration could deal with the issue. Well, the pot has finally boiled over and I am actually surprised it took so long.

What has happened in Arizona needs to happen with California, New Mexico and Texas.

Back in 2004, a report was issued by FAIR, Federation for American Immigration Reform.
"...the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.

"California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's shrinking middle class tax base," stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. ..."Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually, by Robert Longley

California is an excellent example of what happens when the elected leadership refuses to go along with the voting public. (Are you listening America? Does this sound like the recent Health Care Reform?) Anyone with any sense should get out now.

Dan Stein went on to say, as quoted in that report: "Nineteen ninety-four was the same year that California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. Since then, state and local governments have blatantly ignored the wishes of the voters and continued to shell out publicly financed benefits on illegal aliens," said Stein. "Predictably, the costs of illegal immigration have grown geometrically, while the state has spiraled into a fiscal crisis that has brought it near bankruptcy."

In California Governor Seeks Bail Out Money Too I reported that California was spending $970 million dollars in the CA prison system for Mexican Nationals during 2009.

New Mexico now has the very real possibility of seeing illegals who may have come in through Arizona, now coming in through that state.

Internet blogger Heath Haussamen posted an interesting piece on the views of the candidates concerning Arizona's excellent new law: Guv candidates share views on Arizona immigration law. Almost to the man (no offense ladies), they voice support for the new law, picking their words carefully that NM should do the same or similar. They must realize the citizens of that state want action as well.

In 2003, then Mexican President Vicente Fox asked New Mexico for medical benefits for illegals. Why didn't he also offer to pay for the added cost to the New Mexican citizens and the state's budget?

From the office of the president to the peon who works the land, the Mexican mindset is one of freebies and handouts. Mexico is a socialist nation and they bring their entitlement agenda with them.

In 2006, WorldNet Daily published an article wherein it was stated:
"Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That's 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001. ... King also reports eight American children are victims of sexual abuse by illegal aliens every day – a total of 2,920 annually. .." -- Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily By Joseph Farah.
I wonder what the stats are today? Every night it seems we hear something about another murder, rape, kidnapping, drug related crime, by illegals on the nightly news or on "America's Most Wanted".

Read the text of a GAO report number GAO-05-646R entitled 'Information on Certain Illegal Aliens Arrested in the United States' which was released on May 9, 2005, that studied population of 55,322 illegal aliens. They found illegals were:
*arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien.

*About 45 percent of all offenses were drug or immigration offenses.
*About 15 percent were property-related offenses such as burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and property damage.

*About 12 percent were for violent offenses such as murder, robbery, assault, and sex-related crimes.

*The balance was for such other offenses as traffic violations, including driving under the influence; fraud--including forgery and counterfeiting; weapons violations; and obstruction of justice.

Some other stats as quoted from One Reporter's Opinion — Americans Killed By Illegal Aliens by George Putnam, Thursday, March 15, 2007:
*Ninety-five percent of warrants for murder in Los Angeles, Calif. are for illegal aliens

*Eighty-three percent of warrants for murder in Phoenix, Ariz. are for illegal aliens.Eighty-six percent of warrants for murder in Albuquerque, N.M., are for illegal aliens

*Seventy-five percent of people on the "Most Wanted" list in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Albuquerque are illegal aliens

*Twenty-five percent of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals who are here illegally

*Forty percent of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

*Forty-eight percent of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

*Twenty-nine percent (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons occupy our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually

*More than 53 percent of burglaries in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens

*More than half of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border

*More than 70 percent of all cars stolen in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California are stolen by illegals

*Forty-seven percent of drivers stopped by police in California have no license, insurance, or registration; and of that 47 percent, 92 percent are illegal aliens

*Sixty-three percent of stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, insurance, or registration for the vehicle. Of that 63 percent, 97 percent are illegal aliens

*Sixty-six percent of stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, insurance, or registration; and of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegals

U.S. households headed by illegal aliens used $26.3 billion in government services during 2002 but paid only $16 billion in taxes, an annual cost to taxpayers of $10 billion, says a report issued yesterday by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

America needs it's job for Americans. That is not a protectionist view, that is a necessity for Americans who have been hurt by disloyal companies which have sent their jobs overseas, by employers hiring illegals who will work for less than minium wage and by decades of unAmerican policiys such as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and GATT (General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs) with the United Nations -1993, which is the root of the job market deterioration in America today.

"The long-term effect of NAFTA/GATT just emerged in the form of Circuit City firing 3,400 of its highest paid employees for the publicly announced purpose of hiring replacements who will work for substantially less." -- Circuit Firings Only
The Beginning
By Carl F. Worden, 2007

In April 2001, then Mexico President Vicente Fox stated during an PBS interview:
Now we want to go further. I'm talking about a NAFTA plus, a NAFTA that takes us to a further integration. I've been talking with [U.S.] President Bush, and fortunately he's seeing it the same way. In the long term what we're looking for is convergence of our two economies, convergence on the basic and fundamental variables of the economy, convergence on rates of interest, convergence on income of people, convergence on salaries. Of course this is a 10-, 20-year program. But when we reach that level, then we can just erase that border, open up that border for [the] free flow of products, merchandises, [and] capital as well as people.

How can a second class nation based on Socialism with a commonly known corrupt government like Mexico ever "converge" with a nation based on Individual Rights, Private Property Rights and Capitalism? To force America to sink in order to help float a cesspool is unthinkable.

Why don't all the wealthy entertainers, corporate executives and billionaire globalist dip into THEIR wealth and redistribute that! No..they want to keep their money and spend yours. Just ask Pelosi. She would rather cost Americans millions of dollars to take her trips than to take her own jet.

The American people are tired, they are sick and tired...they are mad as hell and they are going to show it at the next election. Democrats, bleeding heart liberals, RINOs and any other politicians who do not have an "America First" mindset, will probably be looking for a packing company in November.

Well, there are plenty of illegals working in that industry as well. They shouldn't have any trouble finding some.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

No Truth Allowed Where Obama is Concerned

WorldNetDaily, a credible and reputable online news magazine, has just published another article on the Birth Certificate issue with Obama.

SEE: Mayor joins chorus questioning if Obama 'American' 'If you're not willing to produce birth certificate, you've got something to hide'

In that article eleven State Representatives, three former politicians, another columnist and an Il Mayor are quoted with various comments about the never-ending eligibility issue.

The Champaign, Il Mayor Gerald Schweighart, who was attending the West Side Park Tea Party was asked about what he thought of Obama. The Mayor stated he did not think Obama was an American. Hear for yourself his actual words:

Within the article several persons are quoted in opposition of the Mayor's remarks.

In the original Daily Illini.com news article, a county board member was on the record that the Mayor didn't understand the issue since the State of Hawaii has released a copy of the original birth certificate and that the Mayor's comments were "real biased" and "doesn't show much research or in-depth study of the situation."

The truth is THAT county board member has demonstrated it is HE who does not show much research or in-depth study of the situation! Let me help you with your research: WND's complete archive of news reports on the issue

IF the "copy of the original birth certificate" had been released, then why is Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero planning legislation which will allow for the release of the actual records? Seems a bit extreme for something that has already happened.

