Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Olbermann Can't Think Like a Texian

I just got wind of this video by Keith Olbermann. I normally like what he says..for the most part but on the subject of Texas secession, he has it all wrong!

From the Huffington Post:

He sounds as though he is trying to make Texans afraid of the idea of secession, but if you listen again, I think he and others are the ones really fearful.

Since I could less about the sports issues he brought up, I won't address it. Someone else can do that.

All Texas would need to do is institute a 5% tax on goods and services crossing the border. Businesses in Texas, hiring Texans and keeping their jobs in Texas would be tax exempt.

Texas imports for 2005 (latest year I found) were $235,512,947,993.

"Last year, Texas exported more than $117 billion in products, 14.3% of total U.S. exports. Over the 1999-2004 Texas was the 20th fastest growing U.S. export state, posting a 7.1% annual growth rate.

On a per capita basis, Texas is the third most prolific exporting state--and despite significant population increases, the state increased its per capita exports over the period. In 2004, Texas firms exported over $5,200 per resident." -- 2005 Texas Exporters Resource Guide, Pg 8

Tax Exempt? How many companies would love to be headquartered where they didn't have to pay taxes? Think of the money for Research and Development? Medical research...scientific research...any research?

How many countries have embassies or consular offices in Texas?

Texas wouldn't need an Army as we would vote to do what the Swiss used to do, arm every citizen and each should maintain a month supply of ammo. We'd have the safest territory in the North American continent.

Once Texians are no longer feeding the Federal Reserve beast, they would have more money to pay off their bills and their homes, so there wouldn't be a drain on the nation. And since we would focus on personal responsibility, if you don't work, you don't eat and all the free loaders would go back to the US. If one were truly needy and unable to work due to physical or mental obstacles, the Church would be called upon to fulfill it's mandate by Christ to care for these people or there would be Charities..but there would not be government welfare.

See Your Life in the republic of Texas vs. Your life in THE STATE OF TEXAS/UNITED STATES

Now as for whether Texas can secede...the obvious answer is YES!

"The Congressional Records of both the Congress of the United States and Congress of the republic of Texas, between 1837 and 1845, show that there had been several attempts to bring Texas into a union with the United States; but due to the aggressive stances of several senators and congressmen, such as John Quincy Adams, they were able to prove on the U.S. Congressional Record that it would be unconstitutional for the United States to annex the Texas Nation or any other foreign nation without proper ratification of an amendment to the Constitution to allow for such annexation. But on February 27, 1845, the Senate of the United States usurped its authority under the U.S. Constitution and started the unlawful process to annex Texas, a foreign Nation. This usurpation of authority lacked any lawful foundation under International Law, Law of Nations and the United States Constitution. The U.S. senate was unable to muster enough votes to pass an unlawful treaty; so they proceeded to unlawfully annex the Texas Nation with a so-called joint resolution. There is a big difference between a Treaty and a Resolution. There has never been a lawful Treaty of Annexation between the united States of America and the republic of Texas. The records of these congressional proceedings during 1845 and early 1846 are quite explicit, with documented facts showing the unlawful annexation." -- Ed Brannum, A Nation Standing Under God is Re-Born

The truth is that once Texians got over the shock of actually being free from the socialistic nation they have been brainwashed into thinking was theirs, they will flourish and began to recreate the golden years of American prosperity.

Texas has everything going for it and we do NOT need Washington, D.C., Washington D.C. needs Texas.

Monday, May 25, 2009

California Gov. Seeks Bail Out Money Too

If you'll recall, the Democrats didn't think too much of the Tea Party wildfire that spread across America in April.

Seems California voters were thinking a great deal about it, as reported by WorldNet Daily.

"....the day after state voters rejected Schwarzenegger's spending ballot measures, the California Citizens Compensation Commission voted to slash pay for the governor, legislators and statewide officeholders by 18 percent." -- Californians revolt, slash governor's pay

Reportedly, California will now have to deport many of the illegals they have in the prisons. Why were they NOT deported when they were caught? How much money has been spent keeping these Mexican Nationals in the CA prison system? Try $970 million dollars, and that is only for 2009. (State seeks more federal aid for cost of keeping illegal immigrant inmates).

