Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Monday, September 14, 2009

An Administration Built on Lies

I read in an article about the massive attendance of the DC rally on the 12th, that the "official word" from the White House is they were not aware of the rally taking place out side and down the street. What a crock of BS!

They know when there is ONE person on the sidewalk. Washington DC has many cameras on the streets around the White House. Since 2002, there have been 14 cameras in place which are used by the Metropolitan Police.

You can bet they called the Secret Service who notified everyone who needed to be notified. Do you really think it was just a coincidence the Obama's were not home this Sept 12th? Hell no! They knew the rally was being planned and people were coming.

They have people who watch Glenn Beck and the other shows which have been talking about the rally. So their official comment has to be a lie. No surprise here.

This administration is built on lies.

If it had not have been for the guts of Rep. Joe Wilson of SC, there would still be a loophole in the Health Care bill allowing illegals to be covered under "ObamaCare", therefore, at the time Rep. Wilson yelled out "You lie!", Obama was lying, and that means Wilson was telling the truth. He need not apologize for telling the truth. Thank God someone in Washington has the guts to speak up and tell the truth, even if the moment was traditionally inappropriate. The fact is, the truth is always appropriate, any time, any where.

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