Scott Brown stated the voice of the "independent majority" had spoken and reminded all that he knew "this was the people's seat". These were buzz words, a message to Democrats everywhere that America is a nation of independent people and they are the real masters of the government, not the other way around.
The people of America are beginning to make good on their promise, "shove it down our throats in 2009, we'll shove it up your butt in 2010". Well, 2010 is here and they are coming.
Pelosi, Reid, Frank and all others had better hear the ringing sound of the "first shot" and comprehend the meaning, foresee the impact and stop smoking whatever it is that has been filling their heads with false illusions of grandeur.
No more backroom deals
No more terrorist leniency
No more sweet deals for special interest
No more closed door politics
No more socialistic legislation forced on Americans
There is a revolution in process and it is coming via the voting box. It is a is a guarantee, if Democrats try to rush the Health Care vote, it will be the nail in the coffin of individual careers all across America.

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