Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Usually when someone yells "EUREKA!", it signifies they have hit the "jackpot", found the gold, or otherwise was tremendously successful in whatever they were attempting to do.

Today, "EUREKA!" means "small town America standing against the Federal government". A type of David and Goliath event.

Eureka and nearby town, Arcata, both of California, have officially issued an ordinances, which may fly in the face of the "No Child Left Behind Act".

These two small towns apparently have a problem with the military recruiters approaching local minors.

The issue could be whether the provisions of the NCLB Act, tied to school funding, can reach outside the parameters of the school grounds.

Under the Act, schools receiving these federal funds MUST allow military recruiters access to the names, addresses and phone numbers of the students, UNLESS their parents have opted out. (Did you know you could Opt Out?)

What follows are two very revealing letters, which will help you to understand just how we have been hoodwinked by the seemingly caring hand of the federal government wanting to make sure all children receive an education.

Note: These are pdf files and you will need a pdf reader to see them.

DEAR COLLEAGUE, October 9, 2002


"Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing!", paraphased from Matthew 7:15

Sign the petiton:

Sign the YOUTH PROTECTION ACT online petition

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