A District 1 City Council member shot back with the brilliant statement that Obama has "...been approved by congress". That may have been enough had Congress done it's job in vetting the candidate in 2008. Had ANYONE vetted Obama in 2008! Had Congress taken their duty seriously by looking into the NUMEROUS cases filed in courts across America as to the question of Obama's homeland. However, Congress and the courts did nothing except to bury, sweep under the carpet, ignore and basically fail America.

This is an excerpt from a 2008 blog, Albany's Insanity. Did you ever read this?
"...the Obama birth certificate controversy has been left alone by the major media. They have simply assumed-because they favor his candidacy-that Obama, with a history of being moved from country to country under different names, is a legitimate U.S. citizen. A lawsuit has been filed challenging Obama’s qualifications to be president and some bloggers say the birth certificate is a fraud. But it’s not an issue for the major media. They would rather examine photos of Bristol Palin’s tummy.

An FBI investigation of Obama might get at the truth about the Democratic candidate. But an FBI background check is something that the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party has not been forced to undergo. How many people even know that?" -- original piece: Who Vetted Obama? by Cliff Kincaid, Sept 2, 2008
Another Champaign, Il Council member made the assine comment: "It's a non issue. It started out as a campaign ploy and it's been settled a long time ago."

Following the United States Constitution is a "non-issue"? Really! It is ONLY the supreme law of the land and one that every elected official swears an oath to follow and protect, in some form or fashion when they take office. HAD the vetting process been instituted with Obama and HAD the Congress not failed in their Constitutional duty and Had the Courts not failed in their responsibility to the American People, then perhaps it would be a non-issue because the TRUTH would have surfaced. And Obama knows this, which is WHY he has spent thousands of dollars to seal records that evidently don't matter. Why was his FIRST Executive Order to SEAL his records? [Links to a pdf file]
“Shame on the men who can court exemption from present trouble and expense at the price of their own posterity’s liberty!”--Samuel Adams

Not only NO, but HELL NO, it has NOT been settled a long time ago. It just appears this way because your local and national news outlets refuse to report the continuing waves of cases filed, court hearings and editorials dealing with the eligibility issue, which, if it came out (and it will..it is only a matter of time) would render every decision, every Exec. Order, every appointment, every business taken over by the Federal Government, etc., including Joe Biden's Vice-presidency, NULL & VOID!

Of course he has a vested interest in keeping the fact that he is Kenyan born out of the American news.


As Kenyan born US Senator Barack Obama jets into Kenya today as part of his African tour, concerns have once again been raised on the security preparations for other visitors and residents. While Senator Obama will of course be accorded security from the presidential protection details, just a few days ago the Russian Ambassador was hurt when his car was stopped outside Nairobi and he was robbed of valuables. ..." Uganda Newsletter

Why is the news outlet NPR (National Public Radio) engaging in revisionist news reporting?

Here is the WND article where a screenshot clearly shows NPR reported Obama as being Kenyan-born, however if you view the article now, it is simply saying his father was born in Kenya.

For all of you "Americans" who are OK with a foreign-born Muslim, Socialist usurper masquerading as President of the United States of America, I have just one quote to give you:

“A free-born people … may make use of such power as God has given them to recover and support their … liberties.” –Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty after the Boston Tea Party

========= Update April 22, 2010 =========

Many of you know by now of the case of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin who is "refusing Army orders until Barack Obama documents his eligibility to be commander in chief" (see article referenced below).

In another case where this argument has arisen, the court backed off its threat of sanctions toward the attorney, possibly due to not wanting to reveal the truth in the discovery process. Now why is that? If all is well and in order with Obama's eligibility, why would the court back off?


"The discovery issue previously was raised in court by attorney John Hemenway, who was threatened by a federal judge with sanctions for bringing a court challenge to Obama's presidency. ... Hemenway brought the court challenge on behalf of a retired military officer, Gregory S. Hollister, who questioned Obama's eligibility. ... Hemenway warned at the time, "If the court persists in pressing Rule 11 procedures against Hemenway, then Hemenway should be allowed all of the discovery pertinent to the procedures as court precedents have permitted in the past. ... The court ultimately backed off its threat of sanctions. ... The orders later were canceled by the government. ... '...the Army took the highly peculiar step of revoking the major's deployment order, suggesting that the Pentagon generals are not entirely confident that they can demonstrate the legitimacy of their purported commander in chief."-Vox Day'... "-- Approaching apocalypse: Will Obama docs surface? By Bob Unruh, Apr 20, 2010

The video below can be seen here (approx 2-1/2 hrs)

Americans know there is something wrong. Are we a nation of LAWS or we a nation of slaves, people with no right to question authority? Where does that authority come from? It comes from us, the people. We give them the authority, in trust to govern our land, but only ACCORDING TO AND INLINE WITH OUR CONSTITUTION. This is NOT being done and it is our DUTY to correct this.

Will YOU, as an American, do your DUTY?

Friday, April 16, 2010


The following is a guest submission by Mike Francis-Roberson of New Zealand. This is Installment Three and the final installment for Part One.
View One
View Two


From the outset of this lone twenty year battle to find truth and justice I came up against deliberately created obstacles and delaying tactics placed in my path, mainly by either corrupt government Ministers, ordinary and weak politicians (or would-be politicians), devious bureaucrats and other government agency or quasi-government agency employees out to do their master's bidding; "just following orders" - as Hitler's henchmen whined during the Nuremburg trials at the end of World War II.

The number of times the reasons of 'mislaid files' or 'lost documents' reared their fallacious heads is incalculable. Even Winston Peters' Wellington office had one of my files go missing at one point in the investigation – and he was assisting me to get to the bottom of what has been described to me by a prominent politician as 'a Murray McCully whispering campaign'.* There was also the incident of the office break in.

Our offices in Auckland experienced a burglary one week night. The police established that it must have been children looking for a quick profit on saleable items such as cigarettes, liquor and easily carried electronic gadgets.

As someone with police training the writer is curious to know why the unopened carton of two hundred cigarettes and several bottles of spirits in a wooden wall credenza cupboard with no locks, a small portable television set (upturned on my desk, but otherwise intact), plus several electronic gadgets in office drawers were untouched. The only real inroads that were made were into the locked steel filing cabinets containing confidential documents relating to our clients. The filing cabinets were prised open with a crow-bar or something similar and the papers strewn over the office floor. All this just prior to the general election. Kids..? Yeah, right!

'Abuse of power is tantamount to corruption'.
To name just a few of the administrations involved: the Justice Department; the Department of Internal Affairs and the Inland Revenue Department and the Government itself in creating and then putting into effect the dirty tricks with no holds barred; the objective...to bring down those who have the courage, the determination and, in the eyes of the 'Bullies' as I have labelled them, the fortitude to expose the truth and the shameful behaviour of those involved. These sad individuals are supposedly the guardians of the People within New Zealand – instead their real function is simply to line their nests and then to protect them with every abusive act within their power; 'abuse of power' hardly describes their average day.

The Corruption Chronicles takes the lid off the clandestine political dirty tricks brigade. Their intention is to expose those individuals who work in concert to destroy the lives of fellow politicians and ordinary folk; the strategists who cook up the public relations-inspired whispering campaigns of career and reputation destruction. They may not care who or how they hurt – but it's our function to care and, in turn, to make them care. These writings name names and outline the dirty deeds of the perpetrators and how they go about putting them into effect, all with the express intention of protecting their own 'Power Patch'.