Now that Gov. Schwarzenegger will be going to Washington to petition for federal "bail out" money, perhaps his leverage will be the failure of Congress to deliver on it's 15 year old promise to help pay the cost of housing the illegals.

California will receive close to $440 million in stimlus funds, however it appears this money is specifically for water projects. Maybe they could come up with some creative ways of using the water funding to help bail out the state.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TX HB 2084: "Grandparent's Rights Devastation Act"

Texas House Bill 2084 is being sold to us as "Parental Rights Restoration". What a crock!

In truth, it is "Grandparent's Rights Devastation".

In order to find parents unfit, there must be more than "he said..she said...they said.." While accusations may get the state to have a look at a family, it is a far cry from enough to actually take the children away.

If there is enough EVIDENCE to remove the children, and the grandparents are willing to take them in, then who in their right mind would rather put their children with strangers?

If the grandparents are unfit, then by all means, the children should not be placed with them but, there should be a method of determining whether or not the grandparents are fit enough.

To pass legislation making a blanket ruling that ALL Texas grandparents should not be the first choice of where to place the child/ren when it has been determined the parent/s are not capable of caring for the child/ren, is unjust and places the children at risk.

Right now Texas is seeing an increase in the number of families suffering from stress and break-up due to the increased number of lay-offs, amount of debt, and lack of money.

Single mothers are seeing their child support payments being lowered because the father has either lost a job or received a pay cut. This places more stress on the mother, which in turn will place more stress on the children.

At a time when young families need the emotional and financial support of the grandparents, the last thing the State needs is to move against this segment of the population.

From a personal standpoint, I was raised by my father's parents and those were the happiest years of my life. From age 5 to 9, I knew more love and stability than I have ever found since leaving their home.

Any young parent who resents their parents or in-laws from being involved, should take a long look into the future, when they will be the grandparents and their children resent them.

Besides, from what I have seen of most of the people having children today, someone NEEDS to step in and protect the children from the self-indulgent, self-obsessed and immature adults passing themselves off as parents..before we raise an entire generation of sociopaths.

Click here to go to the petition against HB 2084

Primary Author Date Filed
King, Phil 03/02/2009

Joint Authors and the Date Signed On:
Hughes 03/02/2009
Anderson 03/16/2009
Isett 03/19/2009
Flynn 03/24/2009

Coauthors (14) and the Date Signed On:
Berman 04/01/2009
Brown, Fred 04/06/2009
Chavez 05/01/2009
Christian 04/06/2009
Crownover 04/01/2009
Davis, John 05/07/2009
Eissler 05/07/2009
Harless 04/02/2009
Legler 04/16/2009
Parker 04/01/2009
Sheffield 04/07/2009
Swinford 05/07/2009
Vaught 05/06/2009
Weber 05/07/2009

Call, fax, email your Legislators and let them know you do not support this bill!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

J. Zane Walley - We Sure Need You Now

The first time I saw Jay, I was covering a meeting of a local property rights group, in Truth-or-Consequences, NM. He was the key speaker and I was just blown away.

He told of his background in Tenn. where his grandfather had owned some choice land and how that land was basically "stolen". The land was condemned by the Tennessee River Valley Authority and then sold as river front lots!


The Green Scheme

Many years later, Jay went into law enforcement and became a detective or maybe it was a criminal investigator. I can't recall exactly. He eventually became a writer and wrote many articles for Range Magazine, even published in the Chicago Times.

His writings can be found in many issues of the Paragon Powerhouse newsletter. In Oct. 2005, he was awarded the "Paladin Award".

Jay is, without any doubt, one of the great champions in the fight to keep the government from Taking your private property, without a fight from you.

In Jan 2004, Jay suffered a stroke, which left him unable to continue his fight. I am sure this was viewed with a sigh of relief by those who support conservation easements.

I haven't seen to much about Jay in recent years and I sure hope he is recovering and will one day be in the fight again....we sure need him!