Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Guest article by "General Lee"

It is just amazing that of all Presidents Obama wants to emulate, he had to pick Lincoln. Lincoln was no “God” and Obama is no “Messiah”. Lincoln’s deity was artificially manufactured by his supporters to revise history as taught by the nation’s government, past and present, while Obama’s messianic status was contrived as a weapon of political correctness.
William H. Herndon, under whom Lincoln began his law practice and longtime friend, wrote one of the first biographies of Lincoln, "Story of a Great Life," but because of its frankness in unfolding the life of Lincoln it was bought up and suppressed. It was republished some years later, much modified...Lamon, in his "Life of Lincoln," said: The ceremony of Mr. Lincoln's apotheosis was planned and executed after his death by men who were unfriendly to him while he lived. Men who had exhausted the resources of their skill and ingenuity in venomous distractions of the living Lincoln were first after his death to undertake the task of guarding his memory, not as a human being, but as a god. Among those participating in the apotheosis Lamon names Seward, Edwin Stanton, Thad Stevens and Charles Sumner." Link to article

What is suppressed is that Lincoln’s legend was rewritten so that we the people would be kept ignorant of his true intentions. History is repeating itself, in that both presidents utilize manipulation to advance their agenda of a larger, socialistic, tyrannical government.

Thanks to the Department of Education created in 1980, history is only being told by the government through required scholastic curricula, indoctrinating us that the great War of Northern Aggression was only about slavery. This is a fallacy that has been put forward as revisionist history since the close of the War. The War was about economics, including oppressive taxation and trade tariffs, and the rights of the States to choose to continue membership in a governmental union of the United States as a whole as envisioned by the founding fathers. The Federal government was bankrupt in March 1861. The North was in a severe recession prior to that, and the South’s tax payments were supplying 75% of the amount required to keep the Federal treasury afloat. The South was being taxed at a rate of 47% of their gross income. The Southern people said that enough was enough and the States seceded. The tax rate of the US today will increase from 39% to 42%, if the proposed health care and cap and trade bills pass, if Obama and the corrupt Congress get their way. This is only the beginning …

Picture this: The people of the South in 1860 were in their churches, their town halls, out in the fields and steps of their capitals, discussing the Federal government outrage of corruption and manipulation of Constitutional States’ Rights. Look at our nation today, in the town halls, on the Capitol steps, the tea parties … again, is history repeating itself? And Justice Thomas states Americans should emulate Lincoln (recent press release).

Justice Thomas, you are a member of the highest Court in the land. Instead of relying on the history of Lincoln as propounded by the revisionist historians, you should look at the true, dark, historical, legal and unconstitutional aspects, which are clearly documented and which have been suppressed for decades. Such an outlandish suggestion without proper foundational research is pure foolishness.

The so-called Emancipation Proclamation was originally written on September 22, 1862 by Lincoln and the word “Emancipation” was not used in US history prior to this point. It is taught in history classes today that the Proclamation was written after the battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. The original intent for such a declaration was to signal the slaves to rebel in arms to attack their masters/slave owners and collapse the South through an internal war. See this link for further information.
It will be the workers, with their courage, resolution and self-sacrifice, who will be chiefly responsible for achieving victory. The petty bourgeoisie will hesitate as long as possible and remain fearful, irresolute and inactive; but when victory is certain it will claim it for itself and will call upon the workers to behave in an orderly fashion, and it will exclude the proletariat from the fruits of victory. ... the rule of the bourgeois democrats, from the very first, will carry within it the seeds of its own destruction, and its subsequent displacement by the proletariat will be made considerably easier.

Marx, Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League (1850)

Revolutions are the locomotives of history.

Marx, Class Struggle in France (1850)

Now, where did Lincoln ever get this idea? Answer is clear and documented. Lincoln and Karl Marx were friends, they communicated, and Marx stated of this idea as follows:
Marx ... uses this rhetoric ironically to develop his critique of bourgeois notions of emancipation. Marx points out that the bourgeois notion of freedom is predicated on choice (in politics, through elections; in the economy, through the market), but that this form of freedom is anti-social and alienating. Although Bauer and other liberals believe that emancipation means freedom to choose, Marx argues that this is at best a very narrow notion of freedom. Thus, what Bauer believes would be the emancipation of the Jews is for Marx actually alienation, not emancipation. After explaining that he is not referring to real Jews or to the Jewish religion, Marx appropriates this anti-Semitic rhetoric against itself (in a way that parallels his Hegelian argument that capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction) by using ‘Judaism’; ironically as a metaphor for capitalism. In this sense, Marx states, all Europeans are ‘Jewish’.