• As this is being written, McCully is the New Zealand Foreign Minister. At one time he was the Minister for Tourism, but he was removed from that job; does anyone remember why? Prior to entering Parliament, he was a lawyer and principal of a major public relations company.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."- Abraham Lincoln
These chronicles were begun in August 2009 and in the six weeks to the middle of September two members of the New Zealand House of Representatives (there are 120 in all) have seen the inside of a courthouse on corruption charges. A third, a Cabinet Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs, was drummed out of his Ministerial post and then forced to resign over a sexual matter in which he is alleged to have sent inappropriate texts and letters to a female.

However, that's another matter with a cloud over it in more ways than one.

Could it be that the Hon. Dr. Richard Worth, former Minister of Internal Affairs was the victim of yet another political dirty trick?

Did someone want him off the political scene too; and if so, for what reasons? Ironical really when we consider that the author of these Corruption Chronicles was himself the victim of a similar whispering campaign, in all probability, created by a man who is now a Cabinet Minister, and put into effect by a top civil servant within the Department of Internal Affairs.

The same man who later boasted in an inter-departmental memo to his bosses that he had "succeeded in bringing about the downfall" of the politician they feared; due, perhaps, to his popularity and effectiveness?

This Government man, through his dishonesty and connivance, destroyed not only Gary Knapp's reputation but mine too, together with my family home, my business, health and almost broke up my marriage of twenty one years (to 1990). Could it be that the shadowy figures behind oak doors had a good reason for removing Internal Affairs Minister Worth in 2009? Ironical that, although not apparently connected, it should involve the very same Ministry - 19 years later. Ask the deposed Gary Knapp or the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Winston Peters what they believe is really the truth about these all-too-similar political coups and you will, in all probability, have your eyes opened wide. The destruction of these two men's political careers takes on such similar form that it is unlikely to be mere coincidence: and the same whispering campaigner is still skulking in the shadows.

I couldn't believe what was happening to me back in 1989 when the affair broke in the media. At first it had the appearance of a storm in a tea cup with the media reacting like a coiled spring by launching into a feeding frenzy and cashing in on Gary Knapp's name and charisma. Each time it seemed to be abating, again a release of statements from the Department of Internal Affairs fanned the flames of destruction for Knapp.

Essentially how the majority of the newspapers and the alleged 'reasonable treatment', open-minded, impartial television programme Fair Go handled the issue would leave any journalist worthy of the name reeling. The following anecdote would be a perfect example of the standard and skill of the professional style used.

'A Harley biker is riding past the zoo in Auckland when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.

Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter from a prominent New Zealand newspaper has watched the whole event. The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.'

The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.' The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page... So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?' The biker replies, 'I'm an SAS member and a New Zealand First Party supporter.' The journalist leaves.

The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page:

Which pretty much sums up one section of the media's approach to news these days.

It also sums up the approach by the mainstream media over the Knapp and Roberson affair. They got it wrong...very wrong. As did former Labour Prime Minister Mike Moore who, a few years later, apologised to me once I had explained the truth to him. He had previously openly criticised Knapp in Parliament but, as he later admitted, "Mike I'm so sorry, I did bad mouth Garry in the House - I didn't have the facts then".

Moore asked me to convey his apologies to Gary Knapp. He told me that much of his opinion of Knapp was "based on what I had seen and read in the media". I thanked Mr. Moore saying that I would indeed pass on his comments, adding that it was a pity he hadn't come forward a few years earlier, it might have saved Knapp's political career and my reputation.

Mark Twain said "Get the facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please".
The problem here was that few, if any, within the mainstream media actually got the facts. I'm personally still waiting (19 years later) for Anna Kenna, then a prominent television broadcaster with the 'Fair Go' programme team, to visit me to view the files I promised would be open to her when she came past my house that day on her way north to speak to the one and only alleged complainant about the Knapp-Roberson Community Project consultancy Garry and I ran together. Her phone call to me earlier in the day was to ask me questions regarding our cost structure used in fund-raising projects. She asked if she could call in to our offices to interview me. I readily agreed and guaranteed that our records would be wide open to any scrutiny. Simple, I knew full well that everything would be found to be squeaky clean and not riddled with overcharging as was being alleged by some anonymous claimant!

I never saw Kenna, nor anyone from Fair Go that day, or since.

But the producers did manage to air a one-sided programme that same week after having interviewed the 'complainant' – in reality it was the patsy set up to make Knapp look as though he was ripping off charities. This was not the case, I was the one dealing with and handling all the money that went through the business while Knapp was in Parliament in Wellington – so I knew how everything was done...because I was the one handling this side of the business. I signed the cheques in conjunction with an independently nominated officer from each charitable organisation. So much for an unbiased Fourth Estate.

In addition, the government department charged with the responsibility of overseeing projects in which our consultancy engaged examined each and every event and project we undertook. So, the question remains 'how could we overcharge without it being noticed by the Department of Internal Affairs'? To that point in time (1988) I and my associates had organised something in the region of sixty projects.

Each one of these projects had to be vetted by the watchdog Internal Affairs prior to the event getting 'on the road' as a fund raising project. At the completion of each all details of the event, including separate audit carried out by an approved chartered accountant, were required to be handed in to Internal Affairs within one month of the date of the event.

In addition, and as if these requirements weren't enough, our consultancy was required to provide New Zealand Internal Affairs with an annual audit encompassing ALL the projects undertaken throughout the year. From this it can be clearly seen that each project undertaken by the partnership was vetted not once but TWICE by watchdog Internal Affairs. No exceptions were ever found by I.A. over a five year period.

[It is interesting to note here that when, under the New Zealand Official Information Act, I requested that Internal Affairs provide me with copies of those annual audits their answer was...an apology - but they couldn't find them!

Five years of audited documents had strangely disappeared with no explanation from the one government department charged with policing and safeguarding the Public Interest. Could it be, perhaps, that the very documents I was seeking might have provided the evidence that my commercial activities were, in reality, squeaky clean? I'll leave you to judge.]

P.S. These Corruption Chronicles are based on 56 kilograms of documents and correspondence obtained under the New Zealand Official Information Act.

My wife Jill and I handled the main business trust account together – from 1984 to 1990 there would have been anything from $100,000 to $1,000.000 dollars in the account during any one month. Back in the 'eighties these were considered fairly substantial sums. This was in addition to separate trust accounts that had been set up by each of our clients with their bank prior to the project. This was a requirement of ours from the outset of the partnership in 1984, the object being that all financial transactions should be clearly visible and all details made available to our client.

So you see each organisation and its chief office-holders were signatories to the bank account; thus they were in control of the financial operation all the way through. There was absolutely no chance of taking anything greater than the agreed consultancy fee. The whole media issue was a storm in a tea cup fabricated to make Gary Knapp the politician look bad through his commercial business – actually run by me and my wife while Gary was in Parliament. Gary's former wife, Lee also assisted to keep an eye on things in her husband's absence.

The media have a lot to answer for in this episode because they saw Gary Knapp as a charismatic target to sell their wares. – newspapers and advertising air-time. The only two publications that printed anything resembling the truth were 'Investigate' magazine, published by Ian Wishart, and the Auckland Sunday News. To each I shall be eternally grateful.

