Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Islam IS at War with America


A white male walks onto a university campus, yells out, "The South will rise again!" and starts shooting people.


How long before the president declares this is a Hate Crime? How long before the "news" papers declare it a Hate Crime? How long before Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton demand his hide be hung up, screaming that this is another example of why we need Hate Crime laws in the first place.

While this is purely a fictitious incident, no one reading this has to make a big leap in their imagination as to what the out come would be or how the media would spin it, yet we have a Muslim making a declaratory statement before he begins killing people and all the public gets are excuses as to WHY he acted as he did and told not to jump to conclusions.

I can tell you exactly WHY he acted as he did. Because he is a Muslim. There is no need to go searching for answers when he revealed it himself minutes before he acted.

And to have a president who has twice shown where his heart is, first with his jumping to conclusions over the Harvard College professor mishap (no mishap on the part of the cop, just the professor and his presidential friend) and now over his "don't jump to conclusions" remark.

Tell me, if someone, of any race, were to run up on the White House and yell, "Save America" and start shooting up the place, would people wait before they began jumping to conclusions? Would anyone ask if the person was stressed over seeing a once great and independent nation turn into a socialized police state? Would anyone ask that the shooter not be charged with a Hate Crime or deemed a domestic terrorist under the USA PATRIOT Act until it could be decided what set the person off?

Not only "No", but HELL NO!

The S.O.B. who shot up Fort Hood is a Muslim extremist as evidenced by his own words and actions and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He should be strung up and hung in the town square...perhaps HIS head should be cut off.

I am one American who is sick and tired of being told what to think and how to act by the government and by the media.

Obama told the world that America is not at war with Islam but he forgot to mention Islam, through it's Muslim followers, IS at war with America.

How much more proof do we need?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Customer Service Government Style

Most of my professional life has been in the customer service business, in one aspect or another. I have owned my own business, been a co-owner of a business and worked in sales or the public service sector. In almost all instances, customer service was a huge part of the continuation of that business.

The other day I had cause to visit the local U.S. Post Office, since you have to now take letters weighing over 13oz to the counter clerk.

The customers (paying customers) were lined up almost to outside and there was one slow, solitary clerk. While standing in line, getting more and more frustrated because all I needed were two stamps to mail a letter that barely weighed over 13ozs, I began to reflect on how we Americans had better get use to waiting since it looks like ObamaCare will pass.

I began to reflect on the idea of customer service and just what it meant.

Customer service is the highest form of respect a business owner can show a customer. It is a way of telling the customer, "we appreciate your business, your money, without which, we would not be in business".

Customer service use to include such things as having the air in your tires checked, the fluid levels checked and your windshield washed while the pump-jockey filled your car up with gas.

Or the young lady checking your groceries at the supermarket would actually talk to you, the customer, instead of the checker at the next register or the bag boy, about their latest dating experiences. And revealing more than you wanted to know.

Customer service use to be attention paid to the customer to make them feel important. Now it is a thing of days gone by.

And it never was an important part of doing business with a government agency. Today, if you visit a government run service such as the Post Office or the Drivers License office etc, you are treated as though you are making them have to work. The clerks, representatives for the "company" actually treat you as though you are a pain in their butt and they wish you'd just hurry up and leave.

Now we are going to have government run health care. It won't be long until you are treated just like you are when you go to the Post Office.

It's that a pleasant thought.