Drinking a cup of coffee and voicing an opinion, Quintessentially American

There are some things, which are mutually exclusive in their current state. A truth & a lie. A Christian & an Atheist. An American & an Obama supporter. IF you were to mutate the American, I suppose they could exist as an Obama supporter, however the principles of Socialism contradict the Rights enumerated in the Constitution, so there is no way a "loyal American" could ever support a "Socialist president", therefore it becomes an oxymoron.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

TSA Abuses 4yr Old

The "Federal" Transportation Security Administration hires people with no brains, no ability to think outside the black & white box. They can't assess a situation and figure out how to handle it. What part of "he can't walk without the leg braces ON" do they not get? Stupid, stupid service workers. They should be working at McDonalds!

They could have taken the child to a private room, had him completely searched, have an explosives dog sniff him ..anything except what they did. This burns my butt! This is tantamount to abuse in my book!

Did you hear about the Camden cop whose disabled son wasn't allowed to pass through airport security unless he took off his leg braces?

Unfortunately, it's no joke. This happened to Bob Thomas, a 53-year-old officer in Camden's emergency crime suppression team, who was flying to Orlando in March with his wife, Leona, and their son, Ryan.

Ryan was taking his first flight, to Walt Disney World, for his fourth birthday.

The boy is developmentally delayed, one of the effects of being born 16 weeks prematurely. His ankles are malformed and his legs have low muscle tone. In March he was just starting to walk.

Mid-morning on March 19, his parents wheeled his stroller to the TSA security point, a couple of hours before their Southwest Airlines flight was to depart.

The boy's father broke down the stroller and put it on the conveyor belt as Leona Thomas walked Ryan through the metal detector.

The alarm went off.

The screener told them to take off the boy's braces.

The Thomases were dumbfounded. "I told them he can't walk without them on his own," Bob Thomas said.

"He said, 'He'll need to take them off.' "

Ryan's mother offered to walk him through the detector after they removed the braces, which are custom-made of metal and hardened plastic.

No, the screener replied. The boy had to walk on his own. -- Another case of TSA overkill, by Daniel Rubin

Now, as if this wasn't enough, the boy's father spoke to the Supervisor who demonstrated he should also be working at McDonalds and THEN a PA cop showed up:

A Philadelphia police officer approached and asked what the problem was. Thomas said he identified himself and said he was a Camden officer. The Philadelphia officer suggested he calm down and enjoy his vacation.

Did you get the message there? "SHUT-UP, OBEY, COMPLY, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS, or something worse could happen here".

You may think this is nothing. You may think it is for our own good. You are wrong! We are witnessing the behaviour modification in process. We are seeing that we poor pitiful citizens have no rights on this country or expectation to be treated with respect or even like adults. We are nothing except "human resources" to work, feed the federal monster with taxes so the govt can continue to grow and oppress us. And we are allowing it to happen! We are helping it to happen by accepting "our fate"!

Don't believe me? Watch this 1 hr video. History IS repeating itself. We have seen this all before.

"The End of America" by Naomie Wolf

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