Wishart constantly receives criticism from certain quarters for some of the stories appearing in his publication. But then, when we analyse which of his publication's articles get the most mud thrown at them, we discover that the subject matter is invariably the questionable behaviour of THOSE IN POWER. And the criticism mostly comes from THOSE IN POWER...Funny that!

It has been noticeable that those flinging the mud tend to be either the New Zealand Establishment, media competitors or individual writers envious of the magazine's success. Success possibly due to the fact that Investigate publishes the facts – about topics that some would rather see covered up.

Staff writer Simon Jones from Investigate spent a day with me going over the files and documents and then checking the facts against publicly held records; I believe he obtained documents and correspondence under the Official Information Act. However the article in Investigate was not published until June 2000 – five years after the event that shattered our lives and far too late to have any real beneficial effect.

The Auckland Sunday News' feature writer, Greg Ninness also wrote a couple of articles that conveyed a large proportion of the real facts to the People of New Zealand. These two articles were in the October and November 1994 issues of Sunday News – but still four years after the event with not too many people interested now that Gary Knapp had left the political stage. Less interested that his unknown business partner had experienced the destruction of nearly everything he had worked for during the previous thirty years. The political monster had lashed its tail, crushing all before it – even the innocents; my family was severely and undeservingly caught in the backlash.

What Sunday News' Ninness uncovered in connection with the 'Secret Report' and how it found its way into a District Court judge's chambers, through the Official Information Act and also, as a good investigative journo should, by foot-slogging the pavements and personally digging into things, was astounding.

When Ninness interviewed the Auckland District Court's Senior Deputy Registrar, Judith Simpson she told him: "A Court official had acted without legal authority". "We accept that we called for a report where there was no specific authority for us to do so. "

When asked how such a thing could have happened she stated: "I cannot account for it. The officer concerned (a Deputy Registrar of the Court) can't remember and we're not in a position to make a final conclusion on it".

We have to help each other to defend against abuse in the system; vulnerable people are being rendered without remedy and rights!

You will have to draw your own conclusions on the matter of the Secret Report and how it found its way quietly under the judge's black robes. However, to assist let me ask this: Why would a Court Registrar in Auckland call the Secretary of Internal Affairs in Wellington (New Zealand's capital and seat of government) and request a report on two businessmen he didn't know and couldn't possibly have had any personal interest in, and for no apparent reason?

We can only conjecture that 'someone' in Wellington made a 'first' phone call to 'someone' at the Court in Auckland and directed them to 'request' that a report on the two business partners and their commercial operation be created by Wellington and then sent to the Court in Auckland.

All somewhat convoluted I admit – and all very Machiavellian I agree – several people, including two lawyers came up (independently) with this possible scenario. It is likely that we will never know the real story. It is true to say, though, that it required the collusion of a Black Robed Devil to make it work.

It is just a shame that the New Zealand media didn't do a better job of seeking out the truth and reporting it to the People of New Zealand at the time. In my opinion it would have made a much better story – it still would.

However, I don't blame the media totally for their transgressions because the inflammatory information was originally fed to them by a member of the Department of Internal Affairs. How were they to know that it was a tissue of lies? Secretary Richard Stubbings, the man who wrote the lying report that was covertly handed in by his messenger to Ross Malcolm Elliott, a District Court Judge (now deceased) in Auckland is where the finger must be pointed.

Judge Elliott himself turned out to be a piece of work, as these Chronicles will later reveal. Twice in Court on charges of sexually interfering with children, two juries couldn't agree. Corruption inside the New Zealand Establishment and judiciary...who ever heard of such a thing?

Stubbings abused his authority when he made unauthorised, unlawful statements to the press gallery in Parliament (I have this on reliable authority directly from a member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery) and through Stubbings' media contacts nationally, knowing them to be false. I am advised that this act alone would be viewed very seriously by a judge as malfeasance.

Internal Affairs Secretary Stubbings' agenda was, very simply, to fan the flames under Knapp's butt with the Secret Report just prior to a general election.

Stubbings' objective, led by the nose it is believed, by his bosses - including the National party's machinating strategist lawyer Murry McCully. There are others too who we'll identify later.

McCully was wary that the East Coast Bays seat, previously held by Gary Knapp, could easily slip out of his own grasp and back into Knapp's lap. McCully's function was to come up with a dirty trick that would be likely to cause Knapp to lose votes in an electorate where he had won twice – the second time in a landslide against former Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Don Brash.

(Oh yes, Knapp had upset some top Establishment grandees by demonstrating his popularity with the People of New Zealand).

The Nats (National Party) wanted the East Coast Bays electorate and would stop at nothing to hang onto it. After all, wasn't it Knapp who had snatched it from the National party after a very long tenure. Brash was a dismal failure - as he was as National Party Leader some years later - and so something had to be done to keep Knapp out at the next election. Thus was born the idea of a report on Knapp's commercial activities that had to contain damaging stuff. The Secret Report, covertly slipped into the file for the judge to see before the hearing set annually to renew the pairs' licence to function.

Both the Nats and Labour were becoming frustrated by this man who, it appeared, was too strong to be pushed by fair means at the polling booth.

It was Dr. Thomas Sowell, author and senior fellow at the Hoover Institute who said about government, “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong”.

When my former business partner and I appeared at a hearing in the Auckland District Court to answer spurious 'complaints' over the way we conducted our community projects consultancy, and an alleged breach of a Gaming regulation, even our legal advisers commented that the worst we could expect was a slap on the wrists for being ignorant of a small regulation of which even the Department of Internal Affairs wasn't aware! No business I've ever been actively involved with has ever been guilty of anything other than straight up and down dealing. I'm not a great liar – I don't have a good enough memory.

What we didn't know at the time was that not only had the 'complaints' been a set up to create an impression of 'bad business activities' (I never did establish, nor have I to this day, what the alleged complaints were supposed to be over, nor who it was who was supposed to have lodged them) but, unknown to me a secret document had also been passed to the judge in a covert file – without my knowledge or that of my business partner or, indeed, of our legal adviser.

We knew nothing of this document, later described as the 'Secret Report', until more than two years after the judge had deemed Gary and I 'not fit and proper persons to hold a licence'. [Our main business activity as a community projects consultancy was to raise funds for charitable trusts, schools, guiding and scouting organisations].

The whole affair was finally shown in a (second) Appeal Court hearing to be a total frame-up of the two business partners, using covertly created documents filled with lies and quietly handed to a judge – all to get one of partners out of the New Zealand Parliament and out of their hair. It obviously doesn't pay to be an honest politician.

What's that I hear you shout...there's no such animal?

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." --George Washington

Part two of the Corruption Chronicles will reveal a great deal more about the lives, habits and behaviour of some of New Zealand's most prominent and shadowy figures, some still floating the corridors of influence. One thing is certain however, the writer of these chronicled events, having experienced at first hand the viciousness of the talons wielded by those who would hold on to power at any price, is in no way prepared to do anything but see this issue through to the bitter end.

I want justice and compensation for my family for the treatment received over the past sixteen or more years.

If you have to bow down and let wrong continue, then what is the purpose of your life? - Anon
Mike Francis-Roberson – March 2010


*[Malfeasance: Wrongful conduct by a public official - Wrongdoing; misconduct especially by a public official that causes damage. Under New Zealand law this carries a term of imprisonment of up to three years upon conviction]

View One
View Two

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The following is a guest submission by Mike Francis-Roberson of New Zealand and will be in several installments. This is Installment Two.
View One


As I write this the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department are conducting an audit on me and my family, suggesting that we have made thousands in profit on properties bought and sold by our Trust*.