Natural science has invaded and transformed human life all the more practically through the medium of industry; and has prepared human emancipation, although its immediate effect had to be the furthering of the dehumanisation of man. Industry is the actual, historical relationship of nature, .... The nature which develops in human history — the genesis of human society — is man’s real nature; hence nature as it develops through industry, even though in an estranged form, is true anthropological nature.

Marx, Private Property and Communism (1844)

Under private property ... Each tries to establish over the other an alien power, so as thereby to find satisfaction of his own selfish need. The increase in the quantity of objects is therefore accompanied by an extension of the realm of the alien powers to which man is subjected, and every new product represents a new potentiality of mutual swindling and mutual plundering.

Marx, Human Requirements and Division of Labour (1844)
The negroes were just a pawn to solidify/confiscate property to strengthen the federal treasury/banks of the North. It is historically documented that immediately after Lincoln was inaugurated, he called a meeting in which he promised the Northern Governors that if each State would supply war materiel to defeat and break the South, financial benefits in the form of War bonds (promissory notes), guaranteed by the federal government, would be given. This is the same meeting where Lincoln requested 75,000-90,000 volunteer Union soldiers. These securities issued by Lincoln guaranteed a high interest rate to revive the North’s industrial economy and increase employment. The securities were payable upon maturity at the cessation of the War, on Lincoln’s prediction that the War would be short-lived. This agreement occurred in late March 1861, again, at the same time the United States was bankrupt. Lincoln needed money; he needed collateral. He needed industrial production. This was America’s first “Big Government”, which is the same concept being used by the Obama administration today.

More information on the war bonds can be found here:

In order for the bond program to be successful, the North needed an unrestricted currency supply for citizens to pay for them and a source of income to guarantee the interest. The Legal Tender Act filled the first requirement. Passed in February 1862, the act authorized the issue of $150 million in Treasury notes, known as Greenbacks. In contrast to Confederate paper, however, Congress required citizens, banks, and governments to accept Greenbacks as legal tender for public and private debts, except for interest on federal bonds and customs duties. This policy allowed buyers to purchase bonds with greenbacks while the interest accrued to them was paid in gold (funded, in part, by specie payments of customs duties). Investors enjoyed a bountiful windfall, since government securities purchased with depreciated currency were redeemed with gold valued at the prewar level. Taxpayers essentially made up the difference. Because most bonds were acquired by the wealthy or by financial institutions, the program concentrated investment capital in the hands of those likely to use it, much as Alexander Hamilton’s debt plan had sought to do.

Documented in the book "The Lost Cause," written by E.A. Pollard in 1866, Lincoln said:
I have always thought that "Dixie" was one of the best songs I ever heard. Our ADVERSARIES over the way, I know, have attempted to appropriate it; but I insist that on yesterday we fairly CAPTURED IT. I referred the question to the attorney-general, and he gave us his legal opinion THAT IT IS NOW OUR PROPERTY. (Laughter and loud applause.) I now ask the band to give us a good turn upon it.

It was the last characteristic speech and last joke of Abraham Lincoln. He was assassinated the next night. Notice the word adversaries. Who were they? Well, many of them were appointed by Lincoln in April, 1861. By Lincoln, NOT CONGRESS. Congress was on leave till July, 1861. Aren't these unconfirmed, unaccountable advisers considered as “Czars”? Since Lincoln studied, communicated, and actually enacted the theories of Karl Marx, cannot one say that Karl Marx was the FIRST CZAR to an American President? Let’s look at the doctrine that Lincoln received from this adviser:

History does nothing, it ‘possesses no immense wealth’, it ‘wages no battles’. It is man, real, living man who does all that, who possesses and fights; ‘history’ is not, as it were, a person apart, using man as a means to achieve its own aims; history is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims.

Marx, The Holy Family, Chapter 6 (1846)

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite!

Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)

The revolution made progress, not by its immediate tragicomic achievements but by the creation of a powerful, united counter-revolution, an opponent in combat with whom the party of overthrow ripened into a really revolutionary party.

