Waiting for the dust to settle on the State of the Union Address has given me time to hear and read how Obama was received.
It is painfully obvious that the news media doesn't understand what is happening with American voters any more than the politicians in Washington D.C., whether Democrat or Republican.
The machines, both political and news media, can't seem to grasp the idea that Americans hold both parties to blame for the state of the nation and the constant blaming of the previous administration is like riding a dead horse. Every incoming administration blames the outgoing administration. This is a convenient explanation as to why the current administration can't make good on it's campaign promises.
This may have worked in days gone by but the people understand all too well what a cop out this is and they are sick of it. The bottom line is what the people care about. At the end of the day, it isn't party affiliation that counts as much as accomplishments, production, and action.
People will vote for the person they believe can get the job done. They don't give a damn if that person is Democrat or Republican. There is so little difference between the parties nowadays that you might as well say, "Are you voting for the blonde or the brunette?" Like who cares?
The system is set up so candidates must pick a party, and voters, if they want to vote in a primary, must choose one party or the other but in the end, they will vote for the person, not the party. This is the point the stuck-in-the-mental-rut machines can't get. This is why Obama won. This is why he will lose.
People are sick and tired of Do-Nothing-Republicans, so they needn't think they are safe in November either. Democrats who side with Biden, Reid, Pelosi and Obama can start packing up their offices now as their days are numbered.
The old cliché about "action talks and BS walks" should be the theme of the fall elections.
"Don't TELL me what you are going to do, SHOW me something!"
What Washington has shown us is that they don't care about what we have to say, they are going to do things their way.
Well, that is just fine. Do it your way because there is going to be hell to pay in November. Voters are biding their time and I predict a major turn out, maybe the largest in our history. And it would not surprise me to see some Independents win for a change.
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