This audit has been running now for over three years. We know that we haven't made a profit from property transactions, and we've told them so in very clear terms. Our accountant tells us that he believes the IR Trolls think they have sniffed out a likely pot of gold to raid - that we've probably made a healthy profit. No profit has resulted mainly due to the fact that we have been badly affected by the economic downturn. The idea that, as a family, we might be able to claw our way back to a reasonable standard of living, having lost just about everything due to the government's dirty tricks, was a short-lived one when the bottom dropped out of the New Zealand property market. We had hoped to accrue a couple of residential properties as a hedge against the future - as an investment for our children.

The IRD wouldn't have this answer – they determined that we were, once again, an easy mark and targeted the Francis-Robersons, most likely because we had stood up for ourselves against their bullying in the past. I happen not to be either paranoid or to subscribe to conspiracy 'theories'. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that the most recent investigation of my affairs may have something to do with my having historically upset some of those grandees in high places by facing up to them.

In the late 90s I had a running paperwork and 'interview' battle with the IRD for a period of more than four years because they maintained that more thousands in Goods and Service Taxes (GST) plus added interest (allegedly payable by our former business partner, nothing to do with us personally) was owed to the IRD.

In addition to this they were claiming, based on assessment, that I owed back taxes of $15,000 plus tax (interest)!

But wait, that's not all - on top of this they now came after me personally for (allegedly) unpaid GST amounting to over $10,000 and dating back to 1989. This began with a figure of $1,401.56 with additional tax added and rising to $10,899.62 by 1995. Again I attempted to explain to them that there had been an error on their part. The total being claimed by New Zealand's beloved secret ops organisation had by this time run into more than $27,500, with interest mounting each day. I continued to battle them with facts on paper thinking that this lot would never go away. Agreed that these are not enormous sums of money we're talking here. What we have to remember though is that the government actions of earlier years had rendered me virtually broke – and, of course, they were well aware of this. Their subsequent moves were calculated to make my life and that of my family a living hell.

I'm not too naive to reject the possibility that this stream of harassment by the IR nasties might possibly be connected with the fact that I dared to question their claims against me. Also that the earlier media propaganda (promoted by Internal Affairs) had conditioned many people (IRD no exception) into believing that Mike Francis-Roberson was a criminal – a persona non grata. They were consistently inconsistent, trying to give me the runaround by regularly sending me correspondence signed by different individuals from different internal departments.

I guess their objective was to confuse me; however, it didn't work because I insisted on writing back to the single individual and department first heard from. I wasn't prepared to play that game! Smoke and mirrors doesn't work if you're in the right and you hold to your belief. This nonsense from IRD went on for more than three and a half years.

However, in October 1995, and totally out of the blue, I received a five page statement of account from the IRD. At first I couldn't understand the picture it was painting for me. I should mention here that I was still suffering from M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) contracted in August 1990. I had been unable to work for several years except for a sitting down radio broadcasting job with the local radio station (near Auckland). Before that, from 1991, I had been on income support; I couldn't get sickness benefit because Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) would not recognise that chronic fatigue syndrome was an illness. The fact that I was so weak that I couldn't even stand or walk and could hardly eat cut no ice with WINZ. They had their rules and their guidelines and they were sticking to them.

Not being a trained accountant I struggled to understand what the five pages from our beloved IRD torturers were trying to tell me. After a little study I finally realised that they showed how, since July 1989 and with 'additional tax', the alleged GST debt of $1,400 had built to almost $11,000 in six monthly increments. I thought: "so why are they telling me all this – are the simply rubbing it in"?

But wait, there was more...thumbing slowly through the five pages I realised that the figures from May 1995 suddenly changed dramatically about halfway through. Reading carefully I spotted the words 'Default Assessment Reversal' and 'Additional Tax Reversal'!

I could hardly believe my eyes as I followed the now decreasing figures to the foot of the last page until I reached the magic number - $.00. There was no covering letter to explain how or why, after more than three years, they had finally arrived at a zero debt in my favour. If they care to do this now I would be interested to hear the reasoning applied.

I had been battling them for more than 1,344 days since 1991 attempting in my layman and somewhat ignorant way to convince them they were wrong. Their eventual but reluctant response appeared to be like a naughty schoolboy thrusting a 'sorry' note into a parent's hand, at the same time looking the other way and shuffling off in the opposite direction. Very sad and, in my opinion – CORRUPT - just one example of a Great Lie.

Less than a year later, in September 1996, the IRD proceeded to illegally bankrupt me and my wife. How did they manage this? Easy, they committed perjury in their affidavit to the Court. The department proceeded to do this in spite of the fact that we owned half a residential property that was valued at five times the alleged debt claimed. We offered to liquidate the asset and settle their claim, at least temporarily until we could show them the real truth of their assessment and that it was in error, rather than endure their continued pursuit of us into the bankruptcy court.

The Inland Revenue Department refused the offer. 'Why?' I hear you ask. A very good question...I can only guess that they were determined to get me – one way or another; ask David Henderson how that works. Henderson also fought IRD for four years after it rejected his claim for a $65,000 refund. Instead, it gave him a $1 million bill.

His book, 'Be Very Afraid', was published in 1999. The film, 'We're Here to Help', was released in 2008. David fell foul of the New Zealand IRD over their claims and his denials of a million dollars allegedly owed to them.

Because he also dared to argue the point and refused to pay them monies he maintained he did not owe them, in precisely the same way I have, they were all over him like a rash too. You can check out Mr. Henderson's experiences on the internet. It seems that once the IRD sets its sights on you and gets its hooks in it holds tight and keeps coming back at you.

I guess they'll do the same to me after these chronicles are published. And, if they don't (or can't because I'm dead) they'll probably readjust their aim at my family. That's the way they function and it's the main reason most people don't dare argue with them. Well, I didn't tolerate bullies at school and, now that I'm in the Big World nothing's changed!

The Bully Syndrome is also one of the reasons judges make many of the decisions they do in favour of the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department's often inefficient, error-filled and bullying claims. Be very afraid...you connect the dots. But just remember one important fact; anger is a stronger emotion than fear. Having said that, I propose not to get angry – just even.

There are numerous cases involving harassment by the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department.

MP Rodney Hide's book 'The Power to Destroy' in which he detailed cases of persecution by the Inland Revenue Department includes the tragic case of Ian Mutton, a small businessman who broke his ankle in a work-related accident - which ACC originally refused to cover – causing him to get behind in the payment of tax. Instead of working with Ian and his wife Bronwyn, the IRD applied harsh penalty rates and the couple faced ruin. Unable to cope, Ian took his life and tragically, seven months later, his 13 year old son Trevor followed suit.

Christchurch businessman Dave Henderson, in his book 'Be Very Afraid: One Man’s Stand Against the IRD' outlines his nightmare battle with the IRD, which fabricated a $1 million debt against him. Dave’s four-year-long campaign eventually resulted in the false assessment being reversed in favour of a $65,000 refund. The book is now being turned into a film which Dave hopes will encourage more people to stand up against state stupidity and aggression.