Marx, Class Struggle in France (1850)

The worst thing that can befall a leader of an extreme party is to be compelled to take over a government in an epoch when the movement is not yet ripe for the domination of the class which he represents and for the realisation of the measures which that domination would imply ...

Engels, The Peasant War in Germany (1850)

By Obama’s own admission, he is a scholar of Lincoln. Obama said he was running a Lincoln-styled campaign, and he said he is running a Lincoln-styled administration. The case is proven, period. Given such proof of history of Obama’s emulation of Lincoln’s corruption wherein he too is ignoring the true values, meaning and protections of our Constitution, perhaps the true history will finally be known. Further, consideration should be given for reparations to the people of the South for their property lost to the North and the cause for which they sacrificed, and which continues to this very day.

Following are just some of many links to YouTube videos detailing the comparisons between Obama and Lincoln:








Last questions: The slavery issue aside, was the South right, within the Constitution, in doing what they did? Was the War between the States a senseless act imposed by Lincoln not to preserve the union, but to murder 625,000+ true born Americans based on the South’s refusal to accept the tyranny of big Federal Government, resulting in punishment by death to the South and confiscation of its property through unpaid taxes or property seized for military/governmental reasons, later to be sold to carpetbaggers for pennies on the dollar, to collateralize Lincoln’s own promises? Were the people of the South actually right?

If you said no to any of these questions, then the American voice today is worthless, tea parties are worthless, Glenn Beck and Fox News is wrong and worthless. WAKE UP AMERICA! AMERICANS MUST NOT EMULATE LINCOLN. Justice Thomas made these comments at Washington and Lee College, near the crypt of the South’s beloved General Robert E. Lee CSA. Justice Thomas would be well advised to be more circumspect in his comments, for he may be contributing to the causes of a second Civil War. The nation must pray that this will never happen.

Who am I? I am a Ghost of the Confederacy. I heard you, Justice Thomas, and I have just turned over in my grave.

Your obedient servant and a voice of the South,

General Lee

Monday, September 21, 2009

Assuming Facts Not in Evidence

This is actually amazing legal history. How many other issues, in the history of the legal profession in America, can show a record of being thrown out, dismissed, contempt threats issued to the attorneys, and just basically demonstrate a national conspiracy by Federal Judges, than the issue of whether the man sitting in the Oval Office has a right to be there?

Federal judges, being appointed, have no fear of needing to be re-elected, nor have any sense of accountability to the public. They are only accountable to their puppet master, the one who appointed them, and who, through the Congress, can remove them if a charge can be "found". Judges are suppose to follow a standard of ethics, called a Code of Conduct.

Cannon 3 includes: A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned...

Based on some of the comments from the judges, there is no impartiality on this issue. In all the cases, all the judges refusing to proceed are guilty of assuming the facts. They are making a decision without hearing the evidence.

Monday, September 14, 2009

An Administration Built on Lies

I read in an article about the massive attendance of the DC rally on the 12th, that the "official word" from the White House is they were not aware of the rally taking place out side and down the street. What a crock of BS!

They know when there is ONE person on the sidewalk. Washington DC has many cameras on the streets around the White House. Since 2002, there have been 14 cameras in place which are used by the Metropolitan Police.

You can bet they called the Secret Service who notified everyone who needed to be notified. Do you really think it was just a coincidence the Obama's were not home this Sept 12th? Hell no! They knew the rally was being planned and people were coming.

They have people who watch Glenn Beck and the other shows which have been talking about the rally. So their official comment has to be a lie. No surprise here.

This administration is built on lies.

If it had not have been for the guts of Rep. Joe Wilson of SC, there would still be a loophole in the Health Care bill allowing illegals to be covered under "ObamaCare", therefore, at the time Rep. Wilson yelled out "You lie!", Obama was lying, and that means Wilson was telling the truth. He need not apologize for telling the truth. Thank God someone in Washington has the guts to speak up and tell the truth, even if the moment was traditionally inappropriate. The fact is, the truth is always appropriate, any time, any where.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why Now

I applaud U.S. District Judge David Carter, a former Marine, for going forward with the case of Obama's right to occupy the Oval Office.

In the WorldNet Daily article reporting on this, Jerome R. Corsi writes, "In the U.S. Justice Department's motion to dismiss, attorneys didn't address the concerns directly, but instead focused their efforts on technical procedures, suggesting the matter can't be decided in court and that the dozens of plaintiffs cannot demonstrate they have been injured by having Obama in the Oval Office."

