Most of us have not felt these changes as yet because we live in the outer edges of the politicians direct reach. It will be when we try to access some service or maybe even during tax time, then we may "feel" it. The changes will trickle down to us.
Health Care. Personally, I have not had a job which offered insurance in over ten years. I pay as I go. I thank the good Lord that my health is excellent, in spite of the damage I have subjected it to over the years. Not having insurance is bad, but the larger issue of a free country is much more important than my having health insurance. To me, it is a no-brainer and I really do not understand why the people buying into this BS can't see the destruction they will have bestowed upon their country and their offspring.
People have allowed the propaganda to become their truth. They have allowed the real "evil doers" to tell them what is fact and what is not.
Global Warming. As we watch while our "leaders" bemoan the fate of the world because of Climate Change, telling us it is our fault, they jet around the world leaving a carbon footprint larger than some of us will leave in our entire lives. And how did this become MY fault? I am not a big industrialist like the Fords or Rockefellers. I have not personally contributed enough to the destruction of the climate just by being here. Why should the little guy be penalized and made to feel guilty about living and breathing? And why should we have to pay for anything?
If you want to hold some one accountable for this make believe science, then turn on the big guys. Al Gore may not have invented the Internet but he sure has learned how to capitalize on the "carbon footprint" hocus-pocus, smoke & mirrors illusion. His utility bills and expenditures point to an enormous "footprint", however, because he can buy a "license to pollute", commonly called "carbon credits", he can pollute all he wants and then deduct the credits and it appears he is neutral, when the truth is, he is a big polluter. The guy telling us it is our fault the poor polar bears are suffering is in fact a major contributor to their plight, if you use his theory.
SEE: "Al Gore's Carbon Footprint is Big" 2007
You will have to suffer because you won't be able to purchase the offsets, unless you have the money. But if you are out of work, are you really going to spend what money you have to offset your "footprint"? Not me.
How did we get to this point? How did we become so stupid? When did we start to believe the Emperor's new clothes were real?
One of the best points of 2010 will be the November elections. According to Rasmussen report, if the elections were held now, the Republicans would have 5 more seats.
The honeymoon is waning and maybe the people are waking up. One can only pray!
Be sure to see who is running in your area and support the candidate who supports the Constitution and is willing to fight to keep America free. Remember those who did not listen to your voices against Cap & Trade, Health Care, Bailouts, etc. Remember those who sold their votes! Remember who is getting all the stimulas money and where are all the promised jobs?

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