Henderson also then proceeded to buy the building the New Zealand Inland Revenue occupied; this effectively made him their landlord. The New Zealand IRD recently had to clear out of David Henderson's building – their lease ran out!



In the same way as I was concurrently battling IRD, but over a considerably longer period of time, I've been asking each and every government administration since 1994 for an independent public inquiry into the actions of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Justice Department, the Inland Revenue Department and others. At one stage I even sent a formal complaint to the United Nations.

'Abuse of power is tantamount to corruption'

Old-guard, old-style taxmen are on the way out - Yeah, Right!


New bill will squeeze out the secrecy from Inland Revenue – When it happens!

Each and every one of the individuals involved in this affair in these government departments or agencies is guilty at least of malfeasance* – this is abuse of power (authority) and, where malfeasance can be shown, is punishable in New Zealand by a term of imprisonment. The Corruption Chronicles show the many instances of shameful abuse of authority. Instances which, in the absence of someone prepared to stand up to them, go unchallenged and unpunished.

I compiled the Corruption Chronicles slowly and steadfastly as a direct result of my determined battle over twenty years to obtain truth and justice in a country where many in the Justice department don't even know the true meaning of the word – particularly where politics and advancement through the ranks of their own particular field of endeavour is involved. But then, that isn't surprising when we consider the way in which New Zealand is emulating the United States of America's downward slide into sleazy judicial and general standards together with the breakup of the values of the family unit.

But that's another matter...my experiences have to be shared, if only to warn others. This publication deals directly with the Establishment's worst side, the underbelly of New Zealand's seamy political corridors of power and the sycophantic, apple polishing gastropods who frequent the chambers of its badly-named 'justice' system.

It is the Public Servants who are the real architects and sculptors of Policy in this and every western-influenced governing Administration.

The shady offices of the devious bureaucrats and the treachery-charged corridors of power trodden by members of the New Zealand House of Representatives have a lot to answer for in terms of human suffering. New Zealand's Green image, marketed by those who have the task of bolstering the flagging reputation of a once healthy life-styled country, is a slightly false one in need of the specialist propaganda pumped out by the tourism sales people; to match the effluent and chemicals pumped into its streams and waterways by the industrialists and careless agriculturalists. New Zealand has as many problems in the area of pollution as any other country. Industrial and agricultural influences are largely at the root of these difficulties. The problem is compounded by successive pussy-footing governments frightened of losing votes.

But let us not lose sight of what these Chronicles are all about. It must be made clear that a seriously damaging and covert document was created by the Secretary of Internal Affairs. It was damaging in the first place to Gary Thomas Knapp, former Member of Parliament for the East Coast Bays electorate on Auckland's North Shore. **

Knapp lost his seat in Parliament (House of Representatives) as a direct result of the outrageous lies concocted by those in power who would see him ousted. He represented too much of a threat to their own positions should he be permitted to stay in politics. His influence as an independent politician, coupled with his film star good looks and charisma were far too dangerous to both major parties.

There was also the added factor that at the time of their strategically timed rumour-mongering (just prior to a general election) Knapp's party, with only two seats in the House, actually held the balance of power in government. This did much to encourage his opponents to invoke the devious machinations of their chief strategists in a bid to lose him votes.

The Democrats (formerly Social Credit) was the strongest of the minor parties, coming second in five electorates. Two electorates, East Coast Bays and Pakuranga, were held by the Democrats prior to the election, but were narrowly lost to National candidates.

** Gary Knapp was a New Zealand politician of the Social Credit Party. He became Member of Parliament for East Coast Bays in 1980 when he defeated National candidate Don Brash in the 1980 by-election in East Coast Bays caused by the resignation of the sitting National MP. Knapp joined Bruce Beetham in parliament, where they both had high profiles. In the 1984 election, while Beetham lost his Rangitikei seat to a National Party challenger, Knapp retained East Coast Bays, and another Social Credit candidate, Neil Morrison, won Pakuranga. But in the 1987 election Knapp and Morrison were both defeated by National candidates, see Social Credit Party (New Zealand).


Not only were the outrageous allegations of costs overcharging harmful to Knapp's political position, they were also damaging to the commercial entity he and his business partner had set up in 1984. However, to appreciate the full effect of the trick being played on Knapp and his partner, we must reverse the order of damage. Although ostensibly the Internal Affairs-produced document was made to look as though it was aimed at criticising Knapp's business, the contents were designed to do maximum damage to Knapp himself and his reputation as a parliamentarian and to keep him out of politics – permanently.

The year was 1989...less than a year before the next election that could see Knapp returned to Parliament. For his political opponents to be certain of successfully ousting him timing was of the essence now. Knapp was very good at campaigning, as he had proved on several previous occasions. It was in September of that year (1989) that the fallacious Secret Report was manufactured. The Dirty Tricksters were aware that Knapp's business channeled a great deal of cash through its trust account. In addition they knew that his licence to operate would be due for rubber stamp renewal in March of the following year – general election year. What better weapon than to start rumours that he was fiddling with charitable money?

But we'll examine this topic in more depth later.
Suffice to say that it was the New Zealand Internal Affairs Department's most senior administrator Richard Stubbings who structured the lies and non-facts in a report on Knapp and me that was so destructive to reputations and lives; you'll see the inter-departmental memos gloating over the fact.

But, what of the sometime unwholesome Government Offices and their furtive occupants?


Of course, the Establishment 'shadowy servants' don't see themselves in this (half) light. Their own image of themselves is of knights in gleaming armour riding white chargers through the injustices of a Commoners world. Many of them would describe their presence in parliament as being 'For the Good of the People'.

The claim is often heard, "I came into politics to help people and to change things for the better". Well, no doubt there are those, possibly even the majority, who entered the political arena to 'make things better'. The problem starts after that and principally with first sight of what is commonly known as the Party Line; some refer to it as the Pigs' Trough, where the snouts become well and truly embedded.

Virtually anyone can become a member of parliament, but some of those who stay have invariably compromised the principles they may have possessed at the outset. Why? Because unless they toe the Party Line they must be considered renegades. The Establishment grandees can't tolerate a loose cannon – i.e. one who thinks for her/himself. When one is detected in the House, out creep the thought police (bureaucrats) or rather, their lackeys the parliamentary Whips, and whack them back into line. Why do you think they carry the name 'whip'?

The Two Party system of government allows for one thing as far as the individual politician is concerned; you can say what you wish...as long as it falls in line with Party Policy.- that's toeing the Party Line. Where both Parties in the New Zealand House of Representatives were stymied as far as Gary Knapp went was they had no control over him. As one of only two members of his Party in Parliament Gary Knapp was getting things done; despite strong opposition from Establishment quarters he was instrumental in having the Auckland Harbour bridge vehicle tolls removed, siting that the levy, originally imposed to pay for the construction of the bridge, should be removed due to the fact that the bridge had been paid for years before!

Old Chinese proverb says:‘Man saying “it cannot be done” should move out of way of man doing it'.

With his persuasive ways and obvious charisma Mr. Knapp tended to make a very dangerous political adversary. Those with long service in the House could easily see this, and so it was decided that Gary had to go!

This ends the Second Installment
To Read Installment One

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The following is a guest submission by Mike Francis-Roberson and will be in several installments. This comes out of New Zealand.