To the Justice Department, I would beg to differ. There are millions of people who are being injured and in fact, there are generations of people who will be injured, by having Obama illegitimately in the Oval Office.

Just with Obama's billions of dollars in bail outs & by the Cap and Trade legislation, millions and millions of people are being injured and generations of people will suffer under his policies.

How can Obama go to sleep at night, knowing the unemployment rate is at an all time high with the exception of the Great Depression? Is he just oblivious to the plight of his fellow Americans? Or is he just aware of a certain segment of the American population's condition?

Proving how many AMERICANS are being harmed and will continue to be harmed by Obama being in the Oval Office is the easiest part of the equation.

And proving whether or not Obama actually meets the Constitutional requirements should be easy and should have been an open & shut issue, had not the Great and Wonderful Oz...er Obama, spent an embarrassing amount of money to seal every document, block every path and thwart every legal maneuver by those seeking to answer the one simple question. Where is the proof Obama meets the Constitutional criteria to be President?

So this brings up the point as to why now? Why does it NOW appear that the case for the proof of Obama's eligibility may actually go forward after all this time? Is it because his popularity is waning under the weight of the fallout he has generated? That because of him, more Americans are voicing their discontent and are viewing his policies with a more critical eye? Indeed, Obama has generated a great awaking of the American spirit for independence from big government and the sleeping public is asleep no longer. Below is a segment of an email exchange.

Original email: As badly as Obama's presidency is going I wonder if he will be impeached before the year is out. If he's too much of an embarrassment to the powerful people who's pulling his strings they just might cut him loose and let him fall. ...

Reply: It is possible, the reason this trial thing is now being able to move forward at all, is because the puppet masters over estimated the American public....mistaking their trust for apathy and when the people saw the signs and how close we were getting to socialism here, they moved out of their living rooms and into the streets.

Arlin Specter even remarked, about the tone of Town Hall meetings, that he has never seen anything like it before.

"They'll" need to wait another generation or even two before they can try this again. Because of Obama, people are rediscovering the Constitution, they are teaching their children, making their children suspect the government, ...nope..they'll have to wait until there is another lull in the population...or just have an out right civil war for control. And thanks to Obama, every gun and bullet is now in someones home...America has never been armed to the teeth as she is now. Thanks Obama!

So just how much damage has Obama caused to the hopeful agenda of those behind him? On March 6, 1991, President George Herbert Walker Bush stated in a televised address to Congress, "Now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a new world order...A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders." Has Obama damaged that prospect?

I think so.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh America, Where Art Thou?

My grandfather (1904-1989), during his lifetime, was able to own a gun with no registration of any form, the gun shop on the next block had no Federal Firearm license and the brothers who owned the shop refused to get one when the license requirement was first introduced. They operated for decades without one, until they were forced to close the shop due to their advanced age. They passed away many years ago.

My grandparents, with whom I lived, did not lock their doors when we left the house. I still have some of their old deposit slips, which have a space for, besides coins, gold and silver.

The only items they ever bought on credit was their home and their cars. They never owned a credit card.

Texans were not required to have a license to drive their vehicles until 1936, a full ten years after my grandparents were married, and he was a fireman. No license required to drive those trucks, first introduced in 1911.

What happened to this America?

The citizens, trusting the leaders they [thought] they had voted into office, turned their attention away from the actions of the politicians. My grandparents had their hands full raising 3 grandchildren, one of whom was physically and mentally retarded, or as the politically correct term is, handicapped.

During this time banks were forced to either join the Federal Reserve System or close. (See page 2 of Pub.L No. 63-43 This is a pdf file) and we lost the right to privately own gold from 1933 to 1974. (See: FDR, Thief of America's Gold)

Over the decades, slowly and steady, the march of socialism crept. Little by little, the memory fades and the schools stopped teaching allegiance to our country and our flag, as though it was a bad thing. Political correctness was exchanged for patriotism and nationalism for independence.

I am surprised at the number of people, the young and especially the old, who can not see the changes in our way of life, who fail to understand what is happening to the country they profess to love. Have they forgotten their roots? Have they forgotten their history?

Dismayed and bewildered, I wonder each day as I hear the day's news, Oh America, Where Art Thou?