29.08.2009 PART ONE


"Abuse of power is tantamount to corruption" –
Mike Francis-Roberson 1994

These true facts in connection with a good politician and a successful businessman and the way the political/bureaucratic Establishment grandees treated them may not surprise you. After all, when we look around at the most prominent stories currently running the globe, we cannot help but notice that they invariably have as their subject matter...

In politics, if it isn't a member of the civil service snooping into areas they have no business snooping, or releasing information they have no right to release then it's a politician taking advantage of his position and ripping off some poor but trusting islander.

It is either overspending on personal expenses, cooking the books (as so many sales representatives have been caught out doing over countless years), or claiming exorbitant rents on their properties at the taxpayer's expense. In addition to all this we find them misrepresenting themselves, or fiddling the votes during an election – or both.

Of course, they would have it that it is the poor hard-done-by politicians and their civil service bosses who are really the ones at the base of the pile...not you and I;
(Yeah, Right)!

They give the impression that they are holier than thou... but, when it comes to the crunch, they are not only NO BETTER...they are a damn sight worse.

In these Corruption Chronicles...
you will see words like 'spies' and 'spying', 'blackmail', 'arrest threats', 'intimidation', 'malfeasance', even 'death threats'. They are placed there, not to dramatise, but to describe accurately the manner in which this pitched but one-sided battle was fought – for battle it truly has been – between the forces of Light and Dark.

Then there's the question of 'who hanged the Family pet'?

One of the disgusting events was that of my wife arriving home one day to find her beloved and devoted Hunterway dog hanging from the rear patio. This is only one example of some of the unpleasant, even terrifying experiences, the whole family were forced to go through at varying times throughout the years that this whole affair dragged on – all because a few politicians got together and decided that one of their colleagues had to go.


"The actions committed against me and my family by
New Zealand government employees have been
as harmful as they are unacceptable
unacceptable, that is, to any reasonable man".
Mike Francis-Roberson – 2009.

[Paraphrased from New Zealand Prime Minister John Key's address to the United Nations - September 2009 - Author's emphasis added.]

The following writings are the result of a long, exasperating, sometimes dangerous and, thus far, fruitless attempt by one man to obtain justice in New Zealand. You would think that butter wouldn't melt in the mouths of the country that produces this consumable in large quantities...you'd be wrong; New Zealand has, per capita, as many corrupt officials in virtually every department of central and local government as any country you care to name.

The story that unfolds and the picture painted by the following documents is one of self-serving, greedy and corrupt politicians, civil servants...and others who like to jump on the bandwagon - just because they can.

The question today is not "Who in government is corrupt"?
But, "How many ARE NOT"?

These Chronicles are written by the man who experienced the affair first hand. A man who originally was only a political observer but who later became involved in setting up a political party of his own in an effort to become a political animal and get to close quarter grips with those who destroyed him as a businessman, his reputation, his health and almost his marriage.

The information contained in these chronicles is factual and based on personal and very costly experience. Costly from just about every aspect – loss of reputation, health, loss of the family home, assets, livelihood and general financial losses in the fields of the business activity engaged in by two men and their families, not only in New Zealand but overseas in Australia and the United Kingdom.

They were involved as victims in one of the most shameful examples of character assassination of a politician by politicians for political purposes ever seen in New Zealand. Former New Zealand Prime Minister Rob Muldoon would have been proud of this lot...but then, 'Piggy' Muldoon would have been proud of any dirty trick played against an opponent.

Corruption is not confined to the African nations alone; nor is it the prerogative of the Russias, the United States, Uganda, Japan, Australia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan or the United Kingdom. It was published recently that New Zealand has the highest number of lawyers per head of population; by the same benchmarks it also has the highest number of corrupt individuals – many of them have power over you to some degree. It is also interesting to note that a large proportion of New Zealand (and World) politicians are former lawyers.

Of a country with barely four and a half million people in total, that's an unbelievable statistic. But it's an accurate one, and one of which the average Kiwi should bow her/his head in shame. Not because it is a fact, but for permitting it to have become a fact.

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil,but because of the people who do nothing about it." Albert Einstein

Anyone from any walk of life and at any time could find themselves the victim of the type of behaviour dished out to the New Zealand member of the House of Representatives and his businessman partner by people 'in power'. Many individuals inside the Civil Service nowadays have a reputation for being neither 'civil' nor providing anything that could reasonably be described as a 'service'.

Far from it - the bureaucratic system in New Zealand is constructed in such a way as to emulate other western countries; essentially it is one of control.

Control, not only of the People but, more surprisingly perhaps, control of the government. We have been conditioned to believe that it's the politicians who call the shots but, in the final event, this not the case.

When we come to learn of the true structure of the Establishment and just how it has been carefully constructed through the centuries it is suddenly revealed to us how we arrived at this point; but more of this further into the corruption chronicles.

If you are concerned to avoid the pitfalls encountered by the author of these chronicles, then this read is a must. It will take you through the various stages of a political Dirty Trick set up by scheming politicians to knock down a particularly charismatic and intelligent opponent politician (independent of course, no Party line to toe) and how it altered the lives of more than just one individual; in this case it changed the course of history for two families. Much of what is detailed here is difficult for the average person to comprehend. That it could have happened at all is almost beyond belief – but it did, and it could happen to anyone...it could happen to you.

In one letter written to former Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark, Mike Francis-Roberson wrote..."For the past several years for me and my family it has been like being a part of a nightmare. I have gone to sleep at night to experience nightmare-like dreams, and I have awoken to realise that it was not all a bad dream, I was indeed waking to a living nightmare". If you can imagine how that feels you will understand the dreadful feeling of despair that it invokes.

The Corruption Chronicles take the form of explicit letters, memoranda and other written works dating from 1988, all hung together with the words of the man who experienced the whole life-changing episode from beginning to the present. Although the story really begins in 1984 when the two main protagonists, a prominent sitting Member of Parliament in New Zealand and a successful businessman first met.

Beginning with a flourishing commercial relationship between the two the saga moves with ever-impelling menace to the point where both are betrayed by the New Zealand political, and justice systems. Secret papers, lost files, mislaid documents, threats, fraud, extortion and coercion – and that's only on the government's side.

Are the Corruption Chronicles true? Once you've read them...You be the judge.

The working title for this missive is:


Compiled by Mike Francis-Roberson
Between 1989 – 2009
"All truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Schopenhauer


This is not a joke...
The label 'conspiracy theory' is commonly used to try to discredit criticism of the powerful in government or business.

After Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair was confronted by the Iraq Inquiry recently (2010) with evidence that he had used lies to sell the Iraq war - Blair dismissed the entire Iraq inquiry as simply being part of Britain's "obsession with conspiracy theories" (his description).

What few people know is that since 2007 Tony Blair has waged an extraordinary two-year battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multi-national oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq.

The former British Prime Minister tried to keep the public in the dark over his dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corporation. Mr Blair - who has made at least £20 million (pounds sterling) since leaving Downing Street in June 2007 - also went to great efforts to keep hidden a £1 million deal advising the ruling royal family in Iraq's neighbour Kuwait. Are we now, after this additional exposure of blatant and damning corruption on the part of the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, to accept that Mr. Blair is actually capable of even recognising what a conspiracy theory looks like? Perhaps 'smells' would be a more appropriate word to use in the circumstances. Conspiracy Theory? Could it possibly be more accurately described as...Conspiracy Fact?


The story about to unfold could be considered unbelievable; not only from the point of view that it has the appearance of a fictional, almost James Bond-like storyline, but also because the average reader finds it difficult to believe that governments would tell them a Big Lie.

The point is, this is a true story from start to finish, and it is likely to shock you to the core because right now you don't believe that your Government would dare to do the things or tell you the lies you'll learn about in these pages – but then, perhaps I do you an injustice...maybe you would believe! However you receive this you'd better believe that what happened to the players in this drama could just as easily happen to you.

It is generally understood by most people that white lies are told every day by just about everyone; little fibs to kids, spouses, friends, work colleagues and so on – the list of lies is almost endless, as are the reasons for them. But when it comes to the Big Lie, something really serious, even earth-shattering involving for example the murder of another human being and then using Big Lies to cover it up...most of us wouldn't do it.

Because this is our nature we find it difficult to believe that others will tell us a big untruth; in particular our Government, who many of us see as 'Mummy' and there to look after us, protect us and keep us from 'terrorists'!

And if you believe that, you'll believe just about anything.

However, this belief doesn't necessarily make you clinically insane -- or even stupid. The truth is, human nature makes us believe things, especially things we want (or, worse, need) to be true.

"The great masses of the people...will more easily fall victims to a Great Lie than to a small one; what luck for Rulers that men do not think". Adolf Hitler

You can't make this stuff up..!


These chronicles deal with an affair over which the New Zealand Establishment should hang its head in shame – from Cabinet Ministers down through judges, Justice Department officials, Internal Affairs departmental heads and their lackeys, and the furtive geheimestaatspolizei-types at the Inland Revenue department (IRD, the New Zealand equivalent of America's IRS) whose people will stop at nothing, including perjury, in order to work their devious ways or to get a judgment in their favour. If this statement wasn't fact the New Zealand IRD would be sure to come after me with a libel suit and probably even more harassment than we've experienced to now; and believe me, they know too well how to do that. They won't, because I can prove every word of what is written here; the proof lies in their own sworn affidavit to a bankruptcy court hearing. Of course, as many of us know, they will be more likely to come after me with yet another dirty set of tricks and harassment. So, how do they operate? This is my experience of them to date.

This ends the first installment

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Most Hated Man in America

Is it Harry Reid?

He is certainly out of touch with the American majority. I want to see these notes and I want to hear the "thank you" remarks he claims in the video. Where are the people making these statements? Are they fellow Socialists? Maybe, I don't know but I will bet a dollar to a donut these were not working class Americans. In fact, I'll go a step further and state that I don't believe anyone is saying this or sending him these notes at all. Pure fiction in the mind of an old man whose political career is withering before his eyes.

According to a Rasmussen poll, Reid is spiraling down. How was it put in "Top Gun"..crash and burn!
"...fully 62% of Nevadans think it would be a good thing if most incumbents up for reelection across these United States lost this coming November. ... Currently only 23% of Nevada voters have a very favorable opinion of Reid, while 53% have a very unfavorable opinion; that's 5 more points disapproving this month." -- April 5, LATIMES BLOG, Top of the Ticket

Is it Nancy Pelosi?

Oops..not a man...just the most hated woman in America, beating out Jane Fonda, Hillery Clinton and my favorite, Janet "The Butcher of Waco" Reno? Hmm...not sure, they are all pretty deserving of the contempt of Constitutionally loyal Americans.

I believe the honors go to Barrack Hussein Obama.
1. Someone who betrays his country by committing treason
2. Faithless: having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor
3. In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of disloyalty to one's sovereign or nation.

Traitor according to Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856: crimes. One guilty of treason.

2. The punishment of a traitor is death.

TREASON, crim. law. This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. 4 Bl. Com. 75.

2. The constitution of the United States, art. 3, s. 3, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war (q. v.) against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. Act of April 30th, 1790, 1 Story's Laws U. S. 83. By the same article of the constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. Vide, generally, 3 Story on the Const. ch. 39, p. 667; Serg. on the Const. ch. 30; United States v. Fries, Pamph.; 1 Tucker's Blackst. Comm. Appen. 275, 276; 3 Wils. Law Lect. 96 to 99; Foster, Disc. I; Burr's Trial; 4 Cranch, R. 126, 469 to 508; 2 Dall. R. 246; 355; 1 Dall. Rep. 35; 3 Wash. C. C. Rep. 234; 1 John. Rep. 553 11 Johns. R. 549; Com. Dig. Justices, K; 1 East, P. C. 37 to 158; 2 Chit. Crim. Law, 60 to 102; Arch. Cr. Pl. 378 to 387.
One could make the argument that moving known terrorist from a protected environment on to American soil, so they can have the same rights as American citizens, constitutes "aiding and giving giving comfort" to our sworn enemies and at the same time putting innocent Americans at high risk of being harmed. (Gitmo Debate Moves to the Heartland)

He has thrown the Constitution aside as though it were nothing more than toilet paper he wiped his rear with. He rejects the concerns of We, The People of the United States, who have demanded over 200 times to see proof of his eligibility to hold office. Proof which Obama had sealed so no one could view it.

It was just a short time ago he made campaign promises of a "transparent government". That seems laughable now as he is the most secretive person to sit in the Oval Office. I will not call him "President" because I do not believe he has the right to lay claim to that office.

He, through his fellow Socialist-in-arms, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, have attempted to force the Socialistic Obama-care down our throats, whether we like it or not. He does NOT represent We, The People but he does represent the Communist Party in all but name.

He has not done this alone but is the culmination of decades of Democrats AND Republicans, whose political careers were more dear to them than their nation.

Look over the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto and think back to which party, which president was the moving force or supporters of these laws.

"Washington D.C. has indeed become part of the New World Order of atheist governments. With the last vestiges of Christian law having been removed from "American government" over the last twenty years, there is no longer a threat of resistance against world Communism. In reality, "American government" became part of the Iron Curtain, thus there was no more need for the likes of a Berlin Wall.

Once again, in their foolishness, the American public has believed the lies of their "leaders" who applaud "the fall of Communism", while they have sold out the country to anti-Christian, anti-American statutes and regulations on the federal, state, and local levels. Posted below is a comparison of the original ten planks of the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx in 1848, along with the American adopted counterpart of each of the planks, The American people have truly been "buried in Communism" by their own politicians of both the Republican and Democratic parties. One other thing to remember, Karl Marx was stating in the Communist Manifesto that these planks will test whether a country has become commmunist (sic) or not. If they are all in effect and in force the country IS communist. Communism, but by any other name...??" -- from Ten Planks Of the Communist Manifesto article

But as Obama now sits in the Oval Office, he has become the face of the Communist movement within the country, the face of those who are trying to destroy our nation, therefore he is the most hated man in America, by Constitutionally LOYAL Americans.

He has bowed to foreign leaders time and time again. He as apologized for America, time and time again. He has put KNOWN Socialist in positions of power within his administration.

The concepts of Communism/Socialism/Fascism and Americanism are mutually exclusive. You cannot be a true American and support these principles as acceptable styles of government for America.

Remember in November!

Get your
"Ram it down our throats in 2009, we'll ram up your butt in 2010"

"Liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree and think 25 to life would be appropriate. America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask."- Jay Leno